Feb 17, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 
Graduate Catalog

Gerontology Graduate Certificate

The graduate Gerontology program equips students with the knowledge and skills to work with the burgeoning population of older adults in the 21st century. The Gerontology program is housed in the School of Social Work and focuses not only on skills needed to work with aging individuals and their families but also with the greater social issues that impact older adults. The Gerontology program is interdisciplinary and is designed to serve professionals in a range of occupations, including social workers, rehabilitation counselors, administrators, health care workers, health educators, and attorneys, as well as professionals from the business sector.

The Gerontology program offers a graduate certificate (18 credit hours). The certificate is designed to provide professionals with knowledge of the biological, sociological, and psychological aspects of the aging process as well as an understanding of the social policies and services that respond to the needs of the older adult.

The Gerontology program interfaces with other graduate programs, allowing students to develop interdisciplinary skills to enhance their careers in gerontology. The curriculum includes classroom learning through traditional, online, and blended course offerings and hands-on experiences that meet the personnel needs of both public and private agencies.

This program is NOT offered in-person, only online.

Admission Requirements

Option A

The certificate may be completed in conjunction with the MSW or any other graduate degree. Students already enrolled in another graduate program should also apply to the Gerontology certificate program. MSW students may use the courses taken in the certificate program for their required electives. Students in other graduate programs will need to submit the courses for acceptance as electives to their departments. UALR policy allows up to 12 hours of graduate credit to be applied toward joint degrees.

Option B

Students not in a graduate program but wishing to obtain a certificate should apply to the UALR Graduate School and select the Gerontology certificate. An overall GPA of 2.7 or a GPA of 3.0 in the last 60 hours and proof of immunization are required for regular admittance into the certificate program.

Special Conditional Admission

In a small percentage of applications, students with the following criteria may be accepted into the program as special conditional admissions:

  • a GPA between 2.0 and 2.69,
  • at least 5 years of work in the field, and/or passage of select rigorous professional certification/licensing exams such as, but not limited to, the LSW or LMSW in social work or some nursing exams.
  • A resume and personal interview

Once accepted, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain in the program. The decision of the Gerontology Program, the School of Social Work Admission Committee, and/or the program coordinator is final.

Gerontology (GERO) courses are open to all students with graduate standing as electives or as part of the 18 hour certificate in Gerontology.

Program Requirements

The certificate program requires the 9 core credit hours in Gerontology. The certificate requires an additional 9 hours of approved elective credit for a total of 18 credit hours.

Graduation Requirements

Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on an approved program of study as outlined above.