Courses for Post Baccalaureate
The course sequence begins in the Fall Semester and each class is taught once per year, no courses are offered during the summer, and no online courses are offered. Students may attend full or part-time.
The Post-Baccalaureate Sequence requires a minimum of 30 hours; typically PB students do not enroll in AUSP 2360, 4369, 4301, 4162 or 4163.
Additional Coursework Required By the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association (ASHA)
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) requires the completion of 4 specific undergraduate level courses in science, statistics, and social science, prior to employment as a speech-language pathologist.
Students enrolled in the Post-Baccalaureate Coursework are encouraged to complete these courses prior to graduate school. Examples of acceptable courses to meet these requirements include a biology course (e.g., Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, Science of Biology), a physical science course in chemistry or physics (e.g., Fundamental Chemistry, College Physics I), a statistics course (e.g., General Psychological Statistics), and a social science course (e.g., Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology).
Please contact the Undergraduate Coordinator if you have questions about the ASHA coursework.