2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [OFFICIAL CATALOG]
School of Business
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Robert B. Mitchell, Professor
Administrative Support Specialist
Mark Pellegrini
The School of Business is home to multiple professional programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The school provides quality business education, delivered by research engaged faculty in partnership with the business community, to prepare students for professional careers and enhance regional economic development.
Admission Information for Majors
To be accepted into any program in the School of Business, the student must have completed MATH 1302 - College Algebra and RHET 1312 - Composition II, with a grade of C or greater, and have a minimum of 2.25 overall GPA (at UA Little Rock or transferring school) or 2.25 overall GPA on the most recently completed 15 hours at UA Little Rock. The GPA on the most recent 15 hours will be calculated on all hours attempted during the semester(s) in which the 15-hour requirement is met.
Transfer of Credits
In general, credits earned with a grade of C or greater at other appropriately accredited institutions may be transferred for credit toward majors and minors offered by the School, unless otherwise noted within departmental sections. Credits for upper-level business courses completed at schools not accredited by AACSB International are withheld pending review and validation by the department offering the course(s).
Credits earned at community colleges in business courses offered by UA Little Rock at the upper-level are not transferable toward a business degree. Students must complete at UA Little Rock at least 50 percent of the major department degree requirements and at least 50 percent of all School of Business courses required for a business degree.
Transfer students must make an appointment with the Advising Center in the College of Business, Health, and Human Services Center for Student and Career Services prior to their first registration.
Upper-Level Credit Policies
Credit for an upper-level business course is not granted if students complete such courses before accumulating 54 semester credit hours. Credit is not granted toward a degree for any business course taken without the prerequisites stated in this catalog. Students may be administratively withdrawn from courses for which they are enrolled without the prerequisites.
Concurrent and Transient Enrollment
The general policy is that students seeking UA Little Rock business degrees are expected to meet School of Business degree requirements with courses taken at UA Little Rock. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted to take a course at another institution. Written permission to take a course at another institution must be obtained in advance from the major department chairperson and the College Dean. Appropriate request forms may be obtained from the Office of Records and Registration.
The following are the departments that comprise the School Business.
School of Business Academic Departments
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