Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [OFFICIAL CATALOG]

Search Course Descriptions

Four-letter Course Codes-Undergraduate

The following is a listing of all undergraduate course codes. Click on the four-letter code to review the undergraduate courses within that discipline.

To find classes being offered for the upcoming semester, use the Class Search.

Graduate courses are found within the Graduate Catalog, Clinton School of Public Service Website, and the Law School Website.

Note: The subject code for courses previously identified by the SPCH subject code are now identified by the ACOM subject code. All courses taken prior to this change that bear the ACOM code still count toward all Applied communication major and minor requirement


Music Ensemble

  • MUEN 3196 - Chamber Ensembles

    One credit hours.

    Small chamber ensembles, such as trios, quartets, quintets, of woodwinds, brass, and stringed instruments for chamber music experiences.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4101 - Community Orchestra

    One credit hours.

    Open to community members, UA Little Rock students, faculty, and staff of all experience levels. Prepares and performs music in all styles in the full orchestra medium. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; no audition required.
  • MUEN 4104 - Techniques of Accompanying

    One credit hours.

    A course designed to equip the keyboard major to function as an accompanist. This course offers both theoretical and practical experience.

    Prerequisites: audition.
  • MUEN 4113 - University Concert Choir

    One credit hours.

    For experienced choral singers; open to students of any major. The concert choir is a large, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs with repertoire of selections representative of the Renaissance through the contemporary periods.

    Prerequisites: audition scheduled with instructor.
  • MUEN 4117 - Chamber Singers

    One credit hours.

    A small, select soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB) choral ensemble that performs repertoire from various stylistic periods especially written for performance by a small ensemble.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 4137 - Women’s Choir

    One credit hours.

    Small group of soprano, mezzo and alto voices performing a variety of music arranged or composed for women’s voices. Includes instrumental accompaniment.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4140 - Community Choir

    One credit hours.

    Open to community members, UA Little Rock students, faculty, and staff of all experience levels. Prepares and performs major choral literature. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: audition and consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4150 - Opera Performance

    Once credit hours.

    Study, through exercises and performances of acting techniques, that aids the singing-actor in the dramatic presentation of operatic repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor; open to students of any major.
  • MUEN 4153 - Jazz Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    An ensemble studying and performing music in the jazz and jazz-rock styles, with emphasis on instrumental repertoire.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4160 - Jazz Combo

    One credit hours.

    A small ensemble studying and performing music in jazz styles.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4167 - University Gospel Chorale

    One credit hours.

    A performance class that develops the execution of traditional, standard, contemporary, and original compositions of African-American gospel music. Vocal and instrumental techniques, as well as ensemble and improvisational skills, will be developed and improved.

  • MUEN 4173 - Percussion Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    A small ensemble featuring repertoire written for a number of percussion instruments.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4183 - Piano Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    Ensemble performance involving piano duos from various musical periods.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4188 - Guitar Ensemble

    One credit hours.

    A performance class for guitarists and bass guitarists. Standard and original works arranged in jazz, pop, and rock styles; will develop reading ability, as well as ensemble and improvisational skills.

  • MUEN 4196 - Chamber Ensembles

    One credit hours.

    Small chamber ensembles, such as trios, quartets, quintets, of woodwinds, brass, and stringed instruments for chamber music experiences.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • MUEN 4197 - Indian Percussion Ensemble

    Group and individual instruction in Indian percussion instruments, primarily chenda (South Indian drum), wood block (upon which chenda patterns are learned prior to instruction on the chenda), and to a lesser extent, ilattalam (cymbals) and tabla (North Indian drums). Offered every semester.

    Prerequisites: None.

Music History and Literature

  • MUHL 2305 - Introduction to Music

    Three credit hours.

    Introduction to the creative process and history of music, vocabulary and descriptive terms used in the musical arts, and how to write about them. Attendance at arts events is required. Students will learn through writing, reading, discussing, listening, and participating in critical thinking and problem-solving activities. Fulfills core requirement in aesthetics along with ARHA 2305  or THEA 2305 . (ACTS Course Number MUSC 1003)

    Prerequisites: Recommended RHET 1311 .
  • MUHL 3322 - Survey of Western Art Music

    Three credit hours.

    A survey of the development of Western art music from antiquity to the present, and an introduction to selected non-Western traditions, with emphasis on the study of music literature through recordings. Required for all BA music major emphases. Lecture.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 2305 .
  • MUHL 3331 - Music History I

    Three credit hours.

    A continuation of Music History I. A survey of the development of music in western civilization from 1750 to the present, as well as in selected nonwestern cultures during that time period with emphasis on the study of music through scores and recordings. Required for all music majors.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 3331 and a reading knowledge of music.
  • MUHL 3341 - Music History II

    Three credit hours.

    A continuation of Music History I. A survey of music in Western civilization from 1750 to the present.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 3331 , MUTH 2361 .
  • MUHL 3351 - The History of Rock

    Three credit hours.

    A study of the evolution of rock music from its prerock origins to the present.

  • MUHL 3361 - Jazz History and Styles

    Three credit hours.

    A study of the development and styles of jazz and its principal exponents.

  • MUHL 3370 - History of the Blues

    Three credit hours.

    A comprehensive study of the origins and development, as well as the evolution, of blues forms from their origins to their present state.

  • MUHL 3371 - Non-Western Music

    Three credit hours.

    A study of selected areas of world music outside Europe and North America through a variety of approaches: playing the music, clapping or singing, listening, studying it in its cultural context. Satisfies music literature requirement for music majors and minors.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 2305  or consent of instructor.
  • MUHL 3381 - American Music

    Three credit hours.

    A study of American musical traditions of the last four centuries, including classical, ragtime, jazz, blues, slave music, spirituals, gospel, musical theatre, white Protestant, popular, rock, American Indian, and country. Satisfies music literature requirement for music majors and minors.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 2305  or consent of instructor.
  • MUHL 3391 - Opera

    Three credit hours.

    A survey of the development of opera, with emphasis on the study of opera through scores and videos. Especially recommended for voice majors and minors with an interest in opera.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 2305  or consent of instructor.
  • MUHL 3392 - Orchestral Music

    Three credit hours.

    A survey of the development of orchestral music through scores and recordings. Especially recommended for strings, winds, and percussion majors and minors.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 2305  or consent of instructor, and a reading knowledge of music.
  • MUHL 3393 - Choral Music History

    Three credit hours.

    A survey of the development of choral music through scores and recordings. Especially recommended for voice majors and minors with an interest in choral music.

    Prerequisites: MUHL 2305  or consent of instructor, and a reading knowledge of music.
  • MUHL 4191 - Special Studies

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special individual or group research in music history.

    Prerequisites: consent of music chairperson.

Private Music

Credits earned on the basis of lesson duration. An upper-level course number implies advanced proficiency in performance technique and repertoire. MUPR 1xxx-Minor or elective study, may be repeated for credit

MUPR 2xxx-First-year principal performance area for music major, 2 semesters. By audition only.

MUPR 3xxx-Second-year major study, 2 semesters. By passing jury for MUPR 2xxx only.

MUPR 4xxx-Optional third-year major study, 2 semesters. By passing jury for MUPR 3xxx only (may be repeated for credit).

A one-credit lesson means a 30-minute lesson weekly, and requires a minimum of one hour of daily practice. A twocredit lesson means a 55-minute lesson weekly, and requires a minimum of two hours of daily practice. BA music majors are expected to perform at least once per year in a public recital such as Student Recital Hour.

An applied music fee is charged for all individual instruction. See “Tuition and Fees .” Audition repertoire guidelines are available from the instructor in each performance area, and on the department website.

  • MUPR 3000 - Junior Recital

    Performance of a 30-minute recital by students completing the third year of their music study.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUPR 4000 - Junior Recital

    Performance of a 60-minute recital by students completing the fourth year of their music study.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUPR 4101 - Music History Capstone I

    Initial stages of an individualized research project in music history (topic selected with instructor approval).

  • MUPR 4103 - Music Theory Capstone I

    Initial stages of an individualized research project in music theory (topic selected with instructor approval).

  • MUPR 4201 - Music History Capstone II

    Completion of an individualized research project in music history (topic selected with instructor approval).

  • MUPR 4203 - Music Theory Capstone II

    Completion of an individualized research project in music theory (topic selected with instructor approval).

  • MUPR 4208 - Collaborative Piano

    Private study in collaborative piano.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • MUPR 4218 - Vocal Coaching

    Private study in vocal coaching.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Music Theory

  • MUTH 1161 - Aural Skills I

    Lab course to be paired with MUTH 1361  Music Theory I. Students will learn fundamental principles of aural training, including singing alone and with others, basic intervals, diatonic scales, tonal patterns, and rhythms. Movable-do solfege will also be introduced.

    Corequisites: MUTH 1361  and MUAP 1161 .
  • MUTH 1162 - Aural Skills II

    1 credit hours.

    Lab course paired with MUTH 1362 . A continuation of MUTH 1161  . Diatonic music will be the focus of sight singing and dictation exercises in simple and compound meters. Rhythmic reading with conducting patterns. Listening techniques will include error detection, interval, scale and chord identification, triad factor identification, melodic, rhythmic dictation.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 1361 , MUTH 1161 , MUAP 1161  with a grade of C or greater.
    Corequisites: MUTH 1362  and MUAP 1162 .
  • MUTH 1310 - Music Fundamentals

    Three credit hours.

    This course is designed to serve both as a preparatory music theory course for the music major and as a music fundamentals course for the nonmajor or music minor. This course will fulfill the MUTH requirement for the minor. Students will learn about the fundamental rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic practices in Western music and the notational terms and symbols commonly used to communicate these aspects of a musical language. In addition to the study of written materials, students participating in this web-enhanced class will gain basic keyboard knowledge, basic aural skills and fundamental theory concepts through the use of computer-based theory tutorial software and various web-based theory tutorials. Lecture, laboratory, and online components. Upon completion of this course, students wishing to continue with music theory courses will be required to pass a theory fundamentals assessment with a grade of 80% or greater.

  • MUTH 1361 - Music Theory I

    Three credit hours.

    Lecture course paired with MUTH 1161. Foundational course in music theory for the music major. Topics include fundamental rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic practices in Western music and the notational terms and symbols commonly used to communicate these aspects of a musical language.

    Corequisites: MUTH 1161  & MUAP 1161 .
  • MUTH 1362 - Music Theory II

    Three credit hours.

    Lecture course paired with MUTH 1162 . Continuation of MUTH 1361 . Students will learn about cadences, non harmonic tones, voice leading in four voices, harmonic progression and harmonic rhythm, dominant seventh chords, leading-tone seventh chords, and non-dominant seventh chords.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 1361 , MUTH 1161  & MUAP 1161 .
    Corequisites: MUTH 1162  & MUAP 1162 .
  • MUTH 1381 - Introduction to Theory

    Three credit hours.

    Foundation course in music theory for the music major. Topics include fundamental rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic practices in Western music and the notational terms and symbols commonly used to communicate these aspects of a musical language. In addition to the study of written materials, students participating in this class will gain basic keyboard knowledge and basic aural skills practices.

  • MUTH 2161 - Aural Skills III

    I credit hours.

    Lab course paired with MUTH 2361 . A continuation of MUTH 1162 . Simple chromatic usage will be featured in melodic and harmonic dictation exercises and sight singing. Rhythms in simple and compound meters with varying subdivisions.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 1362 , MUTH 1162 , MUAP 1162  with a grade of C or greater.
    Corequisites: MUTH 2361  and MUAP 2161 .
  • MUTH 2361 - Music Theory III

    Lecture course paired with MUTH 2161 . Continuation of MUTH 1362 .

    Prerequisites: MUTH 1362 , MUTH 1162  & MUAP 1162 . Students will develop advanced knowledge of rhythm, melody, and harmony through mastery of the structural elements of Common Practice Period music.
    Corequisites: MUTH 2161  & MUAP 2161 .
  • MUTH 2362 - Music Theory IV

    Three credit hours.

    Lecture course paired with MUTH 2162 . Continuation of MUTH 2361 . Students will continue developing advanced skills in music theory, including written traditional Roman numeral score analysis of modalities, harmonies, and structural components of late Common Practice Period and early 20th-century music.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 2361 , MUTH 2161  & MUAP 2161 .
    Corequisites: MUTH 2162  & MUAP 2162 .
  • MUTH 3120 - Special Topics

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Harmonic or formal practices and styles such as fugue, sonata form, serial composition, or form and analysis.

    Prerequisites: four semesters of theory or consent of instructor based on placement examination.
  • MUTH 3220 - Special Topics

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Harmonic or formal practices and styles such as fugue, sonata form, serial composition, or form and analysis.

    Prerequisites: four semesters of theory or consent of instructor based on placement examination.
  • MUTH 3231 - Form and Analysis

    Two credit hours.

    A survey of forms, shapes and genres in music of the common practice period (16001900) emphasizing the designations and categories of form. Principles of variety and unity and the language of musical analysis in standard tonal structure will be the topic of study.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 2292, 2391, grades of C or greater for declared music majors or consent of instructor or department advisor.
  • MUTH 3320 - Special Topics

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Harmonic or formal practices and styles such as fugue, sonata form, serial composition, or form and analysis.

    Prerequisites: four semesters of theory or consent of instructor based on placement examination.
  • MUTH 4190 - Special Studies

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special individual or group research in music theory.

    Prerequisites: consent of music chairperson.
  • MUTH 4230 - Advanced Composition

    Individual study of methods and styles of musical composition.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 2361 , MUTH 4320 , consent of instructor and approval of chair.
  • MUTH 4290 - Special Studies

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special individual or group research in music theory.

    Prerequisites: consent of music chairperson.
  • MUTH 4310 - Arranging

    Three credit hours.

    A study of the characteristics and styles of arranging for band, orchestral instruments, and chorus. A historical survey of choral and instrumental writing in the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Twentieth Century, with arranging exercises for each period.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 2361 .
  • MUTH 4320 - Basic Composition

    Three credit hours.

    A study of methods and styles of musical compositions written by students. Various methods of beginning an original composition are discussed and demonstrated in addition to lectures and demonstrations on the small forms of composition. Students have the opportunity to apply prior theory knowledge and receive individual attention.

    Prerequisites: MUTH 2361  or consent of instructor.
  • MUTH 4390 - Special Studies

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    Special individual or group research in music theory.

    Prerequisites: consent of music chairperson.

Nonprofit Leadership Studies

  • NPLS 1100 - Introduction to Nonprofit Professional Studies

    One credit hours.

    The course provides an introduction to the nonprofit or third sector in the US with an emphasis on the historical and philosophical foundations of youth and human service organizations. Topics covered include the roles of nonprofit organizations in meeting human service needs, philanthropic structure of nonprofit organizations, importance of a mission orientation for nonprofit organizations, and possible careers in nonprofit organizations.

  • NPLS 3300 - Management of Nonprofit Agencies

    Three credit hours.

    This course is an overview of nonprofit management. Topics include board and committee development, fundraising principles and practices, human resource development and supervision, general nonprofit management, nonprofit accounting and financial management, nonprofit marketing, program planning, and risk management. It also includes at least one group project and is required for Nonprofit Leadership Studies minors.

    Prerequisites: NPLS 1100 , attendance at approved NPLS workshop, or permission of the instructor.
  • NPLS 4110 - Leadership and Service Practicum

    One credit hours.

    Students gain practical leadership and service experience in association with the Nonprofit Leadership Student Association.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
  • NPLS 4180 - Independent Study

    Three credit hours.

    Advanced assignments in selected areas.

    Prerequisites: consent of NPLS director.
  • NPLS 4280 - Independent Study

    Three credit hours.

    Advanced assignments in selected areas.

    Prerequisites: consent of NPLS director.
  • NPLS 4301 - Internship

    Three credit hours.

    The internship requires 150 hours of supervised field experience in a nonprofit organization (50 hours for each hour of credit). It is designed to allow students to further develop their selected certification competencies and may be repeated for up to six hours of credit.

    Prerequisites: NPLS minor, senior standing, 2.0 grade point average, and permission of the instructor.
  • NPLS 4302 - Internship

    Three credit hours.

    The internship requires 150 hours of supervised field experience in a nonprofit organization (50 hours for each hour of credit). It is designed to allow students to further develop their selected certification competencies and may be repeated for up to six hours of credit.

    Prerequisites: NPLS minor, senior standing, 2.0 grade point average, and permission of the instructor.
  • NPLS 4310 - Strategic Fund Development

    Three credit hours.

    This course prepares students for managing volunteers in nonprofit organizations in the 21st century. It covers reasons for volunteering; strategies for fostering volunteer/staff relationships; the components of a volunteer program; processes for planning, developing, and implementing a volunteer program; and techniques for the recruitment, orientation, training, motivation, supervision, evaluation, recognition, and retention of volunteers.

  • NPLS 4320 - Volunteer Management

    Three credit hours.

    This course is an introduction to the organizational components, concepts, and methods of effective strategic fund development for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. This includes developing the ability to evaluate elements of fundraising communications (such as internal and external cases for support), annual giving efforts, special event viability, stewardship, and an organization’s overall fundraising plan.

  • NPLS 4380 - Independent Study

    Three credit hours.

    Advanced assignments in selected areas.

    Prerequisites: consent of NPLS director.
  • NPLS 4390 - Special Topics

    Three credit hours.

    Selected topics in nonprofit professional studies.

Nursing Lower-Level

  • NURS 1200 - Introduction to Nursing: Concepts I

    Two (1.5 theory; 0.5 lab) credit hours.

    This is the first of two fundamental nursing courses for beginning nursing students to establish the foundational knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to successfully move forward through the nursing program. This course will provide students with an introduction to Evidence-Based/Patient-Centered Healthcare Concepts, Concepts of the Professional Role and the Global Concepts of Nursing Process, Technical Skills, Critical Thinking/Clinical Judgment and Safety. Classroom theory will be applied in the Skills Lab.

  • NURS 1201 - Medication Calculations for Nursing

    Two credit hours.

    An elective web-based course designed to provide nursing students with an understanding of medication calculations; Provides framework for understanding calculation of medication dosages by presenting terms, symbols, forms and methods commonly practiced by healthcare providers.

  • NURS 1202 - Nursing: Concepts II

    Two (l.5 theory; 0.5 lab) credit hours.

    This is the second of two fundamental nursing courses for beginning nursing students to establish the foundational knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to successfully move forward through the nursing program. This course will provide students with an introduction to Evidence-Based/Patient-Centered Healthcare Concepts, Concepts of the Professional Role and the Global Concepts of Nursing Process, Technical Skills, Critical Thinking/Clinical Judgment and Safety. Classroom theory will be applied in the Skills Lab, then will culminate in the SimCare setting.

    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 1200 .
  • NURS 1205 - Health Promotion Across the Lifespan

    Two credit hours.

    The course introduces the knowledge, skills, and attitudes as they relate to the concept of Health across the lifespan. Emphasis is on nurses’ role in health risk reduction; learning needs assessment; accessing current evidence of practices to improve quality of life; collaborating with peers to develop patient centered risk assessments; and teaching plans to promote health in all life stages for individuals and families.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1300 .
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 1505  and BIOL 1412  or BIOL 1433 .
  • NURS 1300 - Essential Nursing Skills

    Three (2 theory; 1 lab) credit hours.

    An introduction for nursing students to essential psychomotor skills and professional behaviors required for the safe practice of nursing. Emphasis is on skill mastery.

  • NURS 1301 - Medical Terminology for Nursing

    Three credit hours.

    An elective web-based course designed to provide an understanding of medical terminology; Provides the framework for understanding medical records by presenting terms, abbreviations, symbols, forms and formats commonly used by healthcare providers.

  • NURS 1410 - Adult Nursing II

    Fours (2 theory; 2 lab) credit hours.

    Builds on NURS 1505  with focus on coordination of patient centered care and the evidence base for planning priorities based on the health problem, symptoms, and patient/family beliefs and values. Exemplars include acute and chronic health problems common in middle adulthood that require multidisciplinary management. Students continue to develop nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the competencies of safety, teamwork and collaboration, quality improvement, and informatics with laboratory experiences in simulation, structured health care settings, and completion of a service learning activity. One-half semester.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1205  and NURS 1505 .
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: BIOL 1412  or BIOL 1433 .
  • NURS 1415 - Nursing Role Transition

    Four credit hours.

    The course introduces LPNs, LPTNs, and paramedics to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the registered nurse in patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence based practice, safety, quality improvement, and informatics. The concept of health will be explored through collaboration with peers to develop a patient centered risk assessment and teaching plan to promote health across the lifespan. Verification of mastery of essential psychomotor skills will be confirmed through completion of simulation activities. Web-based course with scheduled, mandatory class meetings.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the AAS Program: Transition Option; BIOL 1411  and BIOL 1412 , or BIOL 1433 
  • NURS 1420 - Mental Health Nursing

    Fours (2 theory; 2 lab) credit hours.

    Builds on NURS 1505  or NURS 1415. Builds on NURS 1505  with a focus on mental health/illness across the lifespan and communication with patients, families, and the health care team, including principles of conflict management. Exemplars include psychosocial assessment in acute and chronic mental illness, symptom management, and patient advocacy. Students continue to develop nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the competencies of safety, quality improvement, and informatics through learning experiences in the classroom, acute care/community mental health facilities. Traditional option: One-half semester; Transition option: Summer term.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1205  and NURS 1505 or NURS 1415 and BIOL 1412  or BIOL 1433 .
  • NURS 1505 - Adult Nursing I

    Fives (3 theory; 2 lab) credit hours.

    An introduction to the nurse’s role in the delivery of patient-centered care as a member of a multidisciplinary team with an emphasis on the growth and development in older adulthood, fundamental nursing assessment, and interventions to promote functioning and comfort. Introduction to cultural considerations, pharmacology, physical and environmental safety, evidence-based practice, legal/ethical principles, quality improvement, and informatics is incorporated through exemplars of chronic health problems and physical changes requiring acute or long term management. Learning activities include class and laboratory experiences in simulation, acute care, long-term care, and community settings.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1300  
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 1205 , BIOL 1412  or BIOL 1433 .
  • NURS 2199 - Special Topics in Nursing

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    An elective course that provides opportunity for second year nursing students to use clinical decision making and evidence based practice to explore and coordinate projects of their choosing as a health care professional in community and service learning settings.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1410  or NURS 1415, NURS 1420 .
  • NURS 2201 - Pharmacology for Nurses

    Two credit hours.

    An elective web-based nursing course presenting the essential concepts of pharmacology. Designed to promote clinical decision making and the integration of pharmacological concepts to meet health needs of individuals across the lifespan.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1505  or NURS 1415.
  • NURS 2202 - Diagnostic Studies in Nursing

    Two credit hours.

    An elective web-based nursing course presenting common laboratory and diagnostic tests and procedures commonly used in the diagnosis and treatment of common health problems. Designed to promote clinical decision making in patient preparation and education for procedures.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1505  or NURS 1415.
  • NURS 2299 - Special Topics in Nursing

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    An elective course that provides opportunity for second year nursing students to use clinical decision making and evidence based practice to explore and coordinate projects of their choosing as a health care professional in community and service learning settings.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1410  or NURS 1415, NURS 1420 .
  • NURS 2350 - Competency for Entry into Practice

    Threes (2 theory; I lab) credit hours.

    The focus of this course is to support transition to the practice of nursing ng through synthesis of knowledge. Students will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes i n the program competencies of patient centered care, evidence based practice, teamwork and collaboration, safety, quality improvement, and informatics. The competencies will be demonstrated within a structured preceptor supervised practicum, during a practical management experience and/or during an interdisciplinary simulation-based learning experience. Comprehensive review will support student readiness for the NCLEXRN examination. Five weeks.

    Prerequisites: NURS 2410 ; NURS 2420 : CHEM 1400  or CHEM 1402 .
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 2550 ; BIOL 2401 .
  • NURS 2399 - Special Topics in Nursing

    One, two, or three credit hours.

    An elective course that provides opportunity for second year nursing students to use clinical decision making and evidence based practice to explore and coordinate projects of their choosing as a health care professional in community and service learning settings.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1410  or NURS 1415, NURS 1420 .
  • NURS 2410 - OB/Reproductive Health Nursing

    Fours (2 theory; 2 lab) credit hours.

    A study of the current evidence base for patient-centered care during the reproductive years, with emphasis on normal child-bearing processes. Exemplars illustrating expected processes and common problems that occur during childbearing will be used to facilitate students’ application of decision-making skills to prioritize care as a member of the multidisciplinary team. Students will provide patient/family discharge teaching and implement an original community teaching project to further develop skills in quality improvement and informatics. Laboratory experiences will take place in simulation, acute care, and community settings.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1410  or NURS 1415 NURS 1420.   
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: CHEM 1400  or CHEM 1402 .
  • NURS 2420 - Pediatric Nursing

    A study of the growth and development of infancy through adolescence within the family context. Common acute and chronic health problems that occur during childhood will be incorporated through exemplars in which students must examine the current evidence base and prioritize care as a member of the multidisciplinary team. Students will collaborate in the development of a planned change related to safety needs across developmental stages in a variety of settings. Knowledge and skills related to quality improvement and informatics as they relate to care of children will continue to develop through classroom and laboratory experiences. Laboratory experiences will take place in simulation, acute care and community settings. Traditional option: One-half semester; Traditional Accelerated option: Summer term.

    Prerequisites: NURS 1410  or NURS 1415, NURS 1420 ;
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: CHEM 1400  or CHEM 1402 .
  • NURS 2550 - Adult Nursing III

    Fives (3 theory; 2 lab) credit hours.

    The focus of this course is to further develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to clinical decision making in the delivery of nursing care to adults. Complex health problems will be incorporated through exemplars in which students must prioritize care as a member of the multidisciplinary team. Laboratory experiences will include simulation and managing care for groups of patients and providing leadership within the nursing team, with emphasis on provision of evidence based, patient centered care in acute care settings. Competencies of safety, quality improvement, and informatics will be incorporated in laboratory experiences. Ten weeks.

    Prerequisites: NURS 2410 , NURS 2420 , CHEM 1400  or CHEM 1402 .
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: BIOL 2401 .
  • NURS 3201 - Pharmacology for Nurses: Specialty Medications

    Two Upper-Level Courses in Nursing (NURS) credit hours.

    An elective web-based nursing course presenting the essential concepts of pharmacology in specialized areas of nursing practice. Designed to promote clinical decision making and the integration of pharmacological concepts to meet health needs of individuals across the lifespan within specialized care areas.

    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 2201 ; or with consent of instructor.

Nursing Upper-Level

  • NURS 3220 - Nursing Health Assessment I

    Two credit hours.

    This course is the first in a two course sequence that focuses on client assessment. It provides the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for competency that focuses on the role of the professional nurse in performing a comprehensive health history, physical, and psychosocial assessment. A variety of assessment tools and techniques are utilized. Further focus is on data collection and accurate documentation to communicate findings to the health care team. Part of term course.

    Prerequisites: RN or enrolled in the final semester of an Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) approved associate degree or diploma program with approval of department chairperson.
  • NURS 3230 - Nursing Health Assessment II

    Two credit hours.

    This course is the second in a two course sequence that focuses on client assessment. It provides the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for competency that focuses on the role of the professional nurse in performing a comprehensive health history, physical, and psychosocial assessment. A variety of assessment tools and techniques are utilized. Further focus is on data collection and accurate documentation to communicate findings to the health care team. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to take the course immediately following NURS 3220 . Part of term course;

    Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in NURS 3220 .
  • NURS 3305 - Informatics in Nursing (Elective)

    Three credit hours.

    This course explores knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with accessing, managing, and communicating information, particularly on the creation, structure, and delivery of health related information with the use of technology. Further emphasis is on the use of information technology to improve practice and support lifelong learning. Part of term course;

  • NURS 3310 - Professional Nursing Role Development

    Three credit hours.

    Prerequisite to all other required upper level nursing courses except NURS 3220  and NURS 3230 . The course focus is on the process of socialization into nursing as a profession. The process explores the impact of historical and current events in the development of the professional role of the nurse. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to QSEN competencies (EBP, T/C, QI, S, PCC, and I) in professional nursing and the BSN curriculum is included. A personal philosophy of nursing will be explored within the framework of various nursing theories. Part of term course;

    Prerequisites: Admission into the BSN Program.
  • NURS 3350 - Ethics, Legalities, and Advocacy

    Three credit hours.

    This course explores various ethical guidelines that inform and guide the decision making of nurses, including the framework of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics. Emphasis is on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes included in the legal and ethical responsibilities of nurses in all aspects of care. Patient-centered care is explored from the perspective of advocating for the patient within the interdisciplinary team. Part of term course;

    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 3310 .
  • NURS 3420 - Wellness Promotion

    Fours (3 theory; 1 lab) credit hours.

    Provides an overview of knowledge, skills, and attitudes inherent in the nurse’s role as educator. Emphasis is on principles of teaching and learning in diverse populations to implement evidence based practices to improve outcomes. Assessment of learning needs of patients and communities will be explored. The course will culminate with students designing an integrated practice project as an avenue for nurses to advance health. Part of term course;

    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 3310 ; NURS 3220 ; NURS 3230 
  • NURS 3430 - Healthcare Economics

    Fours (3 theory; 1 lab) credit hours.

    This course focuses on knowledge, skills, and attitudes that relate to factors affecting costs of health care. Students will research cost/benefit analyses related to quality outcomes in the business of health care. Current local, state and national health policy issues as they relate to patient centered care will be discussed from a nursing perspective. The integrated practice project will be completed. Part of term course;

    Prerequisites: NURS 3310 .
  • NURS 3440 - Research and Evidenced-Based Practice in Nursing

    Fours (3 theory; 1 lab) credit hours.

    This course provides an overview of scientific evidence integrated into nursing practice. The focus is on knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the research process, including evaluation and dissemination of best practices to improve health care outcomes. Further emphasis is on the significance of research as it contributes to the profession of nursing. An integrated practice project will be completed. Part of term course;

    Prerequisites: This PSYC 2310  or PSYC 3335  or SOCI 3381 /3181 or STAT 2350 
    Prerequisite/Concurrent: NURS 3310 .
  • NURS 4110 - Special Topics in Nursing

    One, Two, or Three credit hours.

    This course is an upper level elective nursing course that provides opportunity for BSN nursing students to use clinical decision making and evidence based practice (EBP) to explore and coordinate role development projects in the areas of teaching, research, and/or community service. Part of term course.

    Prerequisites: Consent of BSN Program Coordinator.
  • NURS 4210 - Special Topics in Nursing

    One, Two, or Three credit hours.

    This course is an upper level elective nursing course that provides opportunity for BSN nursing students to use clinical decision making and evidence based practice (EBP) to explore and coordinate role development projects in the areas of teaching, research, and/or community service. Part of term course.

    Prerequisites: Consent of BSN Program Coordinator.
  • NURS 4305 - Standardized Participant in Simulation

    3 credit hours.

    Students will be assigned to specific SimCare courses. Under the guidance and direction of the simulation faculty facilitators, students will participate in simulation-based learning experiences (SBLE) as standardized participants (SP) in roles as patients, caregivers and interdisciplinary team members. Students will have opportunities to experience, practice and model the essential nursing competencies; quality improvement, teamwork/collaboration, patient-centered care, evidence based practice, informatics, and safety within the SBLE. Open to students from many disciplines. Instructor approval required.

  • NURS 4310 - Special Topics in Nursing

    One, Two, or Three credit hours.

    This course is an upper level elective nursing course that provides opportunity for BSN nursing students to use clinical decision making and evidence based practice (EBP) to explore and coordinate role development projects in the areas of teaching, research, and/or community service. Part of term course.

    Prerequisites: Consent of BSN Program Coordinator.

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