Sep 18, 2024  
UA Little Rock Academic Publications 
UA Little Rock Academic Publications

Faculty Handbook 3. Administrative Organization and Accreditation

Faculty Handbook Chapters

 1. Mission, Role, and Scope      5. Policies Governing Faculty Service    
 2. Constitution of the University Assembly      6. Course and Student Policies     
 3. Organization and Accreditation    7. Employee Policies for Faculty    
 4. Faculty Employment/Evaluation Policies      8. Laws, Resources, & Academic Offenses     
   Back to Faculty Handbook Homepage   

Section Topics

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock operates under the authority granted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas, described in Rules and Regulations of the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas for the Governance and Administration of the University of Arkansas, For the complete text, go to

(BP 100.4, 3/29/2017)

Accreditation and Affiliations

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

A number of UA Little Rock programs maintain accreditation, licensure or certification through discipline-specific accrediting bodies. A list of these programs can be found at

Administrative Organization of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock

UA Little Rock has an administrative hierarchy headed by a Chancellor and an advisory Board of Visitors. Reporting to the Chancellor are vice chancellors and additional administrators who head various divisions in the University. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost is the chief academic officer of UA Little Rock. This chapter outlines the roles and duties of these individuals and groups.

The Chancellor

The Board of Trustees shall appoint the Chancellor of any campus upon recommendation of the President. The Chancellor of a campus shall exercise complete executive authority thereon, subject to the policies established by the Board of Trustees and the President. The Chancellor shall be the leader of and the official spokesperson for the campus and shall promote the educational excellence and general development and welfare of the campus. The Chancellor shall define the authority of administrative committees and officers of that campus, and all projects, programs, and institutional reports to be undertaken on behalf of that campus shall be subject to authorization and approval of the Chancellor.

The Chancellor shall be responsible to the President for enforcement of the policies and procedures, budgets, regulations, and decisions of the Board of Trustees concerning that campus. It shall be his or her duty to keep the President, and through the President, the Board of Trustees fully informed concerning the operations and needs of that campus. The Chancellor shall make an annual report to the President corresponding to the fiscal year of the University of Arkansas, which report shall also be provided to the Board of Trustees. The Chancellor shall further provide any other reports that may be required.

(BP 100.4, 3/29/2017)

The Board of Visitors

This board is an advisory body to the Chancellor of UA Little Rock and the Board of Trustees. It consists of fifteen members serving for terms of six years. As terms expire or vacancies occur, the remaining members of the board select replacements for confirmation by the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees.

The Board of Visitors elects from its members a chair, vice chair, and secretary. It normally meets quarterly and may hold special meetings called by its officers or by the Chancellor.

The general purpose of the Board of Visitors is to give advice to the Chancellor, the president of the University of Arkansas, and the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas. It also aids in securing support and interprets the educational and service needs of the community.

The Board of Visitors nominates two of its members to sit with the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees. These representatives have the opportunity to participate without vote in discussions.

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost is appointed by the Chancellor, who is guided by the recommendations of a search committee that includes a majority of faculty and also includes student representation. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost reports to the Chancellor. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost direct reports include Associate Vice Chancellors for academic affairs, the deans of the colleges and schools, the Director of the library, additional academic directors and heads, and the secretarial and clerical support staff assigned to the office.

The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost is the chief academic officer of the University and provides academic and administrative leadership in the area of academic and faculty affairs. Key responsibilities include long-range planning and development of academic programs; improving and maintaining quality of the curriculum; providing leadership in hiring faculty and reviewing recommendations for faculty retention, tenure, promotion, and salary increments; establishing and administering procedures for the regular evaluation of deans and the other administrators directly under his or her supervision; developing the overall academic budget; communicating policies within the University and among the community at large; acting as liaison in academic affairs with other units and the central administration of the University of Arkansas; chairing the periodic meetings of the Deans Council; and reviewing and recommending action on nominations for promotion and tenure, applications for leaves of absence without pay, requests for off-campus duty assignments, and authorizations for employees to enroll in classes at the University. The office staff of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost assist in the preparation of budgets, external reports, documents, planning, and other duties as assigned.

Associate Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs

The Associate Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs are appointed by the Chancellor upon initial recommendation of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The Associate Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs assist in all academic and faculty affairs activities as needed by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. They may be ex officio members of the Deans Council and the Undergraduate Council, and one Associate Vice Chancellor is the administrative officer of the Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee. Other duties include overseeing the publication of the Undergraduate Bulletin and Faculty Handbook, coordinating the campuswide assessment programs, student retention initiatives and other duties as delegated by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.

Deans of Colleges/Schools

The dean of a college or school is appointed by the Chancellor upon the initial recommendation of the Vice Chancellor and Provost. The latter is guided by a search committee that includes a majority of faculty and also includes student representation.

Deans of the colleges and Directors of schools report to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and in turn, associate and assistant deans, department chairs, and the secretarial and clerical staff assigned to the college or school report to Deans and Directors. (In schools not organized into departments, the faculty normally report directly to the dean.) A dean’s responsibilities vary from college to college and span a broad range of categories. Area priorities are determined in consultation with the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and college or school faculty, but include the following:

Academic Affairs
Provides leadership in planning, coordinating, and implementing the total programs of the college or school. The dean represents the faculty of the college or school to the administration. The dean is also directly involved in the determination of University policies and practices and communicates these to the department chairs and the faculty.

Faculty Affairs
Provides leadership in encouraging faculty growth and high performance, in encouraging the faculty to meet their responsibilities, and in protecting faculty rights and prerogatives. The dean also implements college or school and University procedures in making documented recommendations for faculty retention, tenure, promotion, and annual salary increments.

Communicates University policies and actions to the chairs and faculty. The dean represents the college or school within the University and in relationships with external agencies such as professional associations, government agencies, and the public. In addition, the dean communicates University programs and activities to students.

Personal Professional Performance
Demonstrates professional competence in teaching, research, and public service and participates in the activities of appropriate professional organizations.

Responsibilities to Students
Provides liaison with various student services dealing with the needs of students, including counseling, responding to student grievances, and certifying students, on behalf of the faculty, for degrees.

Budgetary Affairs
Within the college or school guidelines, the dean prepares and presents annual budget requests. The dean also reviews department budgets and advises department chairs in their budget preparation. The dean also leads in promoting cost-effectiveness within the college or school.

Office Management
Selects and supervises support staff within the college or school office, establishes file and record systems, assigns facilities and equipment to staff, maintains equipment and other properties, and requisitions supplies.

Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School

The Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School is appointed by the Chancellor upon the initial recommendation of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The latter is guided by the recommendation of a search committee that includes a majority of faculty and also includes student representation. The graduate dean reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The Director of Research and Sponsored Programs reports to the Dean of the Graduate School and supervises the support staff assigned to the office. He or she serves as an ex officio member without vote on the Graduate Council.

Student Affairs
Coordinates recruiting initiatives to assemble a diverse pool of qualified applicants for graduate programs and implements a service-oriented philosophy on behalf of the University. He or she is responsible for approving students for admission to and continuation in graduate studies and for certifying students for graduate degrees.

Graduate Council
Implements the policies and decisions of the Graduate Council.

Graduate Assistants
Oversees the appointment and review of graduate assistants.

Works with the graduate coordinators and other academic officers and faculty in developing plans and implementing graduate programs and courses; recommends approval or disapproval of graduate curriculum revisions.

Institutional Responsibilities
Represents UA Little Rock at meetings concerning graduate education, works with academic officers and faculty in accreditation efforts for graduate programs and works with appropriate University personnel in encouraging community and statewide support for graduate programs.

Communicates University and Graduate School policies to students and staff members; oversees the publication of documents such as the Graduate Catalog and graduate program brochures.

Budgetary Affairs
Prepares and presents annual budget requests, controls expenditures within budget allocations.

Office Management
Selects and supervises support staff within the school office, establishes file and record systems, and assigns facilities and equipment to staff.

Director of the Library

The director of the library is appointed by the Chancellor upon the initial recommendation of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, who is guided by a search committee that includes faculty and students. The director is a member of the library faculty and reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The director implements the policies and objectives governing the operation of the library. Development of library objectives is a joint responsibility of the library staff personnel in consultation with the University Faculty Senate, through the Senate’s Library Committee, and administrative officers.

The following excerpt, taken from the statement drafted by the Joint Committee on College Library Problems, serves as the basis for library governance:

With respect to library governance, it is to be presumed that the governing board, the administrative officers, the library faculty, and representatives of the general faculty will share in the

determination of library policies that affect the general interests of the institution and its educational program. In matters of internal governance, the library will operate like other academic units with respect to decisions relating to appointments, promotions, tenure, and conditions of service.

The director of the library is primarily responsible for the following:

Library Materials
Responsible for the housing, preparation, and bibliographic control of library materials. The director also administers the selection and acquisition policies as set forth by the library faculty and general faculty as represented by the University Faculty Senate through its Library Committee.

Facilitates the procurement and administration of funds provided for library personnel, acquisitions, binding, supplies, services, expenses, and equipment to provide a centrally administered library service.

Implements procedures in accordance with University and Association of College and Research Libraries standards makes written recommendations for appointments, promotions, and other personnel matters as needed to attract and keep staff qualified to develop collections and services adequate for the University’s teaching, research, and public service needs.

Cooperates with all academic units contemplating changes in programs to provide needed library service; submits periodic reports to the academic community concerning developments and achievements, special problems, and plans future needs of the library.

Institutional Responsibilities
Coordinates University representation at national, state, and local library conferences and at interinstitutional meetings that may involve the University library.

Associate Provost for the UA Little Rock City Center

The Associate Provost for the UA Little Rock City Center is appointed by the Chancellor upon the initial recommendation of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The associate provost reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and has responsibilities for the downtown campus, the Center for Arkansas History and Culture and the Sequoyah National Research Center.

Associate Provost of Community, Careers, and Extended Education

The Associate Provost of Community, Careers and Extended Education is appointed by the Chancellor upon the initial recommendation of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The associate provost reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. The leaders of extended education initiatives and community programs, careers and job placement, and Children International report to the Associate Provost of Community, Careers and Extended Education.

Department Chairs

The department chair is appointed by the Chancellor upon the initial recommendation of the dean, who is guided by a recommendation originating with the department faculty and processed through administrative channels.

The department chair is fundamentally a member of the department faculty and serves a term specified in the approved department constitution or bylaws. The typical initial term is for a minimum of three years. The chairperson undergoes an annual performance review.

The department chair reports to the dean of the college or school.  The chair direct reports include the faculty and support staff of the department. A chairperson’s responsibilities span a broad range of categories and vary from department to department. Priorities are determined in consultation with the college or school dean and department faculty, but include the following:

Academic Affairs
Coordinates the development, approval, and implementation of programs in the department, leads in the evaluation and improvement of curricula and instruction, enforces academic standards, plans class schedules and faculty course loads, provides leadership in the department’s efforts to develop and achieve its goals and objectives. As a member of the administration in helping to determine University policies, the chair transmits faculty ideas to the administration and conveys University policies to the department faculty.

Faculty Affairs
Provides leadership in selecting and orienting new faculty members, encouraging faculty growth and high performance, encouraging faculty to meet their responsibilities, and protecting faculty rights and prerogatives. In evaluating faculty and making documented recommendations for their retention, tenure, promotion, and annual salary increments, the chair observes departmental and University policies.

Communicates University policies to the department. The chairperson is a representative of the department within the University and with external agencies such as professional associations, government agencies, and the public. In addition, as a member of the faculty, the chair communicates University programs and activities to students.

Personal Professional Performance
Provides leadership as a representative of his scholarly discipline within the University, the community, and the nation. He or she provides professional leadership and example within the department. The chair demonstrates professional competence in teaching, research, and public service and participates in the activities of appropriate organizations, but it is recognized that limitations are imposed by the chair’s administrative responsibilities.

Responsibilities to Students
Gives particular attention to the needs and interests of students and provides leadership in recruiting and counseling students, preparing degree plans, responding to student grievances, providing information on present and future career opportunities for majors and minors, and certifying students, on behalf of the faculty, for degrees. The faculty recognizes that the Office of Academic Advising, the Office of Admissions and Records, Counseling and Career Planning Services also have responsibilities in these areas.

Budgetary Affairs
Prepares and presents annual budget requests, controls expenditures within budget allocations, and promotes cost-effectiveness studies within the department.

Office Management
Recommends the appointment of support staff and serves as supervisor; administers department facilities; establishes file and record systems; assigns offices, equipment, and other properties; and requisitions supplies.

Director of the Donaghey Scholars Program

The director of the Donaghey Scholars Program is appointed by the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, who is guided by a search committee that includes faculty and students. The director works with a Policy Council appointed by the provost from among faculty members in the schools and colleges involved in the program. The director develops interdisciplinary approaches to learning in cooperation with faculty throughout the University; identifies faculty to teach Scholars courses and seminars and be responsible for the Colloquium; develops, refines, and carries out appropriate policies; sees that program objectives are met; directs recruitment and admission efforts; advises students and monitors their progress; establishes and carries out evaluation procedures; and relates to appropriate regional and national organizations. The Director also assists with fundraising activities and sees that the program is properly administered and managed. The Director supervises support staff.

Director of eLearning

The director of eLearning is appointed by the chancellor upon the recommendation of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. He or she is responsible for the online campus and online course support, StaR, Blackboard and instructional design assistance.

Director of Research and Sponsored Programs

The director of research and sponsored programs is appointed by the chancellor upon the initial recommendation of the dean of the Graduate School, who is guided by the recommendations of a search committee that includes a majority of faculty. The director reports to the dean of the Graduate School and has support staff reporting to him or her.

The director of research and sponsored programs encourage faculty and staff to apply for research grants and to conduct research; provides leadership and support to University committees concerned with research; is well-informed about and advises the faculty and staff of grant opportunities; assists the faculty and staff in preparing grant applications; is well-informed about University, state, and federal policies relating to research and sponsored programs; recommends approval and disapproval of all grant and contract proposals and applications; approves all grant and contract budgets; (oversees) arranges budget conferences with project directors, appropriate budget heads, and the grants accountant; maintains an official file of grants and contracts; represents UA Little Rock at meetings concerned with research and sponsored programs; ensures that the University is in compliance with all federal and state regulations that affect grants a and contracts; supervises post-award processes, including the grants and contracts management staff; and solicits external support for research and sponsored programs.

Graduate Program Coordinators
The graduate program coordinators are appointed in the various departments, through established procedures, in consultation with the dean of the Graduate School. Such appointments are subject to the approval of the dean of the college or school in the area offering the program.

The graduate coordinator is the principal liaison between the dean of the Graduate School and the faculty and students of a graduate program. In conformity with the policies and procedures of the Graduate School and the graduate program, the coordinator processes applications for admission and change of status forms, assigns advisers, monitors student progress, maintains accurate records, recommends the appointment of supervisory and examining committees, informs students and faculty of pertinent procedures and deadlines, certifies students for graduation to the dean of the Graduate School, and provides assistance and information on program matters to the dean of the Graduate School and other University officials.

Administrative Groups

Deans Council
With the executive vice chancellor and provost as chairperson, this group consists of the deans of the colleges and schools, the associate vice chancellors, and the director of the Library. The chief information officer also sits with the Deans Council. The group meets regularly to discuss matters of common concern and to advise the vice chancellor and provost. An agenda is prepared, and minutes of the meeting are recorded; both are distributed to participants, the department chairpersons, and the executive committee of the University Faculty Senate.

Department Chairs Council
The academic department chairs meet regularly to discuss matters of common interest. The group elects officers and meets on the call of the presiding officer or of a number of its members. Minutes are kept and distributed to the participants; they are available from any of the officers.

Administrative Committees
Administrative committees are those that serve in an advisory capacity to an administrative office or officer. Faculty and staff members are appointed by the chancellor. Unless otherwise specified, student representatives on these committees are appointed by the chancellor from nominees recommended by the Student Government Association. Each administrative committee elects its chair annually. Each administrative committee is instructed to keep Faculty Senate members informed of any action it takes that would be of general interest.

Faculty Prerogatives
The responsibilities noted in the several job descriptions above do not in any fashion imply abrogation of the prerogatives of a department, college, or school faculty or the University Faculty Senate to establish individual governance policies or to legislate regarding academic policies and programs.

UA Little Rock Organizational Chart

View top-level administration at UA Little Rock at

View Organizational Chart at