Sep 23, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [OFFICIAL CATALOG]

Search Course Descriptions

Four-letter Course Codes-Undergraduate

The following is a listing of all undergraduate course codes. Click on the four-letter code to review the undergraduate courses within that discipline.

To find classes being offered for the upcoming semester, use the Class Search.

Graduate courses are found within the Graduate Catalog, Clinton School of Public Service Website, and the Law School Website.

Note: The subject code for courses previously identified by the SPCH subject code are now identified by the ACOM subject code. All courses taken prior to this change that bear the ACOM code still count toward all Applied communication major and minor requirement



  • MKTG 3361 - Physical Distribution

    Three credit hours.

    Examines the marketing and cost-saving opportunities in the physical movement of goods between supplier, manufacturer, and consumer. Specific functions such as transportation, warehousing, packaging, material handling, order processing, and others will be studied and integrated into various distribution strategies.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350 .
  • MKTG 3370 - Principles of Retailing

    Three credit hours.

    Principles of retail store management, including competition, trade area and location analysis, merchandising and inventory control, store layout, promotion, managing employees, and customer service.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350 .
  • MKTG 3381 - Advanced Business Law

    Three credit hours.

    A comprehensive overview of business law including the law of contracts, commercial paper, bankruptcy, agency, organizations, sales, property, securities, and other topics of interest to business students and particularly to those majoring in accounting who intend to take the CPA exam. This course does not apply toward the marketing elective requirement.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 2380 .
  • MKTG 3385 - Consumer Analysis and Behavior

    Three credit hours.

    An analysis of the personal, environmental, and interpersonal forces affecting consumer decisions and or their implications for marketing strategy development.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 2300  or SOCI 2300 , MKTG 3350 .
  • MKTG 4199 - Honors Seminar in Marketing

    One credit hours.

    Accelerated seminar on the latest developments in marketing strategy and marketing management, team taught by the departmental faculty. Students will prepare and present an honors paper.

    Prerequisites: senior standing, consent of department chairperson.
  • MKTG 4310 - Marketing Research

    Three credit hours.

    A study of the development and use of information for marketing decision making; research methods applied to problems of market segmentation, pricing, distribution, promotional strategy, and development of marketing strategies.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350  or consent of instructor.
  • MKTG 4320 - International Marketing

    Three credit hours.

    Introduction to the major dimensions of the international marketing environment. Study of planning for and managing international marketing operations. The focus is on strategies, procedures and structures for dealing with the particular problems and challenges arising in the international marketing process.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350 .
  • MKTG 4341 - Brand and Market Consulting

    Three credit hours.

    Examines the key tasks facing brand managers, including analyzing the marketing environment and developing objectives and strategies for the product or service. Involves the day-to-day responsibilities for managing either a single product or service or a closely-related product line. Heavy emphasis on marketing mix decisions concerning pricing, product, service, promotion, and distribution strategies. Students work in brand management teams to develop a marketing plan for a product or service.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350 .
  • MKTG 4351 - Sales Management

    Three credit hours.

    Administration of the professional sales force. Includes recruitment, selection, training, organization, motivation, compensation, routing and scheduling, and control of sales staff.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350  and MKTG 3353 .
  • MKTG 4355 - Advanced Professional Selling

    Three credit hours.

    Advanced techniques of salesmanship, field application of selling techniques, improving communications skills. Key focus is key account selling and relationship management. Problem solving as the basis of consultative selling. Business-to-business emphasis.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350 , MKTG 3353 .
  • MKTG 4360 - Purchasing

    Three credit hours.

    Management of materials acquisition and control as it relates to the engineering, production, marketing, and finance functions of the organization.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350 .
  • MKTG 4370 - Business-to-Business Marketing

    Three credit hours.

    Cases and concepts of marketing products from one business to another. This course includes specific strategies and techniques for the development of product policy, pricing, promotion, and distribution of business products.

    Prerequisites: MKTG 3350 .
  • MKTG 4385 - Marketing Management

    Three credit hours.

    The application of marketing concepts and techniques to the solution of marketing problems, includes product positioning, product and product line, price, channels of distribution, advertising, and personal selling. The case study method is emphasized.

    Prerequisites: senior standing, MKTG 3350 , MKTG 3385 , MKTG 4310 , ADVT 3300 , MKTG 3353 .
  • MKTG 4390 - Independent Study

    Three credit hours.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor and department chair, minimum 3.00 GPA. Research and independent investigation in specific areas of marketing of interest to the student.
  • MKTG 4395 - Cooperative Education I

    Three credit hours.

    Designed to complement and extend the classroom learning experience through the application of marketing theories and concepts in a professional work environment. A written project, designed in consultation with the faculty member, and a minimum of 200 hours with a participating employer during the semester are required. The exact number of weekly work hours, activities, and responsibilities are dependent upon the nature of the work experience and must be specified in written agreements between the student, faculty member, and the Office of Cooperative Education. This course is accepted as elective credit in the marketing or advertising/public relations major. Course is offered on a credit/no credit basis only.

    Prerequisites: senior standing, major in marketing or advertising, completion of at least nine hours of upper-level marketing or advertising courses with a grade of C or greater, cumulative GPA of 2.50, and consent of a sponsoring faculty member prior to registration.
  • MKTG 4396 - Cooperative Education II

    Three credit hours.

    Designed as the continuation of MKTG 4395 . A written project, designed in consultation with the faculty member, and a minimum of 200 hours with a participating employer during the semester are required. The exact number of weekly work hours, activities, and responsibilities are dependent upon the nature of the work experience and must be specified in written agreements between the student, faculty member, and the Office of Cooperative Education. This course is not accepted as elective credit in the marketing or advertising/public relations major. Course is offered on a credit/no credit basis only.

    Prerequisites: credit for the completion of MKTG 4395  and consent of a sponsoring faculty member prior to registration.

Applied Music

Group and Private Lesson

Group Lessons (MUAP)

The following performance classes are recommended for students with little or no formal musical training, who need to learn fundamentals of performance technique and reading music notation:

Courses in Private Lessons (MUPR)

Credits earned on the basis of lesson duration. An upper-level course number implies advanced proficiency in performance technique and repertoire.

MUPR 1xxx
-Minor or elective study, may be repeated for credit

MUPR 2xxx
-First-year principal performance area for music major, 2 semesters. By audition only.

MUPR 3xxx
-Second-year major study, 2 semesters. By passing jury for MUPR 2xxx only.

MUPR 4xxx
-Optional third-year major study, 2 semesters. By passing jury for MUPR 3xxx only (may be repeated for credit).

A one-credit lesson means a 30-minute lesson weekly, and requires a minimum of one hour of daily practice. A two-credit lesson means a 55-minute lesson weekly, and requires a minimum of two hours of daily practice. BA music majors are expected to perform at least once per year in a public recital such as Student Recital Hour.

An applied music fee is charged for all individual instruction. See “Tuition and Fees .” Audition repertoire guidelines are available from the instructor in each performance area, and on the department website.

  • MUAP 1000 - Recital Attendance

    Attendance at concerts, recitals, student convocations, etc., as required by departmental policies.

  • MUAP 1100 - Third-Age Piano Class

    One credit hours.

    designed for individuals who are interested in pursuing piano study in a less-formal group setting. Various technical, reading, and harmonization topics explored for performance of solo and ensemble works. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor.
  • MUAP 1104 - Vocal Study

    Group vocal studies designed for beginning music majors. Group application of proper breathing, phrasing and general attributes of correct vocal production. Introduction to study of the International Phonetic Alphabet. For music majors only.

  • MUAP 1111 - First Year Experience

    This course is designed to provide first time music majors with experiences that will help them succeed at the university and as musicians in the field. Together, we will work to establish habits that will help students succeed and we will explore tools and information that will be useful to students when they leave the university.

  • MUAP 1114 - Piano Class I

    One Music majors only credit hours.

    For beginning piano students with little or no keyboard experience. Basic skills required to play the piano will be addressed in a group setting. Topics explored include piano technique, music reading, basic harmonization, transposition and theory and keyboard fundamentals.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 1150 - Piano for Non-Majors

    This course is specifically for non-music majors. Students will learn foundational skills of piano playing in a group setting. Topics addressed include basic piano technique, music reading, and elemental repertoire.

  • MUAP 1161 - Piano Proficiency I

    One credit hours.

    For music majors. Basic skills required to play the piano will be addressed in a group setting. Topics explored include piano technique, music reading, basic harmonization, transposition and theory and keyboard fundamentals. Music majors only.

    Corequisites: MUTH 1361  & MUTH 1161 .
  • MUAP 1162 - Piano Proficiency II

    One credit hours.

    Continuation of MUAP 1161 . continue development of keyboard facility through technique, sight reading, harmonization, and a variety of solo and ensemble piano repertoire. Music majors only.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1161 , MUTH 1361 , MUTH 1161 .
    Corequisites: MUTH 1362  & MUTH 1162 .
  • MUAP 1201 - Guitar Reading I

    Two credit hours.

    Instrumental laboratory for guitarists, emphasizing reading studies in a variety of music styles.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1203  with B or greater or consent of instructor based on audition to demonstrate familiarity with guitar and music fundamentals.
  • MUAP 1202 - Guitar Reading II

    Two credit hours.

    A continuation of Guitar Reading I with emphasis on chord chart reading. Comping in various styles will be discussed and more advanced materials will be used to improve simple line reading.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1201  or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 1203 - Pop Guitar Class

    Two credit hours.

    Designed as an alternative to conventional class guitar, this course teaches theory, technique, and control through the performance of songs in the pop-rock idiom. Class time is divided between the introduction of a concept or technique and its application in the songs provided. The course is open to anyone.

  • MUAP 1204 - Voice Class I

    Two credit hours.

    For beginning voice students. Application of vocal principles to develop singing facility. Group application of proper breathing, phrasing, and general attributes of correct vocal production.

  • MUAP 1244 - Voice Class II

    Two credit hours.

    Group vocal instruction with emphasis on the development of vocal technique and individual performance of art songs.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1204  or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 2154 - Special Topics

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Class vocal or piano instruction in various forms of musical repertoire and style, such as musical theatre, jazz and pop, or religious solos.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1204 , MUAP 1244 ; 1214, 1264; or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 2161 - Piano Proficiency III

    One credit hours.

    Continuation of MUAP 1162 . Designed to hone the skills introduced in Piano Class II, with an emphasis on sight reading, playing from lead sheets, and playing a variety of intermediate solo and ensemble repertoire from various stylistic periods. Music majors only.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 1362 , MUTH 1162 , MUAP 1162 .
    Corequisites: MUTH 2361  & MUTH 2161 .
  • MUAP 2162 - Piano Proficiency IV

    One credit hours.

    Continuation of MUAP 2161 . Beginning with an intensive review of basic functional piano skills, more advanced sight reading at the keyboard, harmonization skills, improvisation techniques, simple accompaniments, and solo piano repertoire will be explored. Music majors only.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 2361 , MUTH 2161 , MUAP 2161 .
    Corequisites: MUTH 2362  & MUTH 2162 .
  • MUAP 2184 - Piano Class III

    One Music majors only credit hours.

    Designed to hone the skills introduced in Piano Class II, with an emphasis on sight reading, playing from lead sheets, and on playing a variety of intermediate solo and ensemble repertoire from various stylistic periods.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1164 with grade of C or greater.
  • MUAP 2218 - Voice for Musical Theatre

    Two credit hours.

    A vocal performance class studying the techniques for singing in musical theatre. Staging of individual numbers and audition preparation.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1204  or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 2254 - Special Topics

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Class vocal or piano instruction in various forms of musical repertoire and style, such as musical theatre, jazz and pop, or religious solos.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1204 , MUAP 1244 ; 1214, 1264; or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 2350 - Songwriting

    Three credit hours.

    Organizational factors needed to identify the components of song form and integrate formal design and enlarged key areas into music. Designed for non-music and music majors.

  • MUAP 2354 - Special Topics

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Class vocal or piano instruction in various forms of musical repertoire and style, such as musical theatre, jazz and pop, or religious solos.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 1204 , MUAP 1244 ; 1214, 1264; or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 3111 - English Diction

    This course will broaden students’ understandings of English-language sounds as they are applied to both speech and classical singing and impart an understanding of the American Standard, Mid-Atlantic and British Received Pronunciation dialects. Students will be introduced to the International Phonetic Alphabet and learn its application to English-language Opera and Art Song. Frequent performances in the classroom setting will allow students to directly apply this knowledge to their performance craft.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 3112 - Italian Diction

    This course will broaden students’ understanding of Italian-language sounds as they are applied to both speech and classical singing. Students will learn to transcribe Italian with the International Phonetic Alphabet and learn its application to Italian-language Opera and Art Song. Frequent performances in the classroom setting will allow students to directly apply this knowledge to their performance craft.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 3111  with grade of C or greater, Consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 3113 - French Diction

    This course will broaden students’ understandings of French-language sounds as they are applied to classical singing and distinguished from the spoken language. Students will learn to transcribe French with the International Phonetic Alphabet and learn its application to French-language Opera and Art Song. Frequent performances in the classroom setting will allow students to directly apply this knowledge to their performance craft.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 3111  with grade of C or greater, Consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 3113 - German Diction

    This course will broaden students’ understandings of German-language sounds as they are applied to both speech and classical singing. Students will learn to transcribe German with the International Phonetic Alphabet and learn its application to German-language Opera and Art Song. Frequent performances in the classroom setting will allow students to directly apply this knowledge to their performance craft.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 3111  with grade of C or greater; Consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 3124 - Conducting I

    One Music majors only credit hours.

    Fundamentals of conducting, applicable to both instrumental and choral ensembles; patterns and basic conducting techniques, conducting of musical examples in both genres.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 2362  with a grade of C or greater or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 3165 - Piano Class IV

    One Music majors only credit hours.

    Beginning with an intensive review of basic functional piano skills, more advanced sight reading at the keyboard, harmonization skills, improvisation techniques, simple accompaniments, and solo piano repertoire will be explored.

    Prerequisites: MUAP 2184  with a grade of B or higher, and MUTH 3191 with grade of C or greater or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 3325 - Conducting II

    Three credit hours.

    Conducting techniques relative to both choral and instrumental ensembles, including blend, balance, phrasing, diction, instrumental transposition, expressive devices and basic styles of choral/instrumental music literature; conducting of music examples in both genres.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 3224 or consent of instructor.
  • MUAP 4320 - Strategies for Innovation

    Three credit hours.

    Cross listed as TINY 4301/5301 and IFSC 4302/5302. MUAP 5320 is not open to students who already have credit for MUAP 4320.

    Prerequisites: Junior level standing in a major. In this course, students learn skill sets for creative thinking in an interdisciplinary environment, studying examples from multiple fields such as music, art, business, science, and entrepreneurship. Course activities include readings, lecture, discussion, writing, and small group projects.

Music Education

  • MUED 2101 - Woodwind Techniques

    This course is designed for students pursuing a degree in music education. Students will explore teaching techniques appropriate for public school students learning to play woodwind instruments. Students will learn the basic principles of playing by performing on each of the woodwind instruments. Topics will include ranges, fingerings, transpositions, basic instrument maintenance, method books and teaching techniques. For music majors only.

  • MUED 2102 - Brass Techniques

    This course is designed for students pursuing a degree in music education. Students will explore teaching techniques appropriate for public school students learning to play brass instruments. Students will learn the basic principles of playing by performing on each of the brass instruments and they will learn to diagnose problems typical of young players. Topics will include range of the brass instruments, fingerings, transpositions, basic instrument maintenance, method books and teaching techniques. For music majors only.

  • MUED 2103 - Percussion Techniques

    This course is designed for music education majors pursuing teaching careers in instrumental music education. Course objectives include study of rhythm, technique, sound production, repertoire, and pedagogy on snare drum, marching percussion, drumset, hand drums, timpani, and other percussion instruments. For music majors only.

  • MUED 2104 - String Techniques

    This course is designed for students pursuing a degree in music education. Students will explore teaching techniques appropriate for public school students learning to play string instruments. Students will learn the basic principles of playing by performing on each of the string instruments and they will learn to diagnose problems typical of young players. Topics will include ranges of the string instruments, fingerings, basic instrument maintenance, method books and teaching techniques. For music majors only.

  • MUED 2200 - Foundations of Music Education

    Students will explore the historical, philosophical, and social foundations of music education. Additionally, students will examine resources for music teaching and will investigate twentieth century developments in music education. For music majors only.

  • MUED 3122 - Composing & Arranging for School Ensembles

    This course is designed for students pursuing a degree in music education. Students will explore ways to compose and arrange music for PreK-12 school ensembles. Students will learn the basics of composing, scoring, and arranging. Topics will include harmonizing a melody, planning the arrangement, writing accompaniments, composing an original score, and adapting scores for special ensembles.

  • MUED 3123 - Global Styles and Practices in Music Education

    This course will focus on the issues, teaching materials, and techniques involved in incorporating music cultures of United States and related world music repertoires in K-12 classroom instruction. For music majors only.

  • MUED 3214 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Designed as an introduction to the art and science of vocal teaching. Information on the special physiological and acoustical conditions found in child and adolescent voices will be explored. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of the vocal instrument and will learn to apply this knowledge to their singing and teaching. For music majors only.

  • MUED 3232 - Early Classroom Music

    The emphasis is on activities, creative projects, and developing vocal and instrumental skills useful to the early childhood teacher for both musical and nonmusical integrated classroom activities. Students will develop skills in making lesson plans for musical activities and integrating music with the other arts, other subjects, and other peoples, places, and cultures. Not open to music majors for credit.

  • MUED 3302 - Piano Pedagogy

    Three credit hours.

    Study of methods and pedagogical material for piano teachers.

    Prerequisites: completion of MUPR 2226 jury, and MUHL 2200, or consent of instructor.
  • MUED 3314 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Three credit hours.

    Study of methods and pedagogical literature for voice teachers.

  • MUED 4192 - Special Studies and Workshops

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Individual and group participation in special studies and workshops in music education.

    Prerequisites: consent of music chairperson.
  • MUED 4252 - Perspectives on Careers in Music

    Two credit hours.

    Course objective is to broaden the student’s understanding of the range of careers in the world of professional music. The course will explore music as both a creative endeavor and as a product. Students will learn how music progresses from artistic creation to consumable product, and how the participants in the music business make a living utilizing skills in marketing, performance, teaching, recording, technology, venue management, etc. Dual listed in the Graduate Catalog as MUED 5252. MUED 5252 is not open to students who already have credit for 4252.

    Prerequisites: must have passed the upper-level qualifying jury in MUPR, as well as MUTH 2361  and MUTH 2292, or consent of instructor.
  • MUED 4292 - Special Studies and Workshops

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Individual and group participation in special studies and workshops in music education.

    Prerequisites: consent of music chairperson.
  • MUED 4315 - Teaching Music in Performance Ensembles

    Three credit hours.

    Students will explore methods and materials appropriate for effective music teaching in school ensembles. Topics will include: working with diverse students, selecting appropriate literature, teaching musicianship in an ensemble setting, assessment in the arts, and program development in bands, choirs, and orchestras. For music majors only.

  • MUED 4322 - Teaching General Music

    Three credit hours.

    Characteristics of child growth and their implications in music, establishing music objectives, translating objectives into a developmental sequence of experiences, understanding skills, and knowledge. A practical course for music teachers, emphasizing selection of music and methods of teaching of classroom music to children in elementary school.

  • MUED 4352 - Piano Practicum

    Three credit hours.

    Practice teaching and observation of class instruction in piano at beginning levels for children and adults, and of individual instruction in piano from elementary through intermediate levels. Lesson plans and procedures for teaching specific concepts in piano performance.

    Prerequisites: MUED 3302  and completion of MUPR 3226 jury.
  • MUED 4392 - Special Studies and Workshops

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Individual and group participation in special studies and workshops in music education.

    Prerequisites: consent of music chairperson.
  • MUED 4600 - Internship

    An educational internship with a field component of a minimum of 12 weeks (480 hours) of internship in a classroom setting under the supervision of a cooperating teacher. Total field experience hours must reflect exposure at both the lower (K-6 or 712) and upper (79 and 1012) grades. Each program will ensure that no less than 25% of total field experiences are completed in either grade range.

    Prerequisites: TCED 4383 , TCED 4321 , 2.75 GPA.
    Concurrent: TCED 4330 .

Music Ensemble

  • MUEN 1104 - Techniques of Accompanying

    One credit hours.

    A course designed to equip the keyboard major to function as an accompanist. This course offers both theoretical and practical experience.

    Prerequisites: audition.
  • MUEN 1113 - University Concert Choir

    One credit hours.

    For experienced choral singers; open to students of any major. The concert choir is a large, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs with repertoire of selections representative of the Renaissance through the contemporary periods.

    Prerequisites: audition scheduled with instructor.
  • MUEN 1117 - Chamber Singers

    One credit hours.

    A small, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs repertoire from various stylistic periods especially written for performance by a small ensemble.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 1137 - Women’s Choir

    One credit hours.

    Small group of soprano, mezzo and alto voices performing a variety of music arranged or composed for women’s voices. Includes instrumental accompaniment.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 1140 - Community Choir

    One credit hours.

    Open to community members, UA Little Rock students, faculty, and staff of all experience levels. Prepares and performs major choral literature. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: audition and consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 1150 - Opera Performance

    Once credit hours.

    Study, through exercises and performances of acting techniques, that aids the singing-actor in the dramatic presentation of operatic repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 1153 - Jazz Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    An ensemble studying and performing music in the jazz and jazz-rock styles, with emphasis on instrumental repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 1160 - Jazz Combo

    One credit hours.

    A small ensemble studying and performing music in jazz styles.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 1167 - University Gospel Chorale

    One credit hours.

    A performance class that develops the execution of traditional, standard, contemporary, and original compositions of African-American gospel music. Vocal and instrumental techniques, as well as ensemble and improvisational skills, will be developed and improved.

  • MUEN 1173 - Percussion Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    A small ensemble featuring repertoire written for a number of percussion instruments.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 1183 - Piano Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    Ensemble performance involving piano duos from various musical periods.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 1188 - Guitar Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    A performance class for guitarists and bass guitarists. Standard and original works arranged in jazz, pop, and rock styles; will develop reading ability, as well as ensemble and improvisational skills.

  • MUEN 1196 - Chamber Ensembles

    One credit hours.

    Small chamber ensembles, such as trios, quartets, quintets, of woodwinds, brass, and stringed instruments for chamber music experiences.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 2104 - Techniques of Accompanying

    One credit hours.

    A course designed to equip the keyboard major to function as an accompanist. This course offers both theoretical and practical experience.

    Prerequisites: audition.
  • MUEN 2113 - University Concert Choir

    One credit hours.

    For experienced choral singers; open to students of any major. The concert choir is a large, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs with repertoire of selections representative of the Renaissance through the contemporary periods.

    Prerequisites: audition scheduled with instructor.
  • MUEN 2117 - Chamber Singers

    One credit hours.

    A small, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs repertoire from various stylistic periods especially written for performance by a small ensemble.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 2137 - Women’s Choir

    One credit hours.

    Small group of soprano, mezzo and alto voices performing a variety of music arranged or composed for women’s voices. Includes instrumental accompaniment.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 2140 - Community Choir

    One credit hours.

    Open to community members, UA Little Rock students, faculty, and staff of all experience levels. Prepares and performs major choral literature. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: audition and consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 2150 - Opera Performance

    Once credit hours.

    Study, through exercises and performances of acting techniques, that aids the singing-actor in the dramatic presentation of operatic repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 2153 - Jazz Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    An ensemble studying and performing music in the jazz and jazz-rock styles, with emphasis on instrumental repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 2160 - Jazz Combo

    One credit hours.

    A small ensemble studying and performing music in jazz styles.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 2167 - University Gospel Chorale

    One credit hours.

    A performance class that develops the execution of traditional, standard, contemporary, and original compositions of African-American gospel music. Vocal and instrumental techniques, as well as ensemble and improvisational skills, will be developed and improved.

  • MUEN 2173 - Percussion Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    A small ensemble featuring repertoire written for a number of percussion instruments.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 2183 - Piano Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    Ensemble performance involving piano duos from various musical periods.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 2188 - Guitar Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    A performance class for guitarists and bass guitarists. Standard and original works arranged in jazz, pop, and rock styles; will develop reading ability, as well as ensemble and improvisational skills.

  • MUEN 2196 - Chamber Ensembles

    One credit hours.

    Small chamber ensembles, such as trios, quartets, quintets, of woodwinds, brass, and stringed instruments for chamber music experiences.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 3104 - Techniques of Accompanying

    One credit hours.

    A course designed to equip the keyboard major to function as an accompanist. This course offers both theoretical and practical experience.

    Prerequisites: audition.
  • MUEN 3113 - University Concert Choir

    One credit hours.

    For experienced choral singers; open to students of any major. The concert choir is a large, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs with repertoire of selections representative of the Renaissance through the contemporary periods.

    Prerequisites: audition scheduled with instructor.
  • MUEN 3117 - Chamber Singers

    One credit hours.

    A small, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs repertoire from various stylistic periods especially written for performance by a small ensemble.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 3135 - Wind Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    Audition-based ensemble that focuses on performance of masterworks for winds/percussion from all musical styles.

  • MUEN 3137 - Women’s Choir

    One credit hours.

    Small group of soprano, mezzo and alto voices performing a variety of music arranged or composed for women’s voices. Includes instrumental accompaniment.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 3140 - Community Choir

    One credit hours.

    Open to community members, UA Little Rock students, faculty, and staff of all experience levels. Prepares and performs major choral literature. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: audition and consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 3150 - Opera Performance

    Once credit hours.

    Study, through exercises and performances of acting techniques, that aids the singing-actor in the dramatic presentation of operatic repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 3153 - Jazz Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    An ensemble studying and performing music in the jazz and jazz-rock styles, with emphasis on instrumental repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 3160 - Jazz Combo

    One credit hours.

    A small ensemble studying and performing music in jazz styles.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 3167 - University Gospel Chorale

    One credit hours.

    A performance class that develops the execution of traditional, standard, contemporary, and original compositions of African-American gospel music. Vocal and instrumental techniques, as well as ensemble and improvisational skills, will be developed and improved.


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