Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [OFFICIAL CATALOG]

Search Course Descriptions

Four-letter Course Codes-Undergraduate

The following is a listing of all undergraduate course codes. Click on the four-letter code to review the undergraduate courses within that discipline.

To find classes being offered for the upcoming semester, use the Class Search.

Graduate courses are found within the Graduate Catalog, Clinton School of Public Service Website, and the Law School Website.

Note: The subject code for courses previously identified by the SPCH subject code are now identified by the ACOM subject code. All courses taken prior to this change that bear the ACOM code still count toward all Applied communication major and minor requirement


Information Assurance

  • IFAS 2300 - Introduction to Information Assurance

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Study of information security for roles as security professionals and business decisionmakers. This course addresses knowledge areas of the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification, including need for security, legal and ethical issues, risk management, security technologies and tools, and personnel security maintenance.

    Prerequisites: RHET 1312 .
  • IFAS 3300 - Computer Forensics

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Study of the preservation, identification extraction, documentation, and interpretation of computer data following clear, well-defined methodologies and procedures. This course can be repeated for credit with a different theme.

    Prerequisites: IFAS 2300  and knowledge of Unix or Linux, as well as Windows operating systems.

Information Science

  • IFSC 1105 - First Year Experience for Computing Majors

    Two hours laboratory per week. One credit hours.

    This course builds a foundation for first-year and transfer students interested in the majors and options offered in computer science and information science. The student’s interests may be in software development, web design, cybersecurity, e-commerce, machine learning, data science, Virtual/Augmented Reality, or any of the other lucrative subdisciplines of the computing sciences. This course also introduces available resources and develops personal skills essential to life-long success through learning experiences and academic development both inside and outside of the classroom. Class sessions and assignments will foster problem-solving, team building, communication, and ethical and professional conduct. A service-learning project is required. 

  • IFSC 1110 - Introduction to Ethics

    One hours lecture. One credit hours.

    See PHIL 1110 .

  • IFSC 1202 - Introduction to Object-oriented Technology

    Two hours laboratory per week. Two credit hours.

    An introduction to application development using an integrated development environment with an emphasis on understanding object-oriented programming. Topics covered include programming fundamentals (sequence, decision, and repetition), working with forms and controls, and manipulating user input and elementary files. This is a laboratory computer-based course with hands-on exercises.

  • IFSC 1310 - Web Technologies

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    This course is an introduction to client-side technologies and standards-based web development. The course will cover the critical components of any website. Core components include Structure, Content, Presentation, and Behavior with particular attention paid to the design of a website. 

  • IFSC 2200 - Ethics in the Profession

    Two hours lecture. Two credit hours.

    This course is a survey of ethics and its applications to Engineering, Computing and Information Technology Professions. It has the twin objectives of (i) Studying professional code of ethics and the responsibilities that they place on technology professionals (ii) Investigating the background and implications of ethical concerns in the real-world professional environment.

  • IFSC 2300 - Object-oriented Technology

    Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory per week. Three credit hours.

    Computer programming in Java. Language used to implement applications that employ objects and demonstrate software development by refinement and inheritance. Topics include data types, control structures, repetitive structures; data structures including arrays, lists, queues, stacks, and trees; recursion and File I/O.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 1202  or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 2305 - Computer Systems

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    In-depth introduction to the components of a personal computer; topics include number systems, identification and organization of CPU, memory, and peripherals; cache technology; bus technology; upgrading, troubleshooting, and maintaining a personal computer. Incorporates hands-on laboratory experiences.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 1202  or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 2315 - Information Systems Software

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Computer operating system concepts including processor and memory management, multiprocessing and multiprogramming, inter-process communication, scheduling, virtual memory, device management, input/output, secondary storage and file management, and protection.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 2300  and IFSC 2305 .
  • IFSC 2340 - Human Computer Interface

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    In-depth study of building user interfaces; user requirements, design, aesthetics, and programming.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 1310  and IFSC 2300 , or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 3300 - Web Client Applications

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    A hands-on course focusing on the technologies and concepts for creating dynamic and interactive web sites with a special emphasis on client-side technologies. Topics will cover techniques such as how to build efficient and dynamic interactive user interfaces, how to interface with data using standardized, portable formats, how to store/validate data and how to make data more accessible to other applications. 

    Prerequisites: Prerequisite: IFSC 1310 , MCOM 3310 , ARST 4348 , ITEC 3610  or equivalent Web Design course, along with a course that covers programming fundamentals like IFSC 1202 , CPSC 1375 , BINS 4312 , ITEC 3650  or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 3315 - Applied Networking

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    This course provides a comprehensive understanding of networks, internet applications, and their underlying hardware architecture and software theories. Topics include network protocols, data communication concepts, packet switching technologies, internet protocols, and network issues such as performance, security, and management. Lab exercises are used to demonstrate how network concepts are implemented in practice.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 2300  or equivalent or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 3320 - Database Concepts

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Offers an introduction to the fundamentals and use of relational databases and focuses on four major topics: ER-diagram, relational algebra, SQL language and Oracle.

    Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 3330 - Current Trends in Database Technology

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Current trends in database design and management emphasizing typical applications in business, medicine, and science. Survey of modern database technologies including object-related database technology, query processing and optimization, transaction processing concepts, concurrency control techniques, database security and authorization, data mining, data warehousing, and web search engine technology. Discussion of database management and distributed database management issues.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 3320  or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 3342 - Mobile Web Development

    2 hours lecture. 1 hours laboratory per week. Total 3 credit hours.

    This course will take an in-depth look at modem web technologies used in the creation of standards-based websites for use on desktop and mobile devices. We will evaluate and test many approaches in an effort to establish maintainable workflows and create highly usable sites using a “Mobile First” design philosophy. In addition, this course will explore various tools for testing, versioning and distributing project assets.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 1310  or Instructor Approval.
  • IFSC 3360 - System Analysis and Design

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Fundamental concepts of object-oriented software analysis and design including requirements specification, analysis, and design of software; issues in software reuse, software packaging, and software management.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 2300  or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 3391 - Junior Cooperative Education I

    Three credit hours.

    This course may be substituted for a major elective with the consent of the chairperson. Work experience to complement and extend the classroom experience through the application of a student’s academic experiences in a professional information technology environment. A minimum of 200 hours of work with the participating employer is required. The exact number of hours per week, activities, and responsibilities are dependent on the nature of the work experience and must be specified in written agreements coordinated with the Office of Cooperative Education.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing in information science or completion of the Information Technology Minor.
  • IFSC 3392 - Junior Cooperative Education II

    Three credit hours.

    This course is designed as a continuing cooperative learning experience beyond IFSC 3391  and may be substituted for a major elective with the consent of the chairperson. Work experience to complement and extend the classroom experience through the application of a student’s academic experiences in a professional information technology environment. A minimum of 200 hours of work with the participating employer is required. The exact number of hours per week, activities, and responsibilities are dependent on the nature of the work experience and must be specified in written agreements coordinated with the Office of Cooperative Education.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing in information science or completion of the Information Technology Minor.
  • IFSC 4100 - Independent Study

    One, two, three, four, five, or six credit hours.

    Individual research by the advanced student. Topics determined on the basis of faculty interest and availability. Two to four hours per week per credit hour. the exact time and nature of the experience depends on the subject matter and is agreed upon at the beginning of the term by the student and the instructor. Agreement must be in writing and filed with the chairperson. Maximum of six credit hours can be applied toward IFSC major requirements. May be repeated.

    Prerequisites: consent of chairperson.
  • IFSC 4199 - Special Topics

    One, two, three, or four hours lecture. One, two, three, or four credit hours.

    Advanced, specialized topics of current interest in information science. May be repeated up to a maximum of 12 credit hours counting toward the major. Dual listed in the Graduate Catalog as IFCI 5199, 5299, 5399, 5499.

    Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 4200 - Independent Study

    One, two, three, four, five, or six credit hours.

    Individual research by the advanced student. Topics determined on the basis of faculty interest and availability. Two to four hours per week per credit hour. the exact time and nature of the experience depends on the subject matter and is agreed upon at the beginning of the term by the student and the instructor. Agreement must be in writing and filed with the chairperson. Maximum of six credit hours can be applied toward IFSC major requirements. May be repeated.

    Prerequisites: consent of chairperson.
  • IFSC 4299 - Special Topics

    One, two, three, or four hours lecture. One, two, three, or four credit hours.

    Advanced, specialized topics of current interest in information science. May be repeated up to a maximum of 12 credit hours counting toward the major. Dual listed in the Graduate Catalog as IFCI 5199, 5299, 5399, 5499.

    Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 4300 - Independent Study

    One, two, three, four, five, or six credit hours.

    Individual research by the advanced student. Topics determined on the basis of faculty interest and availability. Two to four hours per week per credit hour. the exact time and nature of the experience depends on the subject matter and is agreed upon at the beginning of the term by the student and the instructor. Agreement must be in writing and filed with the chairperson. Maximum of six credit hours can be applied toward IFSC major requirements. May be repeated.

    Prerequisites: consent of chairperson.
  • IFSC 4301 - Information, Computing, and the Future

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Topics on information and computing and their interactions with society. Emphasizes the history and present status of information and computing technologies and their implications for possible future changes in the profession, the field, and society. Includes discussion of change as a factor in personal career preparation, goals, and activities. Topics may vary based on student interest and current events. Cross listed as TINV 4302 .

  • IFSC 4325 - Data Mining Concepts and Techniques

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    In-depth, practical coverage of essential data mining topics, including knowledge discovery and the data mining process, data pre-processing, classification and prediction, as well as cluster analysis. The course will focus on popular and advanced data mining algorithms and models including decision trees, support vector machines, neural networks, Bayesian networks, K-means and density-based spatial clustering (DBSCAN). Advanced topics include information retrieval, text mining, social network analysis, and applications in several fields. Moreover, the course will use popular data mining software to give students hands-on experience in mining data. 

    Prerequisites: IFSC 3320  or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 4330 - Database Security

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Focus on security issues in databases systems and introduction of how current and future commercial systems may be designed to ensure secrecy and confidentiality. Topics include security models, basic security mechanisms and software, statistical database security, intrusion detection, security models for next generation databases, tested techniques and proven strategies for securing an Oracle environment — from the operating system to the database to the network, and how to implement security using Oracle’s built-in tools.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 3330  or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 4339 - Network Security

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    This course provides students with a concise and in-depth overview of security issues in current computer networks. It first gives a brief introduction of cryptographic algorithms and protocols underlying network security applications, including encryption, hash function, public key algorithm, digital signatures, and key exchanges. Then, it focuses on the security issues in current computer networks as well as network security tools and applications. The course will cover network intrusion/detection techniques and systems.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 3315  or CPSC 3384  or SYEN 3332  or MGMT 4310, or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 4345 - Information Visualization

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    The design and presentation of information. Use of graphics, animation, sound, visualization software, and hypermedia in helping users understand information. Methods of presenting complex information to enhance comprehension and analysis. Incorporation of visualization techniques into human-computer interfaces.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1451 and IFSC 2300, or consent of the instructor.
  • IFSC 4350 - Electronic Commerce

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    Seminar style course designed for student to be able to describe and apply different electronic commerce business models. Understand technologies in electronic commerce, including the Internet and WWW, security systems, electronic payment systems, and intelligent agents.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 1310  or ITEC 3610  or equivalent and junior standing or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 4360 - Social Computing

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    A hands-on course focusing on concepts of the social and information networks, Web as graph, models (such as Power law distribution, scale-free models, preferential attachment models, etc.) that simulate behavioral characteristics of these graphs, basic graph theoretical concepts, characteristics of social media and Web 2.0 or the Social Web (such as blogs, microblogging, social friendship networks, social bookmarking, social news, social media sharing, wikis, etc.), understanding and developing API and mashups, issues and challenges in data crawling and web analytics, network data visualization, exposure to information extraction and retrieval concepts aiming at the highly dynamic and noisy nature of social media, harnessing the collective and web intelligence, and basic concepts of cloud computing.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 1310  and IFSC 2300 , or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 4365 - Web Server Applications

    Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

    A programming course focusing on the technologies and concepts for creating dynamic and interactive web sites with an emphasis on server-side technologies using a modern web server language. Topics will include web languages, form interaction, form validation, querying a database, web security, and standardized data formats such as XML and JSON. 

    Prerequisites: IFSC 3300  or Instructor Consent.
  • IFSC 4376 - Applied Cryptography

    Three credit hours.

    See CPSC 4376  Applied Cryptography

  • IFSC 4391 - Senior Cooperative Education I

    Three credit hours.

    Work experience to complement and extend the classroom experience through the application of a student’s academic experiences in information science in a professional information technology environment. A minimum of 200 hours of work with the participating employer is required. The exact number of hours per week, activities, and responsibilities are dependent on the nature of the work experience and must be specified in written agreements coordinated with the Office of Cooperative Education.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing in information science and consent of chairperson if substituted for a major elective.
  • IFSC 4392 - Senior Cooperative Education II

    Three credit hours.

    This course is designed as a continuing cooperative learning experience beyond IFSC 4391 . Work experience to complement and extend the classroom experience through the application of a student’s academic experiences in information science in a professional information technology environment. A minimum of 200 hours of work with the participating employer is required. The exact number of hours per week, activities, and responsibilities are dependent on the nature of the work experience and must be specified in written agreements coordinated with the Office of Cooperative Education.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing in information science and consent of chairperson if substituted for a major elective.
  • IFSC 4395 - Internship

    Three or six credit hours.

    Prerequisites: junior or senior standing in information science and consent of the chairperson if substituted for a major elective. Professional experience related to the student’s major emphasis under supervision of an advisor. A minimum of four hours work on site per week for each credit hour. Advisor files a grade contract with the chairperson.
  • IFSC 4396 - Capstone Project I

    Three credit hours.

    Capstone course in which student teams do an analysis of a live information system, document and present their conclusions. Projects are chosen at the end of IFSC 3330 . Teams coordinate their efforts on a sponsor’s site and make regular report to the instructor. Classroom meetings are held as necessary to conduct orientations and hear presentations.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 3330  and IFSC 3360 .
  • IFSC 4398 - Capstone Project II

    Three credit hours.

    Continued capstone course in which student teams pursue the design and implementation of system improvements identified in IFSC 4396 . Deliverables and schedule are determined by the instructor. Classroom meetings are held as necessary to conduct orientations and hear presentations.

    Prerequisites: IFSC 4396 .
  • IFSC 4399 - Special Topics

    One, two, three, or four hours lecture. One, two, three, or four credit hours.

    Advanced, specialized topics of current interest in information science. May be repeated up to a maximum of 12 credit hours counting toward the major. Dual listed in the Graduate Catalog as IFCI 5199, 5299, 5399, 5499.

    Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 4400 - Independent Study

    One, two, three, four, five, or six credit hours.

    Individual research by the advanced student. Topics determined on the basis of faculty interest and availability. Two to four hours per week per credit hour. the exact time and nature of the experience depends on the subject matter and is agreed upon at the beginning of the term by the student and the instructor. Agreement must be in writing and filed with the chairperson. Maximum of six credit hours can be applied toward IFSC major requirements. May be repeated.

    Prerequisites: consent of chairperson.
  • IFSC 4499 - Special Topics

    One, two, three, or four hours lecture. One, two, three, or four credit hours.

    Advanced, specialized topics of current interest in information science. May be repeated up to a maximum of 12 credit hours counting toward the major. Dual listed in the Graduate Catalog as IFCI 5199, 5299, 5399, 5499.

    Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
  • IFSC 4500 - Independent Study

    One, two, three, four, five, or six credit hours.

    Individual research by the advanced student. Topics determined on the basis of faculty interest and availability. Two to four hours per week per credit hour. the exact time and nature of the experience depends on the subject matter and is agreed upon at the beginning of the term by the student and the instructor. Agreement must be in writing and filed with the chairperson. Maximum of six credit hours can be applied toward IFSC major requirements. May be repeated.

    Prerequisites: consent of chairperson.
  • IFSC 4600 - Independent Study

    One, two, three, four, five, or six credit hours.

    Individual research by the advanced student. Topics determined on the basis of faculty interest and availability. Two to four hours per week per credit hour. the exact time and nature of the experience depends on the subject matter and is agreed upon at the beginning of the term by the student and the instructor. Agreement must be in writing and filed with the chairperson. Maximum of six credit hours can be applied toward IFSC major requirements. May be repeated.

    Prerequisites: consent of chairperson.
  • IFSC 4695 - Internship

    Three or six credit hours.

    Prerequisites: junior or senior standing in information science and consent of the chairperson if substituted for a major elective. Professional experience related to the student’s major emphasis under supervision of an advisor. A minimum of four hours work on site per week for each credit hour. Advisor files a grade contract with the chairperson.

Integrated Grad Science

  • IGSC 1101 - FE: Step 1-Inquiry Approaches to Teaching

    An introduction to the theory and practice necessary to design and deliver quality inquiry-based science and mathematics instruction that provides the scaffold for the early field experience. In this one hour credit course, the instructor or master teacher and the elementary school mentor teacher emphasize both inquiry and classroom management techniques . This course satisfies the first year colloquium requirement. Step 1 invites candidates to explore teaching as a career. With the guidance of the instructor, in Step 1, candidates teach science or math lessons in upper elementary classrooms to obtain firsthand experience with planning and implementing inquiry-based curriculum. Master teachers teach Step 1, so candidates have direct access to accomplished teachers holding certificates who love teaching and who believe that teaching is a rewarding career choice. Local public school elementary classrooms provide the future teachers with a first taste of teaching in a supportive, diverse environment. Candidates shall be required to submit to a criminal background check.

  • IGSC 1101 - Step 1: Inquiry Teaching (FYC)

    One credit hours.

    Prepare, implement and reflect on lessons designed to teach elementary students to obtain and analyze data. (qualifies as a Freshman Experience Course)

  • IGSC 1102 - Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (Step 2)

    This course (Step 2) continues the exploration of teaching careers in a middle school environment that began in SCED/IGSC 1101 (Step 1). In this one hour credit course, students observe a lesson taught by a middle school mentor teacher, and then plan and teach three inquiry-based middle school lessons with a partner. Students build on and practice lesson design skills developed in the Step 1 course while also becoming familiar with science or mathematics curricula for the middle school setting. Students demonstrate their own content knowledge in developing the lesson plans. As a result of their classroom experiences, students reflect on the observation and their teaching. At the end of the Step 2 experience, students are generally ready to make a decision about whether they want to pursue a pathway to teacher certification.

    Prerequisites: SCED/IGSC 1101.
  • IGSC 1102 - Step 2: Inquiry Lesson Design

    One credit hours.

    Prepare, implement and reflect on lessons aligned with district math and/or science curriculum at the middle/junior high school level.

  • IGSC 4101 - Integrated Science Pedagogy Practicum

    The course is one hour credit hours.

    The purpose of the course is to apply the principles learned in the science pedagogy lecture into a 712 classroom. The course will consist of a total of 30 hours of observation in a K-12 classroom setting under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, teaching at least 2 lessons with observation by a TESS trained university supervisor. The cooperating teacher will also evaluate the candidate based on a provided rubric. The candidate is to be responsible for creating a portfolio documenting his/her teaching improvement process.

    Prerequisite/Concurrent: IGSC 4301 /5301 (Integrated Science Pedagogy).
  • IGSC 4301 - Integrated Science Pedagogy

    Integrated Science Pedagogy prepares prospective teachers to teach science content with the best-practice pedagogical methods. Prospective teachers will develop and deliver STEM-integrated, student centered lessons, develop lab investigations and assessments employing safety measures, problem-solving, and inquiry-based learning. The course will be team-taught. The course is 3 credit hours.

    Prerequisite/Concurrent: IGSC 4101 /5101 (one credit hour) is required.
  • IGSC 4386 - STEM Methodologies

    Three credit hours.

    Design and carry out independent inquiries employing the tools used by scientists and mathematicians.

  • IGSC 4388 - Functions and Modeling

    Three credit hours.

    Engage in explorations and lab activities designed to strengthen and expand your knowledge of secondary mathematics topics. ** For Math Majors Only

Interpreting For The Deaf

  • INTR 1320 - American Sign Language I

    Three credit hours.

    A web enhanced elementary course in American Sign Language (ASL) using a natural language approach to introduce culturally appropriate signed concepts related to the immediate environment. Common communicative events and interactions are utilized to acquire a basic working vocabulary and grammar. Includes development of appropriate linguistic/cultural behaviors and awareness of/and respect for Deaf Culture. Receptive and expressive skills are fostered through interactive ASL lessons without voice.

  • INTR 1321 - American Sign Language II

    Three credit hours.

    An intermediate ASL course progressing from common, concrete communicative events and interactions to language usage expressing abstract ideas. Emphasis is on the comprehension and production of increasingly complex linguistic structure focusing on dialogues and conversational expressions. More complex receptive and expressive skills are fostered through interactive ASL lessons without voice.

    Prerequisites: INTR 1320  with a grade of C or greater.
  • INTR 1340 - Deaf Culture

    Three credit hours.

    An interdisciplinary study of American Deaf culture and the factors that contribute to defining the Deaf Community as a cultural minority, focusing on an awareness and understanding of cultural diversity and preservation of language. Covers the cultural identity, group norms, rules of social interaction, values, and traditions held by members who are deaf. Societal attitudes regarding deafness and issues such as cultural oppression and language power by the majority culture will be discussed, as well as the contributions of folklore, literature, plays and works of art made by persons who are deaf to the larger American culture and to their own community organizations. The impact of modern technology, emerging issues, trends, and advocacy with the Deaf Community are presented.

  • INTR 2240 - Specialized Terminology

    Two credit hours.

    Students will acquire skills and vocabulary for interpreting in specialized settings such as medical, mental health, legal, rehabilitation, counseling, technical and religious fields. Emphasis is on acquisition of specific terminology, concepts and protocol in each area.

    Prerequisites: Interpretation INTR 2320 , or permission of program coordinator.
  • INTR 2280 - Fingerspelling

    Two credit hours.

    A course designed to develop expressive and receptive fingerspelling skills. Emphasis will be on whole-word and phrase recognition, as well as on reading fingerspelling embedded in signed sentences. Expressive skills will focus on attainment of normal speed, clarity, and fluency. Extensive interaction and drills with the instructor-student( s) will enhance receptive and expressive speed and skill. Videotaped fingerspelling lessons of varying speeds embedded in sentences will be utilized for practice of receptive comprehension.

    Prerequisites: INTR 1320 .
  • INTR 2320 - American Sign Language III

    Three credit hours.

    This course is a continuation of the Signing Naturally curriculum. Emphasis is on the development of fluent conversational skills utilizing grammatical nonmanual signals and markers. Students will learn how to narrate, describe, compare, and comment. Videotaped narratives of native language users are utilized to build students’ comprehension skills and to review language features taught in class. Interactive ASL lessons without voice lead to expanded vocabulary mastery and fluency.

    Prerequisites: INTR 1321  with a grade of C or greater.
  • INTR 2321 - American Sign Language IV

    Three credit hours.

    An advanced ASL performance course integrating cultural and linguistic competencies ranging from informal to formal communication events. Emphasis is on greater fluency in idiomatic language usage and mastery of vocabulary and syntax. Linguistic competence is enhanced through interactive discourse with native language users.

    Prerequisites: INTR 2320  with a grade of C or greater.
  • INTR 2330 - Manually Coded English in Educational Settings

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to expose students to a variety of signed English systems. Students learn the rules governing the selection of signs and the rationale for sign language systems in the educational setting. Focus is on learning Signing Exact English (SEE II) as adopted by educational systems and state schools for the deaf.

    Prerequisites: INTR 1321 .
  • INTR 2344 - Comparative Linguistics: ASL and English

    Three credit hours.

    This course introduces students to the basic concepts of linguistics: phonology, morphology, syntax, and language use. Students will compare and contrast the fundamental linguistic structures of American Sign Language and English and learn to think critically about languages and language use.

    Prerequisites: INTR 2320 , INTR 2330 .
  • INTR 3320 - American Sign Language V

    This is an advanced ASL performance course integrating cultural and linguistic competencies ranging from informal to formal communication. Emphasis is on fluency in idiomatic language usage and mastery of vocabulary and syntax. Linguistic competence is enhanced through interactive discourse with native language users.

    Prerequisites: The completion of an Associate of Science in American Sign Language Studies, and an Intermediate level on the Signed Communication Proficiency Interview (SCPI).
    Corequisites: INTR 3344 .
  • INTR 3344 - Interpretation Theory and Process

    Three credit hours.

    This course uses a process-oriented approach to applying the essential cognitive strategies to interpretation. These strategies include organizing and manipulating visual images, analyzing message for meaning, and self-monitoring for message accuracy. The course serves as a transition from language learning to beginning interpretation from American Sign Language to English.

    Prerequisites: INTR 2342.
    Corequisites: INTR 2321 .
  • INTR 3347 - Introduction to Interpreting

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to provide students with a working knowledge of the profession of interpreting, including the Code of Professional Conduct, certification criteria, the roles and responsibilities of an interpreter, and compensation. Discussions of the role of the interpreter in a variety of professional settings including educational, medical, legal, rehabilitation and mental health.

    Prerequisites: The completion of an Associate of Science in American Sign Language Studies.
  • INTR 3350 - Artistic Interpreting in Educational Settings

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to teach students the skills needed to interpret music, prose, poetry, and drama in a visually artistic manner. Emphasizes appropriate use of conceptually accurate signs, facial expression, movement, and rhythm.

    Prerequisites: INTR 1321 .
  • INTR 3364 - Sign to Voice Interpreting/Transliterating

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to develop skills in sign to voice interpreting for persons who are deaf. Students will learn to voice simultaneously and consecutively when viewing videotapes of native signers who use a variety of signing modalities to communicate. Audiotapes provide students with immediate feedback.

    Prerequisites: Interpretation INTR 3320 , INTR 3344 , 3346.
  • INTR 3366 - Voice to Sign Interpreting/Transliterating

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to develop interpreting and transliterating skills through the use of interactive videotapes and audiotapes. Students also will learn to select and assess appropriate modality and language levels. Emphasis will be on the process of interpreting and developing fluency, speed, and accuracy.

    Prerequisites: INTR 3320 , INTR 3344  and INTR 3346.
  • INTR 3372 - Interpreting for Persons who are Hard of Hearing

    Three credit hours.

    A study of the mechanics of and skills needed for interpreting for persons who are deaf and hard of hearing and use assistive listening technology, oral transliterating, Cued Speech, or speech to text services. Students will develop and practice appropriate techniques necessary for interpreting for persons who are deaf and hard of hearing, who do not know sign language and who use the above methods for communication.

    Prerequisites: INTR 3346.
  • INTR 3380 - Introduction to Interpreting Research

    Three credit hours.

    This course is designed to introduce students to the process of conducting research, quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, and the process of reporting research results. Students will learn ethical practices in the conduct of research. Students will critically evaluate research in the fields of sign language linguistics and spoken and sign language interpreting research.

    Prerequisites: INTR 2350, INTR 2344 , or permission of the program coordinator.
  • INTR 4102 - Workshop

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special topics.

  • INTR 4108 - Independent Study

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special topics.

    Prerequisites: consent of coordinator.
  • INTR 4202 - Workshop

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special topics.

  • INTR 4208 - Independent Study

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special topics.

    Prerequisites: consent of coordinator.
  • INTR 4302 - Workshop

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special topics.

  • INTR 4308 - Independent Study

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special topics.

    Prerequisites: consent of coordinator.
  • INTR 4330 - Interpreting I

    Three credit hours.

    This course is an intermediate level interpreting skills course designed to enhance both linguistic competencies and interpreting skills. This course is divided into four 3week blocks with each block focusing on a specific topic/setting. Business practices regarding self-employment and record keeping will be infused into each learning block. Students will practice specialized vocabulary, participate in simulated interpreting experiences, apply ethical decision making, tour environments and interact with professionals from targeted settings: medical, video relay/employment, social services, religious and business.

    Prerequisites: The completion of INTR 3364 , INTR 3366 , QAST Level I/I or equivalent interpreting credential.
  • INTR 4332 - Interpreting II

    This course is an advanced level interpreting skills course designed to enhance both linguistic competencies and interpreting skills. This course is divided into four 3-week blocks with each block focusing on a specific topic/setting. Business practices regarding self-employment and record keeping will be in fused into each learning block. Students will practice specialized vocabulary, participate in simulated interpreting experiences, apply ethical decision making, tour environments and interact with professionals from targeted settings: video relay and video remote interpreting, government agencies, mental health and legal.

    Prerequisites: INTR 4330 , INTR 4370 .
  • INTR 4346 - Principles of Educational Interpreting

    Three credit hours.

    Issues related to interpreting in classrooms at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels. Students will analyze the major transitions from childhood to adolescence to adulthood and the changes required in professional roles, responsibilities, and ethical decision-making. Topics will include: working with children and adolescents, their parents, and educators; sign systems used in educational settings; educational goals and language policies; certification issues; working conditions; analyzing classroom interpreting tasks; and knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for educational interpreting.

    Prerequisites: INTR 3380 , QAST Level I/I or equivalent, or permission of program coordinator.
  • INTR 4358 - Interpreting for Persons who are Deaf-Blind

    Three credit hours.

    Students will study the major causes of deaf-blindness and the impact of deaf-blindness on communication, mobility and life styles. Emphasis is on learning and practicing the various modes of communication used by persons who are deafblind for interpreters and intervenors. Students will become familiar with human guide techniques and the aids and devices available to persons who are deafblind. Tactile forms of communication will be emphasized during role play situations. A service-learning component will provide the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge and skills in real life situations, while meeting community need. Reflective discussion and writing is emphasized throughout the course.

    Prerequisites: INTR 3364 , INTR 3366 , QAST I/I or equivalent.
  • INTR 4370 - Ethical Standards for Interpreters

    Three credit hours.

    A course designed to teach and practice a model for ethical decision making within the field of interpretation. Students will study codes from international interpreting organizations, the NADRlD Code of Professional Conduct, the QAST Code of Ethics, and the Arkansas Code for interpreters in the judiciary. The RlD Ethical Practices System will be reviewed. Various interpreting scenarios presenting ethical dilemmas will be discussed and/or roleplayed applying the Humphrey/Alcorn Decision-Making Model to the NADRID Code of Professional Conduct.

    Prerequisites: INTR 3364 , INTR 3366  and QAST Level l/1, or permission of program coordinator.
  • INTR 4380 - Advanced Transliteration: English – English

    Three credit hours.

    Continuation of sign to voice and voice to sign transliterating skills development. Course includes practice in appropriate sign/spoken vocabulary selection, the matching or register in the formal setting, and quality voice production. Students will focus on transliterating signed/spoken English in highly technical situations and develop specialized vocabulary in areas typically utilizing transliterators.

    Prerequisites: INTR 4330 , INTR 4370 , QAST Level I/I or equivalent, or permission of program coordinator.
    Corequisites: INTR 4382 . Restricted to students who have been admitted to the Interpretation program.
  • INTR 4382 - Advanced Interpretation: ASL – English

    Three credit hours.

    Continuation of the interpretation process between ASL and English including application of process skills, contrastive ASLEnglish linguistics, contrastive cultural analysis, and teaming skills for the consecutive and simultaneous interpretation process. Designed to include practice of requisite skills and process tasks of increased complexity with unplanned and planned language samples, such as dialogues, monologues, interviews, and lectures from a variety of interpreting settings.

    Prerequisites: INTR 4330 , INTR 4370 , QAST Level I/I or equivalent, or permission of program coordinator.
    Corequisites: INTR 4380 . Restricted to students who have been admitted to the Interpretation program.
  • INTR 4384 - Interpreting Academic Subjects

    Three credit hours.

    Acquisition of interpreting/transliterating skills across a variety of academic subjects commonly taught in elementary through postsecondary settings. Emphasis on incorporating and pairing conceptually accurate sign usage within a variety of English-bound sign systems, as well as acquisition of specialized sign vocabulary for academic content areas.

    Prerequisites: INTR 4330 , INTR 4370 , INTR 4346 , QAST Level I/I or equivalent, or permission of program coordinator. Restricted to students who have been admitted to the Interpretation program.
  • INTR 4770 - Internship

    Seven credit hours.

    Practical experience in settings such as educational, rehabilitation, community service centers, and agencies serving children, adolescents, and/or adults who are deaf or hard of hearing. Designed to provide students with the opportunity to synthesize practical and academic experiences gained during the in-residence portion of the program. The site, supervision, and plan of activity will be agreed upon mutually by student and instructor before the semester begins.

    Prerequisites: Completion of all B.A. requirements.

International Studies

  • INTS 2301 - World Cultures

    Three credit hours.

    A study of traditional culture of major world areas emphasizing values and systems that lead to cultural unity and cultural diversity, followed by a study of the modernization of each culture and the extent to which the cultures have interacted and changed as a result of intercultural contact during the 19th and 20th centuries.

  • INTS 2302 - Global Issues

    Three credit hours.

    A study of issues of concern throughout the modern world, the reaction of cultural entities to those issues, global dynamics, and the ways in which international assessments are made.

  • INTS 2303 - Introduction to Globalization

    Three credit hours.

    This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the many different facets of globalization. The course will introduce students to a range of major issues related to globalization, such as transnational trade and financial flows, cultural change and Americanization, climate change and the environment, international law and organizations, transnational crime and disease, and inequality. We will examine important debates about globalization and consider how different social science disciplines attempt to understand the richness and evolving nature of global political, economic, and cultural patterns. Students will learn to distinguish among different theoretical explanations for understanding globalization, think critically about their strengths and weaknesses, and apply them to a range of historical and contemporary issues.

  • INTS 3321 - Topics in Modern International Studies

    Three credit hours.

    This course addresses a set of important contemporary and/or historical global or regional issues. The specific focus of the course will vary from time to time. It may be repeated for credit if the content is different.

  • INTS 3350 - Cooperative Education Work Experience I

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to complement and extend the classroom learning experience through application of theoretical concepts in a professional work environment with an international dimension. The exact number of work hours, activities, and responsibilities is dependent on the nature of the work experience and must be specified in a written agreement between employer and student in coordination with the Office of Cooperative Education.

    Prerequisites: major in international studies, INTS 2301 , INTS 2302 , ECON 2321, FREN, GERM, or SPAN 2312, at least six upper-level required international studies hours, basic computer literacy, and consent of the international studies coordinator.
  • INTS 3351 - Cooperative Education Work Experience II

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to complement and extend the classroom learning experience through application of theoretical concepts in a professional work environment with an international dimension. The exact number of work hours, activities, and responsibilities is dependent on the nature of the work experience and must be specified in a written agreement between employer and student in coordination with the Office of Cooperative Education.

    Prerequisites: major in international studies, INTS 2301 , INTS 2302 , ECON 2321, FREN, GERM, or SPAN 2312, at least six upper-level required international studies hours, basic computer literacy, and consent of the international studies coordinator.
  • INTS 4101 - Senior Research Project

    One credit hours.

    Proposal. Required for international studies majors. An independent research project that is completed over two semesters under the guidance of a faculty supervisor whose field is related to the proposed area of investigation. The project has three components, consisting of a proposal (4101), a formal paper (INTS 4102 ), and an oral presentation (INTS 4103 ), each providing one hour of academic credit. A student may enroll in INTS 4102 , INTS 4103  only after completing an acceptable proposal (INTS 4101) in the previous semester.

  • INTS 4102 - Senior Research Project

    Three credit hours.

    Formal Paper. Required for international studies majors. An independent research project that is completed over two semesters under the guidance of a faculty supervisor whose field is related to the proposed area of investigation. The project has three components, consisting of a proposal (INTS 4101 ), a formal paper (4102), and an oral presentation (INTS 4103 ), each providing one hour of academic credit. A student may enroll in INTS 4102, INTS 4103  only after completing an acceptable proposal (INTS 4101 ) in the previous semester.

  • INTS 4103 - Senior Research Project

    One credit hours.

    Oral Presentation. Required for international studies majors. An independent research project that is completed over two semesters under the guidance of a faculty supervisor whose field is related to the proposed area of investigation. The project has three components, consisting of a proposal (INTS 4101 ), a formal paper (INTS 4102 ), and an oral presentation (4103), each providing one hour of academic credit. A student may enroll in INTS 4102 , 4103 only after completing an acceptable proposal (INTS 4101 ) in the previous semester.

  • INTS 4300 - Seminar

    Three credit hours.

    For international studies majors. An integrative, in-depth study of a specified regional problem or global issue, related to the area of concentration, requiring analysis of traditional values and current issues and problems.

  • INTS 4350 - Internship

    Three credit hours.

    For international studies majors or minors. Field experience with businesses, industries, and agencies involved in the international arena. Supervised by the company or agency and a faculty member. Students are expected to apply theoretical concepts to active world situations and develop appropriate working skills and experience. Credit, no credit grading available on request.

  • INTS 4360 - International Studies Capstone

    Three credit hours.

    Capstone experience designed to review and apply interdisciplinary theories and concepts to global issues through completion of a major project. Topics will vary by semester.

    Prerequisites: Senior Standing.

Information Technology

  • ITEC 3610 - Introduction to Information Technology and Applications

    Six credit hours.

    The first semester of the Information Technology program contains instruction covering technical, business and soft skills. Upon successful completion students will demonstrate mastery in the following topics: Information Literacy / Discovery skills, Advanced techniques for leveraging search engine functionality, Working with cloud-based apps (Google Docs / Virtual Machines / Using VPNs), Web-based publishing using WordPress and Wiki’s , Advanced topics in Desktop publishing (Word/Powerpoint power user tips and tricks), Advanced MS Excel / Google Spreadsheets, Introduction to programing fundamentals (Visual Basic 38; JavaScript), Introduction to core web technologies (HTML5 / CSS / Javascript), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Management, Entrepreneurship, and Interpersonal Communication skills.

  • ITEC 3650 - Guided Applications in Information Technology and Industry Processes

    Six credit hours.

    The second semester of the program will continue to build on concepts and skills acquired in the previous semester with a focus on advanced problem solving techniques and team project work. The course will cover advanced topics in web design and development including HTML5 API’s (geolocation, audio, video, data-schema), CSS3 media queries and animation, google analytics, usability testing, designing for mobile devices and an introduction to server-side technologies. Additional topics include relational database concepts using MS Access and MySql, project management, proposal writing, interviewing clients, collaborative problem solving, team-based communication skills, and conflict resolution. The semester culminates with an applied project with real-world clients.

    Prerequisites: ITEC 3610 .
  • ITEC 4610 - Project Development and Portfolio Defense

    Six credit hours.

    The three components are intertwined this semester. Under the direction of an IT Minor Capstone Coordinator, student teams will work with a private sector client to develop a quality IT solution to address organizational needs. These projects typically have both a web and database component requiring students to apply skills acquired in previous semesters. This is accomplished in two phases. The first is Project Planning and Portfolio Development, and includes problem identification, needs assessment, and project planning. The second phase, Project Completion and Portfolio Development, includes design, testing, verification, and customer satisfaction. In addition to the capstone project, students will create a web-based portfolio showcasing skills acquired during the project.

    Prerequisites: ITEC 3650 .

Learning Systems Technology Education

  • LSTE 3205 - Introduction to Instructional Tech

    Two credit hours.

    Course provides an introduction to instructional technologies that can be integrated into teaching educational content in a digital format. Students will learn how digital technologies impact education and explore innovative ways to integrate these technologies for education. Students will examine the dynamic interactions between content, pedagogy, and technology to develop their skills in building learning materials to be integrated for online and hybrid delivery.


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