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UA Little Rock Academic Publications 
UA Little Rock Academic Publications

Faculty Handbook 7. Employee Policies for Faculty

Faculty Handbook Chapters

 1. Mission, Role, and Scope      5. Policies Governing Faculty Service    
 2. Constitution of the University Assembly      6. Course and Student Policies     
 3. Organization and Accreditation      7. Employee Policies for Faculty  
 4. Faculty Employment/Evaluation Policies      8. Laws, Resources, & Academic Offenses     
   Back to Faculty Handbook Homepage   

Section Topics

Commencement Attendance

At least half of the faculty members from each college or school, as determined by the dean, are expected to be present and participate in the academic procession at commencement unless excused by the appropriate department chairperson and dean. Faculty members are expected to wear appropriate academic regalia at such functions.

(UP 403.11, 9/13/2011)

Concurrent Employment

While emphasizing the fact that full-time faculty and non-classified staff members (including, but not limited to, senior administrators) of the University are obligated to devote their working time and efforts primarily to University activities, the University recognizes that a limited amount of outside work for private compensation may be advantageous to all concerned. Such persons are therefore encouraged to engage in outside employment which will affirmatively contribute to their professional advancement or correlate usefully with their University work. This employment shall not interfere in any substantial way with the employee’s University duties nor conflict with his/her University assignments.

For guidelines and additional information, see

State employees who receive compensation from (1) two different state agencies/institutions or (2) from the same institution/agency for additional duties not defined as part of the employee’s primary job must complete a Concurrent Employment Form. All state employees are covered by the concurrent employment regulations. City school districts are NOT considered state institutions.

Concurrent employment requests (internal and external employees) are subject to the approval of the chief fiscal officer of the state prior to commencement of the services. The employee/department must submit the required form to the Department of Human Resources at least ten (10) working days before the services are to begin. Late concurrent employment requests require written justification from the department as to why the request was not submitted in a timely manner. Incomplete and late requests without justification will not be processed by the Arkansas Office of Personnel Management.

Services for concurrent employment cannot begin until the form is approved by OPM. Concurrent employment requests are limited to a specific time frame and will not be approved beyond 12 months or across fiscal years.

The employee is ultimately responsible to communicate to both the primary and secondary employer and to ensure that the Concurrent Employment Request Form is properly submitted and approved prior to the date of hire.

Concurrent employment services must meet the criteria as specified in Arkansas Code Annotated §19-4- 1604 (2011) and §6-63-303 (2011). Penalties for non-compliance are outlined in Arkansas Code Annotated §6-63-307 (2011).

(BP 450.1 3/30/2016; UP 402.10, 1/19/2012)

Copyright and Patent

For requirements, regulations, and guidelines, see

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is responsible for the University’s patent and copyright process.

(BP 210.1, 1/28/2016)

Disturbances, Demonstrations and Mass Gatherings

University regulations prohibit activities which

  1. interfere with campus order and access, the normal functioning of the University, or the rights of other members of the University community;
  2. result in injury to individuals on campus, damage to an individual or University property, or unauthorized attempt or actual entry into University buildings; and (3) present a clear and impending threat to the safety of individuals, to University property, or the University community.

For guidelines regarding procedures for holding mass gatherings or demonstrations or additional information, see

(BP 220.1; UP 210.6, 11/18/1977)

Electronic Media

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock collects and maintains electronic information and files from users on a voluntary basis. These files are collected and maintained to facilitate the processing of student, employee, and alumni records.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(UP 208.3, 2003)

E-mail and Privacy Concerns

University employees who communicate by electronic mail should be aware that this medium of communication is not as secure as mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Great caution, therefore, should be exercised in making derogatory personal comments, which might be interpreted as defamatory, about any person. Federal privacy law prohibits disclosure of most personal information about students. Therefore, university employees should exercise extreme caution when electronically transmitting personal information about students, such as evaluations and grades. As a general proposition, such information should be sent via email only to the student or to an appropriate university official.

(UP 402.13, 6/6/2007)


Management Plan
The Emergency Management Plan applies to all units of UA Little Rock. This plan is the basic framework for emergency preparedness. It is not intended to cover every unit’s individual needs. Each unit is encouraged to supplement this plan to suit their own needs while remaining in compliance with this plan.

The Emergency Management Plan is designed to maximize human survival and preservation of property, minimize danger, restore normal operations of the university, and assure responsive communications within the university, surrounding neighborhoods, and cities.

This plan is set in operation whenever a natural or induced crisis affecting the University reaches proportions that cannot be handled by established measures.

For guidelines and additional information, see

Notification System
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is committed to communicating important information to its students, faculty, and staff. The university has a multimodal communication system (commonly referred to as the “RAVE” alert system) that will send via text and voice alerts, warnings and cautions any time hazardous conditions arise on campus as well as important information such as fee payment deadlines. For the most part, the alert system will simply notify the campus community of closings due to unfavorable weather conditions or hazardous roads. However, in the unlikely event of a significant incident such as a violent crime, major fire, or chemical spill, this system will be equally able to notify all students, faculty, and staff of the emergency situation. It is important to keep contact information current in the BOSS database so that timely notifications will be received.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(UP 203.2, 7/1/2013)

Inclement Weather Policies
During inclement weather, UA Little Rock will decide whether or not to close based on all available information.

The Chancellor will decide whether or not conditions warrant canceling classes and activities and closing the campus or whether classes and activities will be canceled but with specified campus offices open. Online or web-enhanced classes will continue as scheduled at the discretion of the faculty member.

The UA Little Rock website, UA Little Rock email, the university’s main telephone number and other campus notification systems are the official means of communicating information concerning weather-related closings.

When necessary, the university will announce a separate decision about canceling night classes (those classes starting at 4:20 p.m. or later) by 2 p.m., if possible.

Ordinarily, remote campuses such as the Bowen Law School, Arkansas Studies Institute, and Benton Center will close or cancel classes and activities whenever the university does so. In some circumstances, however, a separate decision may be made whether or not a site remote from campus will be open or closed, and this decision will be announced through the university’s official means of communicating weather-related closings.

Vice Chancellors are responsible for ensuring necessary services are provided in their respective areas when the university is closed. Employees required to provide such services will be identified by their supervisors. Employees who do not report to work when the campus is open will be charged annual/ compensatory leave or leave without pay. The Payroll Department will prescribe payroll reporting and timekeeping.

The Policy Advisory Council of the University Assembly will recommend to the Chancellor if and when missed undergraduate and graduate class days should be made up. In the event that the university is closed during a final examination day, the Provost, in consultation with the Faculty Senate president, will reschedule any missed graduate or undergraduate final examinations with the exception of online exams which will continue as scheduled.

Weather and road conditions vary from place to place. Employees and students are expected to exercise good judgment regarding the safety of travel when road conditions are affected by the weather.

(UP215.1, 1/15/2003; 11/11/2015)

Energy Guidelines

It is the intent of UA Little Rock to maintain an energy-conscious campus environment. UA Little Rock strives to reduce energy costs by reducing consumption and by reducing energy rates whenever possible.

For guidelines and additional information, see,

Enrollment in University Courses and Tuition Waivers

Employees must have been employed by the UA Little Rock for one complete fall or spring semester to be eligible for the Tuition Waiver.

Tuition Waiver forms will not be accepted after the last day of late registration at 4:00 p.m.

All full–time active employees of UA Little Rock, not on leave without pay other than workers compensation, military or family medical leave, employed as of the final day of regular registration in any particular session or semester, their spouses, and their dependent children (as defined by the Internal Revenue Service) are eligible. Surviving spouses, who have not remarried, and dependent children of deceased employees who died while in the full-time employment of UA Little Rock are also eligible. All enrollees must meet normal admissions requirements and audits should be on a space available basis only. For employees hired on or after May 1, 2017, eligibility as described above shall begin with the final day of regular registration following continuous employment in a full-time position with the university for one complete fall or spring semester.

Download and complete the tuition waiver form.

Acquire the necessary supervisor’s signature and/or dean/director’s signature on Employee Tuition Waiver Form. Completed forms can be faxed to the Department of Human Resources. The Department of Human Resources will verify UA Little Rock employee’s eligibility and send the form to the Student Account’s office to apply for the waiver.

Tuition Waiver Forms must be submitted each semester.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(BP 440.1; UASP 445.1; UP 302.7, 5/1/2017)

Extra Compensation Policy

The salary or other regular compensation of a full-time employee of the University is intended as compensation for all regularly assigned activities performed for or in the name of the University. However, an employee may be called upon from time to time to perform additional tasks over and above regularly assigned duties for which he or she may receive extra compensation.

For guidelines, rules and additional information, see

(UASP 440.2, 4/29/2016)

Extra Compensation from Sponsored Projects

Federal rules and regulations, including the Uniform Guidance (UG) 2 CFR §200, do not allow for an individual’s institutional base salary to be increased as a result of grant funding. These federal rules and regulations also restrict the payment of overload, bonus, or other supplemental payments outside the individual’s base salary. The following policy must be applied when a salary is to be paid from a sponsored project. Extra compensation above the base salary can only be charged to federal awards in unusual cases when specifically authorized by the awarding agency.

Rules and Regulations
Additional compensation is to be calculated on the same basis as any other activity conducted during the academic year. It must also be charged the appropriate fringe benefit rate. Generic terms, such as “salaries,” “overload,” “personnel services,” “stipend payments,” etc., may not be used as requests for additional compensation. Requests for additional compensation must be clearly labeled “extra compensation” in the budget of the proposal, or a budget adjustment must be approved in writing by the sponsor. ORSP reviews all requests for extra compensation in budget proposals and has the authority to disapprove them or request changes.

Extra compensation found to be improperly charged to sponsored programs accounts will require reimbursement to the funding agency. Responsibility for reimbursement will be determined by the Vice Chancellor for finance and administration.

Salary Rate
UG §200.430 states that salary charges by faculty members during the academic year are allowable at the institutional base salary rate (IBSR). The IBSR is the annual compensation paid by UA Little Rock for an individual’s appointment, whether that time is spent on research, instruction, administration, or other activities. This rate excludes any income earned outside of UA Little Rock duties.

Extra Compensation
During the academic year (or for fiscal year employees) supplemental pay is only allowable if all of the following conditions are met:

There is a consistent written definition of work covered by the institutional base salary which is specific enough to determine when work beyond that level has occurred. This may be described in appointment letters or other documentation.

The supplemental amount is commensurate with the IBSR and the amount of additional work performed. The salary falls within the salary structure and pay range established by UA Little Rock.

Intra-institution consulting by faculty is considered an institutional obligation requiring no additional compensation. Where consultation involves a separate or remote operation and the work performed is in addition to one’s regular responsibilities, supplemental compensation is only allowable if the consulting arrangement is:

Specifically provided for in the Federal award or approved in writing by the Federal awarding agency. Consistent with compensation paid for similar work in other UA Little Rock activities.

In cases where the kinds of employees required for a sponsored project are not found in the other activities of UA Little Rock, compensation will be considered reasonable to the extent that it is comparable to that paid for similar work in the labor market in which the non-Federal entity competes for the kind of employees involved.

Summer Salary for Faculty
Charges for work performed by faculty members outside of the primary appointment contract period will be at a rate not in excess of the institutional base salary or in conflict with the State of Arkansas faculty summer compensation policy.

The PI must clearly identify extra compensation in the proposed budget, provide a written justification for the compensation based on the conditions stated in the OMB Uniform Guidance, and provide documentation of the sponsor’s approval to ORSP.

The department chair/business official must review and approve the extra compensation request.

ORSP reviews project policies and guidelines, ensures that the conditions for paying extra compensation on a federally sponsored program have been met, and approves/disapproves the transaction.

(UASP 440.2, 4/29/2016; UP 603.11, 6/15/2016)

Free, Robust and Uninhibited Debate and Deliberation

Our students and faculty have the right to discuss any problem that presents itself. This right is grounded in long-standing principles of academic freedom and is reflected in university accreditation standards. The “cure” for ideas we oppose lies through open discussion rather than through inhibition. Free inquiry is indispensable to the good life, universities exist for the sake of such inquiry, and without it, they cease to be universities. This is the essence of critical thinking that provides society and individuals with progress.

Education is not intended to make people comfortable; it is meant to make them think. Universities are expected to provide the conditions within which hard thought, and therefore strong disagreement, independent judgment, and the questioning of stubborn assumptions, can flourish in an environment of the greatest freedom.

The ideas of different members of the University community will often and quite naturally conflict. But it is inappropriate for the University to attempt to shield individuals from ideas and opinions they find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive. Although the University community greatly values civility, and although all members of the University community share in the responsibility for maintaining a climate of mutual respect, concerns about civility and mutual respect can never be used as a justification for closing off discussion of ideas, however offensive or disagreeable those ideas may be to some members of our community.

The freedom to debate and discuss the merits of competing ideas does not, of course, mean that individuals may say whatever they wish, wherever they wish. But the University may legally restrict the substance of expression only when it explicitly violates the law, i.e., when speech falsely defames a specific individual, constitutes a genuine threat or actual harassment, or invades legally recognized privacy interests. In addition, reasonable time, place, and manner regulations are recognized as legal. But these are narrow exceptions to the general principle of freedom of expression, and it is vitally important that these exceptions never be used in a manner that is inconsistent with the University’s commitment to a completely free and open discussion of ideas.

The University’s fundamental commitment is to the principle that debate or deliberation may not be suppressed because the ideas put forth are thought by some or even by most members of the University community or society at large to be offensive, unwise, immoral, or wrong-headed. The individual members of the University community-not the University as an institution, its administration, nor any external constituency-are entitled to make those judgments for themselves, and to act on those judgments not by seeking to suppress speech, but by openly and vigorously contesting the ideas that they oppose. Indeed, fostering the ability of members of the University community to engage in such debate and deliberation in an effective and responsible manner is an essential part of the University’s educational mission.

As a corollary to the University’s commitment to protect and promote free expression, members of the University community must also act in conformity with the principle of free expression. Although members of the University community are free to criticize and contest the views expressed on campus, and to criticize and contest speakers who are invited to express their views on campus, they may not obstruct or otherwise interfere with the freedom of others to express views they reject or even loathe. To this end, the University has a solemn responsibility not only to promote lively and fearless freedom of debate and deliberation but also to protect that freedom when others attempt to restrict it.

Statement Articulating The University Of Arkansas At Little Rock’s Overarching Commitment To Free, Robust, And Uninhibited Debate And Deliberation Among All Members Of The University’s Community (FS 4/26/2018)

Fringe Benefits

All nine to twelve-month employees appointed half time or greater are eligible for fringe benefits. Complete details concerning these programs may be obtained from the Office of Human Resource Services. For more information, see

Fundraising and Development Activities

All plans by individuals or groups associated with or employed by the University to solicit prospective donors for private financial support must be submitted to and approved through the UA Little Rock Office of Alumni and Development.

In the interest of approaching fundraising in a coordinated and professional manner, faculty and staff should follow these guidelines:

Any member of the faculty or staff who plans to approach a business or an individual to ask for a donation of any size must first discuss these plans with the appropriate personnel in the Office of Alumni and Development. The colleges and the administration establish funding priorities with this office and often have relevant and important information about successfully contacting specific businesses and individuals. All checks for donations to the university must be made out to the “UA Little Rock Foundation” with a designation on the memo line as to what department, scholarship, or program should receive the funds.

Checks should not be made out to UA Little Rock, specific departments, or specific programs. Since this is a requirement of the IRS, any other designation can cause serious delays in check processing and inconvenience for the donor. There are very few exceptions to the regulation that checks be made out to the UA Little Rock Foundation. If you have questions, please call the Office of Alumni and Development.

Every check received must be delivered to the Office of Alumni and Development within three working days to ensure prompt deposit and acknowledgment of the gift.

(UP 206.3, 6/10/1998)

Garnishment and Salary Liens

Wages and other compensations due an employee from the University are legally subject to seizure by a court order of garnishment or by a governmental lien. The University is required to comply with an order of garnishment only when one is issued after a legal judgment has been entered against the employee-debtor. The University must also honor governmental liens such as those arising from claims for unpaid taxes and from bankruptcy claims.

The University has a concern when a garnishment or salary lien is issued against one of its employees and served on the University. Receipt of two orders of garnishment, two salary liens, or a combination of one of each type of seizure during any twelve-month period dating from the receipt of the first such order shall be deemed grounds for termination according to regular University procedures.

The University also has the right to set off any amounts an employee, including a student-employee, owes the University against amounts the University owes that employee. The University may set off against an employee’s wages no more than the amount of those wages that exceed the statutory minimum hourly wage, unless the payment owed the University is a result of an advance of funds to the employee or a misappropriation of funds or property by the employee; in such cases the University may set off the amount due against all wages and other moneys owed the employee. Set offs against payments to a student- employee for work-study or as federal loans are subject to laws and regulations governing those programs. Set offs against payments to a student-employee for work-study or as federal loans are subject to laws and regulations governing those programs.

(BP 405.2, 1/20/1995; UASP 440.9, 4/29/2016; UP 402.68, 1/20/1995).

HIV Policy

In support of its mission to discover and disseminate knowledge and to promote humane sensitivities and understanding of interdependence, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock endorses the following policy for responding to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection.

Based on conclusive evidence from the U.S. Public Health Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people living with HIV infection pose no threat of transmission through casual contact to those who are uninfected. Because many people are infected and don’t know it, the university accepts an inclusive approach that recognizes any individual could be HIV positive. No screening or inquiries regarding HIV status will be made for admission or employment.

People with HIV / AIDS are protected from discrimination by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Appropriate, reasonable accommodations will be made for students and employees who are infected, and they will be accorded all rights of access and responsibilities in every aspect of university life available to uninfected persons. Acts of discrimination or abuse will not be tolerated. Confidentiality will be observed.

For additional information, including educational programs, contact Health Services or Human Resource Services.

(FS 4/19/96)

Holiday Schedule and Pay

The schedule for holidays is issued each fiscal year in accordance with AUSP 435.1 and is available from Human Resources.

(AUSP 435.1, 4/29/16)

Identification Cards

All UA Little Rock faculty and staff members, other than those hired as extra labor, are issued a UA Little Rock identification card called the UA Little Rock ID Campus Card. The UA Little Rock ID Campus Card may be obtained on the lower floor of the Donaghey Student Center.

The card is to be presented on request for using the Ottenheimer Library, Donaghey Student Center Fitness and Aquatic Center, and other facilities and services. Faculty may need the ID card to access some classrooms or buildings.

The card is only valid for the length of time the holder is employed by the University. The card is not transferable and does not authorize the holder to obligate the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in any manner. If employment is terminated, the card should be returned to the Office of Human Resource Services.

Information Technology (IT) Acceptable Use
Information technology (IT) has the ability to distribute and examine a vast array of material with unprecedented speed. One requirement, however, remains constant: all information technology use must fully respect the rights of the university and IT community members. This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is designed to guide faculty, staff, and students in the acceptable use of network and information systems provided by the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UA Little Rock). More importantly, it is meant as an application of principles of respect using UA Little Rock computer resources, other computer users, and for the medium itself.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(UP 208.1, 3/3/2003)

Keys and Keycards

To obtain a key or swipe card to campus buildings, an individual must present the authorization form. Handwritten authorization forms will not be accepted. The authorization form must be signed by the head of the department requesting the issue and the dean or director authorizing the issue. If requesting a Sub Master or Master key, it must have the signature of the Vice Chancellor. Please note that the authorization form must be submitted to the Lock Shop within 30 days of the signatures and key must be picked up within 30 days of form submission.

Lost keys should be reported immediately. Conditions under which keys are lost may necessitate that locks subject to that key be replaced. Please follow these guidelines for reporting lost keys:

Alert Facilities Management and the Department of Public Safety and file a lost key report at Facilities Management.

Upon termination of employment, a termination clearance card must be signed by Facilities Management personnel showing that all keys assigned to the person have been returned. The card must be signed and submitted to the Payroll Office before the last salary check can be released.

Leave Policies

This section includes the different leave policies available to employees. Nine-month faculty do not earn vacation hours.

Sick Leave
Sick leave is a benefit available to University employees who are employed half-time or greater and on at least a nine-month appointment period. Paid sick leave is not granted as vacation leave and can be used only when: (1) the employee is unable to perform the employee’s regular duties because of sickness or injury or (2) for treatment by or consultation with a licensed health care provider.

Sick leave may also be granted to employees due to the death or serious illness of a member of the employee’s immediate family. Immediate family shall mean the employee’s parent, sibling, spouse, child (including an adoptive child), grandparent, grandchild, in-law, or any individual acting as a parent or guardian of the employee. Serious illness for the purpose of this policy includes pregnancy- and maternity-related health conditions.

For additional information, see board policy at

(BP 420.1, 6/9/1995, revised into new policy 420.3, 1/31/2019)

Annual Leave
Employees whose titles are listed in the appropriation acts as twelve-month non-classified positions will receive 22.5 days of paid vacation from the onset of employment, earned at a rate of 15 hours per month. While administrative duties cannot be limited to a five-day, forty-hour week, for purposes of annual leave the normal workweek shall be considered Monday through Friday.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(BP 420.1, 6/9/1995; UP 402.34, 6/6/1995)

Military Leave
Twelve-month employees who are members of the National Guard or any of the Reserve branches of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be granted a maximum of two weeks leave annually plus necessary travel time for annual training requirements. Such leave shall be granted without loss of pay and in addition to regular vacation time.

Nine-month academic and administrative employees are expected to take any two-weeks military leave during the three months they are not under contract to the University. Each employee who requests military leave shall furnish a copy of his / her orders to the appropriate vice president or Vice Chancellor.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(BP 420.1 6/9/1995; UP 402.34, 6/6/1995)

Court and Jury Leave
Any employee serving as a witness, juror, or party litigant shall be entitled to regular University compensation in addition to any fees paid by the court for such services, and such absences shall not be counted as annual leave.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(BP 420.1, 6/9/1995; UP 402.34, 6/6/1995)

Children’s Educational Activity Leave
All full-time employees shall be entitled to eight (8) total hours of leave, regardless of the number of children, during any one (1) calendar year for the purpose of attending or assisting with the educational activities or interscholastic activities of a child.

Children’s Educational Activity Leave that is unused may not be carried over to the next year. Any unused Children’s Educational Activity Leave is not eligible for payout upon termination and/or retirement.

An educational activity must be related to any school-sponsored activity, including, without limitations:

  1. A parent-teacher conference
  2. Participation in school-sponsored tutoring
  3. Participation in a school-sponsored volunteer program
  4. A field trip
  5. A classroom program
  6. A school committee meeting
  7. An academic competition
  8. Assisting with athletic, music, or theater programs
  9. A prekindergarten program (educational/child development program – at least three years of age)
  10. An interscholastic activity for home-schooled

A child is a person enrolled in pre-kindergarten through grade 12, including a home-schooled student, who is of the following relation to a full-time employee:

  1. Natural child
  2. Adopted child
  3. Step-child
  4. Foster child
  5. Grandchild
  6. Ward of the state that the full-time employee has been appointed the person’s legal guardian or custodian
  7. Any other legal capacity where the full-time employee is acting as a parent for the child
  8. A child may also relate to a person who meets the criteria above but is over eighteen (18) years of age and has a developmental disability or is declared legally incompetent.

The supervisor must approve the leave request before the leave may be taken. Leave shall be granted if the employee’s time off will not interfere with the efficient operation of the office.

Act 1028 Children’s Educational Activities Leave; – OPM Policy 50.13 (UP 402.69, 2/26/2014)

Leave-of-Absence Without Pay
The President of the University is authorized to grant leaves-of-absence without pay for a period not to exceed one year.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(UP 402.34, 6/6/1995. BP 420.1 revised 6/9/1995)

Vacation Leave for Graduate Study
Vacation leave for graduate study may be granted to otherwise eligible employees under the terms of BP 420.1.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(UP 402.34, 6/6/1995. BP 420.1, 6/9/1995)

Catastrophic Leave
It shall be the policy of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to permit eligible, regular, full-time employees to voluntarily donate accrued annual and / or sick leave to the Catastrophic Leave Bank Program. It shall also be the policy of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to permit eligible, regular, full-time employees to voluntarily receive leave from the Catastrophic Leave Bank Program. The Catastrophic Leave Bank Program does not create any expectations or promises of continued employment with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and is merely a means of assisting eligible University employees through medical emergencies, injuries and illness should they exhaust all earned sick, annual, holiday and compensatory leave time. The Catastrophic Leave Committee shall be composed of five members who represent a relative demographic cross-section of the University’s workforce. Participation shall be voluntary and the administration of the Catastrophic Leave Bank Program shall be in accordance with Act 169 or 1991, Department of Finance and Administration Rules and Regulations and in compliance with the listed procedures.

A Catastrophic Leave Committee reviews catastrophic leave requests, determines eligibility, determines continuing eligibility, recommends action to the Chancellor.

Catastrophic Leave Committee
The Catastrophic Leave Committee shall be comprised of five (5) members. Three (3) members shall be selected by the Staff Senate and two (2) members selected by the Faculty Senate. These committee members must represent a cross-section of the employee population. Ex-officio, non-voting members will include a representative from the Department of Human Resource and a representative from Payroll.

Donation to the Catastrophic Leave Bank
The Catastrophic Leave Committee shall screen leave donated by employees to ensure that the following criteria are met:

  1. The donation period will be during November and December unless the Catastrophic Leave Committee declares an emergency sign-up period due to a low level of hours in the Catastrophic Leave Bank.
  2. Sick and/or annual leave may be donated to the Catastrophic Leave Bank in no less than one (1) hour increments up to a combined total of forty (40) hours per year.
  3. The Chancellor reserves the right to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
  4. No employee shall be allowed to donate leave to the Catastrophic Leave Bank if such donation will reduce that employee’s accrued sick and annual leave balance to less than eighty (80) hours. This does not apply to employees who are terminating their employment. When an employee terminates employment, any unused leave may be donated to the Catastrophic Leave Bank at that time.
  5. Annual and/or sick leave which has been donated to the Catastrophic Leave Bank may not be restored to the employee who donated the leave time.
  6. Annual and/or sick leave donated to the Catastrophic Leave Bank by an employee cannot be designated to any one individual.

The remainder of the Catastrophic Leave Policy, including important definitions, can be obtained from the Office of Human Resources.

(UP 402.5, 5/11/2016)

(Approved by the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration in 1/92 and by the UA Little Rock Faculty Senate on 2/26/93)

(Authorized by Act 169 of 1991 and according to the rules and regulations approved by the Department of Finance and Administration.)

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) requires employers with 50 or more workers to provide qualified employees up to 12 weeks unpaid leave per year for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for a spouse or an immediate family member with a serious health condition, or when unable to work because of a serious health condition. Employers covered by the law are required to maintain any pre-existing health coverage during the leave period with the employee paying the appropriate premium. Once the leave is concluded, the employee may be reinstated to the same or an equivalent job.

Contact Human Resource for additional information, or review the FMLA website for additional information at

(UP 401.4, 2/25/2010)

Moving Expense

Arkansas Code Annotated §19-4-522 (e) allows the payment of employee moving expenses from state funds by institutions of higher education. The purpose of this policy is to outline allowable relocation costs and to clarify non-allowable costs.

Within the fiscal limitations of departmental units of the UA Little Rock, a dean, director, or department head may offer a lump sum payment for moving expenses for new faculty or professional staff employees. The terms of agreement for payment of moving expenses should be included in the letter of appointment and/or letter offering employment. The university’s obligation applies to the movement of a “household” and does not constitute a separate allowance to each member of a family employed by the university.

In accordance with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, all university payments for moving expenses are no longer deductible expenses and are subject to Social Security (or FICA Alternative), Medicare and Federal withholding taxes. As a result, all moving expenses paid from the calendar year 2018 forward will be taxable on the employee’s paycheck and included on the employee’s Form W-2 for the year.

The lump-sum payment for moving expenses will be paid to the new faculty or professional staff employee through the submission of a Moving Expenses Compensation EPAF after the primary job has been established in the payroll system.

Arkansas Code Annotated §19-4-522(e); Internal Revenue Service Publication 521 (UP 309.10, 8/3/18)

Nepotism Policy

The university recognizes that potential conflicts of interest may exist when members of the same immediate family are employed by the university, particularly in the same department, unit, or division. To avoid conflicts of interest which may result from such employment, immediate family members should not participate in decisions to hire, retain, promote, or determine the salary of the other. It is the responsibility of the president and the chancellor to assure that one immediate family member shall not have direction or supervision of the other and shall not participate in decisions to hire, retain, promote, or determine the salary of the other.

Exceptions to this policy may be made in writing with justification by the president or the chancellor. Exceptions involving immediate family members of a chancellor shall be made by the president. For purposes of this policy, “immediate family member” shall mean an employee’s spouse, children of the employee or his or her spouse, and brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, or parents, whether by blood or marriage, of the employee or his or her spouse.

This policy is supplementary to any provisions of applicable law and is based on BP 410.1, 11/20/71; 6/9/2000.

(BP 410.1, 11/20/71, 6/9/2000)

Nondiscrimination Policies

UA Little Rock Policy on Discriminatory Harassment and Equal Opportunity
UA Little Rock adheres to a policy that enables all individuals, regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, or disability, to work and study in an environment unfettered by discriminatory behavior or acts. Harassment of an individual or group will not be condoned, and any person — student, faculty, or staff member — who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

For definitions and additional information, see and

(UP 512.7; 4/1/2010)

For definitions and additional information, see and

(UP, 5/26/2006)

Title IX Policy for Sex- and Gender-Based Discrimination, Harassment, and Misconduct Complaints, and Complaint Retaliation
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from harassment and discrimination based upon race, color, religion, national origin, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, age, physical or mental disability, or genetic information. Such an environment is necessary for healthy learning, working, and living atmosphere. Accordingly, all acts of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct as defined by this policy are prohibited.

Title IX protects the university community from sexual discrimination, harassment, and misconduct in a school’s education programs and activities. Title IX protects the university community in connection with all academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other university programs, whether those programs take place on university property, in university transportation, at a class or training program sponsored by the university at another location, online, or elsewhere.

The university will continue to administer this policy with respect to any such conduct by a student, faculty or staff even if the student graduates, withdraws, takes leave or is otherwise absent or if the student, faculty or staff leave the university’s employ or is otherwise absent and even if the university does not learn of such conduct until after the student, faculty or staff leaves the university’s employ or is otherwise absent.

This policy is not intended to restrict curriculum or prohibit or abridge the use of particular textbooks or curricular materials, nor shall it be construed to restrict constitutionally protected expression or freedom of scientific investigation.

Consistent with state and federal law, reasonable accommodation will be provided to persons with disabilities.

All complaints or any concerns about conduct that may violate this policy should be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Deputy Coordinators. All references to the Title IX Coordinator in this policy implicitly include the Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator or designee.

For additional information and details, see

(UP 401.7, 10/10/2018)

Office Hours

Each instructor must specify in the course syllabus the method(s) and scheduled time(s) the instructor will be available for student-initiated contact (for example, virtual office hour meetings, message/email, phone call, chat, face-to-face meetings, a combination of several, or other) during business hours, as well as an expectation for method of contact outside of business hours (i.e., weekends and holidays).

(FS, 4/26/2018)

Political Activity by Employees

University employees, as citizens, have the right to engage in political activity. However, no employee may involve the institution’s name, symbols, property, or supplies in political activities.

An employee who intends to seek public office or to assume a major role in a political campaign is obligated to discuss his plans with his or her supervisor. If the supervisor determines that the activity will impinge to any extent upon the full discharge of the employee’s responsibilities to the University, the plans must be reviewed through regular administrative channels to the president’s office for a determination of workload and salary adjustment.

For additional guidelines and restrictions, see

(BP 465.1; UASP 465.1, 4/29/2016; UP 402.49. 2/13/1976)

Professional Meeting Attendance

Members of the teaching, research, administrative, and extension staffs are encouraged to attend professional meetings. Such attendance is deemed beneficial to both the individual and to the University. Brief leaves from official duties will be granted for attendance at such meetings when circumstances permit, and the University may reimburse the individual for a part of the travel expenses when travel funds are available for such purposes and to the extent allowed by University travel regulations. Applications for leave and travel allowance for attendance at professional meetings must be approved in advance by the appropriate administrative personnel.

Purchase of Supplies

All purchases using funds under University control must be made through Procurement Services using the appropriate official procedures and forms provided for that purpose. Contracting a debt against the University without proper authorization, or in the absence of funds to pay that debt, makes the contractor personally liable.

Relations with Legislators and Members of Congress

The Board of Trustees, through its policies and designees, is the only body with the authority to speak for the University on matters of public policy or public interest. An employee should not unless specifically authorized, attempt to speak as an agent of the University in conversations or correspondence, regardless of the forum, with members of the Arkansas General Assembly, Arkansas’ constitutional officers or any member of Congress.

For additional information, see

(UASP 465.1, 4/29/2016)

Resignation of Employment

A faculty or staff member has a duty to give early notice of his or her resignation, including the effective date of the resignation, which shall not be later than the ending date of a current or extended offer of employment to the employee submitting his/her resignation. Notice shall be given in writing to the administrative head of the department to which the individual is assigned. A copy of the letter of resignation, together with the recommendation of the administrative head of the department, shall be forwarded immediately to the dean/director for acceptance or rejection. The dean/director shall give written notice of acceptance or rejection to the employee within five working days of receipt of the letter of resignation. When the written acceptance of the resignation is forwarded by the dean/director to the individual submitting his/her resignation, the resignation becomes final and cannot thereafter be withdrawn.

A copy of the letter of resignation and the acceptance shall be forwarded to the Chancellor of the campus.

(BP 405.3, 3/9/84; 9/14/2018)

Smoking Policy

UA Little Rock is a smoke-free campus. This policy originated in recommendations from the Student Government Association and the University Assembly. It applies to all locations of the University, including the main campus, the William H. Bowen School of Law, and the UA Little Rock Benton campus and complies with state law which stipulates that smoking on any state-supported institution of higher education in Arkansas is a violation of Arkansas law, the Clean Air on Campus Act of 2009. The law prohibits smoking tobacco anywhere on campus, including buildings, grounds, and parking lots. All individuals are responsible for the enforcement of this policy. Smoking cessation classes may be available. Contact Health Services at

(University Assembly, 4/9/91)
(BP 235.1, 9/19/2002)
Arkansas Clean Air Act, A.C.A. § 6-60-801 et.seq., and Act 847 of 2015 (UP 219.1, 4/16/2015)

Substance Abuse

Substance-Related Disorders Policy for UA Little Rock Employees
UA Little Rock recognizes that alcohol and other substance abuse problems are increasing. For purposes of this policy, such a problem exists when the use of alcohol or other chemicals definitely and repeatedly interferes with job performance. When chronic, these problems are considered to be a treatable illness.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to seek help if they have such a problem. All records relating to help that is sought are strictly confidential. Department chairpersons and supervisors are urged to make every effort to see that the employee gets needed help. Dependents of UA Little Rock employees are also eligible for help through campus services such as the Counseling Center and health insurance coverage.

Decisions of job security and promotions are to be based solely on job performance and will not be jeopardized when the employee seeks help. Department chairpersons and supervisors have a particular responsibility to recommend that the faculty or staff member whose performance is declining because of alcohol or chemical abuse seek professional advice.

Questions regarding available services or UA Little Rock’s policy and procedures in the area of chemical abuse should be referred to the director of the Office of Human Resource Services.

(Adopted by University Assembly, 2/12/81)

Drug-Free Workplace
The UA Little Rock is committed to the principle of a drug-free environment and feels an obligation to help eradicate alcohol and other drug abuse on our campus and beyond. The University provides a drug prevention program accessible to students and employees and complies with the standards set forth by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. BP 705.2, states as follows: “Possession and use of alcoholic beverages in public areas of University facilities (including organized houses) and at official University student functions held on campus must follow state and federal laws and university policies at all times. Each campus shall establish policies to be approved by the Chancellor regarding the use of alcoholic beverages on and off-campus for student and non-student events. Other units of the University designated by the President shall develop such policies for approval of the President. Irresponsible behavior while under the influence of alcoholic beverages is not condoned and may be subject to review and/or action by the appropriate judicial body. The Board directs each campus to develop an alcohol awareness and use policy, which shall be made available to its new and continuing students each fall.”

(BP 705.2, 6/6/1997)

Some Applicable Arkansas Laws
No person under the age of 21 may legally consume or possess alcohol in Arkansas. It is illegal to be so intoxicated in a public place that you are likely to endanger yourself or others or be unreasonably annoying to others. This is a class C misdemeanor, (with a class A as the most serious), and may result in fines and incarceration. Driving a motor vehicle with .08% or more blood alcohol content is a class A misdemeanor that, in addition to incarceration and heavy fines, will result in a suspension of driving privileges from 120-180 days for the first offense. Driving with a license suspended for DWI may result in incarceration for ten days and a $1,000 fine. Refusing the chemical test for blood alcohol content may result in a 180-day suspension of driving privileges for the first offense. In the event of an accident involving a fatality, a blood alcohol content of .08% or higher may result in a charge of manslaughter, even though the driver did not set out to intentionally harm anyone. A person under the age of 21 operating a motor vehicle with .02% but less than .08% blood alcohol content commits the offense of Underage Driving Under the Influence. The penalties include suspension of driving privileges for up to 120 days for the first offense, fines up to $500, public service work at the discretion of the court, and mandatory attendance at an alcohol and driving education program. Arkansas statutes 5-27-501 through 503 are aimed at preventing persons under 21 from using altered identification to purchase alcohol. Manufacturing, altering, or distributing altered personal identification for this purpose, is a Class C Felony punishable by up to ten years in prison. Possessing altered identification is a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and revocation of driving privileges for up to 12 months or age 18, whichever is shortest.

Possession of more than one ounce of marijuana or possessing it in a form to facilitate distribution is a felony offense. Possession of any usable amount of any other illegal narcotic is a felony. The penalties range from probation to life in prison. Recently in an effort to combat the manufacture of methamphetamine, legislation was enacted to control ephedrine, eudoephedrine, and phenolpropanolamine. Possession of more than five grams of ephedrine or more than nine grams of pseudoephedrine or phenolpropanolamine is a felony and prima facie evidence of the intent to manufacture methamphetamine. These substances are often found in over-the-counter sinus medications and diet pills.

Standards of Conduct
The University expects students, employees and groups to be free of the influence of controlled substances; to refrain from the use of controlled substances on University premises or related premises or at a University activity. Employees of the University are expected to refrain from activities involving controlled substances both on and off campus, where such activities could have a detrimental impact on their abilities to perform their jobs. Persons may generally not drink, dispense or be under the influence of alcohol or possess alcoholic beverages on University premises or at functions or activities controlled by the University. Persons 21 years and over may possess and consume alcoholic beverages in the privacy of assigned rooms in University apartments, houses and the residence hall, at the Stephens  Event  Center, and other authorized locations. The Stephens Event Center is authorized for the legal sale of alcohol per the University of Arkansas Board Policy 705.2, and alcohol may be dispensed and consumed there pursuant to the issuance of a permit by the Alcohol Beverage Control Board.

Violation of expected standards of conduct may result in appropriate student discipline and employee discipline up to and including suspension or termination. Any student, employee or group who gives or transfers controlled substances to another person or sells or manufactures a controlled substance while on campus or related premises will be subject to appropriate student discipline or employee discipline up to and including termination or suspension, and/or referral to the authorities for prosecution. In addition, any employee who engages in the above-described activities off campus and whose activities impede his/her ability to effectively perform his/her employment shall be subject to appropriate discipline. Any student, employee or group found to be in violation of federal, state or local narcotic or controlled substance laws on University premises will be subject to appropriate student discipline or employee discipline up to and including suspension or termination. Students, employees and groups whose behavior and/or conduct is a result of alcohol or other drug misuse/abuse on campus or as a part of any University activity may be required to undergo, at their own expense, a pre-assessment (screening) at the University Counseling and Career Planning Services or Health Services and/or clinical assessment at an appropriate agency identified by the University. The welfare of the student or employee comes first and discipline may be deferred or dismissed depending upon the severity of the violation. Any containers of beer, wine or distilled spirits which are being transported in a private automobile must be sealed and covered while on University premises.

University Sanctions For Violating Alcohol And Drug Policies
Sanctions for violations of University policies, regulations and guidelines, and local, state, or federal laws may include but are not limited to: appropriate rehabilitation programs, expulsion, suspension, termination of employment and/or referral to authorities for prosecution, counseling, job reassignment. University or public service, educational projects, restitution or fines,  withdrawal from classes or probation. Disciplinary sanctions for the illegal sale or distribution of controlled substances may subject the offender to sanctions up to and including expulsion, suspension, termination and/or referral for prosecution. For specific definitions of sanctions and procedures for handling disciplinary actions for students and employees, refer to faculty, staff and student handbooks.

Health Risks Of Drug And Alcohol Use
Illicit drugs, as well as alcohol and other drugs, have various effects on the body and mind. The initial, short-term effects may be positive feelings like alertness, optimism, self-confidence, energy or stress relief. These positive feelings and reactions are the primary reason drugs have appealed to so many for so long.

However, the secondary, long-term, negative effects far exceed the initial positive effects. Effects of use on the body:

  • mood swings/impaired judgment
  • depression/mania
  • sleep disturbances and irritability
  • increase in aggressive or combative behavior
  • heart and/or breathing difficulties/death
  • increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections
  • liver damage

Signs that indicate a person is becoming dependent on a substance:

  • Increased tolerance - takes more and more to get the desired effect. This increases the risk of overdose.
  • Changes in relationships with friends and family
  • Withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, shakiness, headaches, convulsions, hallucinations, etc.
  • Psychological dependence – thinking that using a substance will help him or her get through the day.

UA Little Rock does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission, employment or access to its programs and activities in accordance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title I and II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 (ADA). Under ADA, current illegal drug use is excluded from the definition of disability when a “covered entity” acts on the basis of such use. The definition of “individual with a disability” does include persons who are in or who have completed a supervised drug rehab program or have been otherwise rehabilitated and are no longer using.

Drug Counseling And Treatment Programs Education
The process of providing information concerning drug abuse to students, faculty, and staff is conducted through the classroom, self-help groups, literature, and individual counseling and campus-wide activities. Educational activities in the classroom are provided on undergraduate and graduate levels.  A  resource list of speakers, to provide classroom presentations or workshops on substance abuse are available at Health Services. Counseling and Career Planning Services and Health Services provide free literature, handouts, videos, individual counseling, one-on-one information sessions, and referrals. The University provides an annual Alcohol/Drug Awareness Week to educate the campus population in the areas of substance abuse, risk reduction, and self-assessment.

Counseling and Career Planning Services provides support services to individuals, couples, groups, and families. Available techniques include crisis intervention, problem-solving strategies, and group therapy and intervention techniques. Free confidential assistance is available to all  UA Little Rock employees from the Arkansas Employee Assistance Program. Self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, meet in the community.  Counseling and Career  Planning Services facilitates groups that deal with issues such as co-dependency and addictive personalities.

The term “controlled substance” means any drug listed in 21 U.S.C. Section 812 and other federal regulations. Generally, these are drugs which have a high potential for abuse. Such drugs include, but are not limited to, Heroin, Marijuana, Cocaine, PCP, and “Crack”. They also include “legal drugs” which are not prescribed by a licensed physician.

Each employee is required by law to inform the University within five (5) days after he or she is convicted of a violation of any federal or state criminal drug statute where such violation occurred on the agency’s premises. A conviction means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or the imposition of a sentence by a judge or jury in any federal court, state court or another court of competent jurisdiction.

UA Little Rock is required to notify the Federal Funding Agency of the conviction of any employee for drug use or abuse who is employed in a position utilizing federal funds or a federal grant within ten (10) days of receiving notice of the conviction from the employee or otherwise receiving actual notice. If an employee is convicted of violating any criminal drug statute while in the workplace, he or she will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Alternatively, the University may require the employee to successfully finish a drug program sponsored by an approved private or governmental institution.

Abiding by the Drug-Free Workplace Policy is considered a condition of employment for all state employees. This policy is intended to comply with the rules published by the Federal Office of Management and Budget on January 31, 1989, in the Federal Register, implementing the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Governor’s Executive Order 89-2 dated March 30, 1989. See the following policies for more information, and

(UP 516.1; 516.2; 4/1/2010)

Telephones and Wireless Communication

Telephones are provided for University business. Personal long distance calls must not be charged to a University telephone even though reimbursement is intended. The university recognizes that the performance of certain jobs may be enhanced by the provision of wireless communication devices such as cellular telephones. Upon identification of an official university business need, a department head may request approval for an employee to obtain a university-provided cellular telephone.

(UP 308.4 7/1/2010)

Traffic and Parking Regulations

Regulations for parking and traffic control, with appropriate penalties for violations, have been developed by a campus committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. Any faculty member, staff, or student who parks a vehicle on campus must have a valid parking permit. Permits and copies of regulations with a map indicating reserved and restricted zones may be obtained at the Department of Public Safety.

(Act 328 of 1967; BP 240.1, 5/3/91)

Travel Regulations

Arkansas law sets forth certain rules and regulations with respect to travel and travel allowances. It also prescribes the forms and procedures for reporting, approving, and paying such travel allowances for all officers and employees of state government or for other persons who are authorized to carry out official duties in connection with the business of the state. In addition, the law places the authority and responsibility for authorizing and approving travel expenses with the administrative head of the agency, department, or institution.

Based on the authority granted to it under state law, the UA Little Rock has established Travel Rules, Regulations, and Procedures that are applicable to all colleges, departments, offices, employees, and official guests of the university.

For guidelines and additional information, see

(UP 308.7, 12/18/2015)

Private Vehicles
Current regulations pertaining to the use of private vehicles on university business and officially approved trips may be found through the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration’s office. Authorization for the operation of state vehicles and private vehicles on approved business is required.

Subject to certain limitations, the University will pay a mileage allowance on a private vehicle used by the owner on officially approved trips of University business.

University Vehicles
University vehicles may be used for official business within the limit of availability. Faculty members must receive authorization to operate a university vehicle through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. A requisition, separate from the travel requisition, must be submitted through regular administrative offices to use a University-owned vehicle. Facilities Management manages the university motor vehicle pool. Each vehicle is equipped with a set of rules and regulations with which the driver should become familiar before starting a trip. They cover such things as purchasing gas and oil, repairs, and what to do in case of an accident.

When students are transported to University-sponsored events or on officially approved trips using University vehicles, a form must be submitted. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration is the contact point for student travel. For more information, see

(UP 309.5, 4/26/2016)

University Facilities

Statement of Principles
The University of Arkansas has an obligation to its students and to the larger society of which it is a part to provide the fullest opportunity for free exchange and critical evaluation of diverse viewpoints. This means freedom to teach, freedom to learn, freedom to discuss, and freedom to expose ideas to the critical analysis appropriate to the University setting. In order to accomplish this mission, the administration, faculty, and students have a continuing responsibility for preserving the properly directed use of the institution’s freedom to teach, to discuss, and to explore.

The University’s dedication to the spirit of free inquiry requires the examination and evaluation of controversial viewpoints but obviously does not require the endorsement of such viewpoints. Divergent points of view must be recognized, but at the same time kept within a framework of orderly conduct in accordance with human dignity, respect for the individual, and the responsibilities of the University. The University is not available for exploitation, and special interests out of harmony with its educational objectives are not to be served.

  • Faculty and Staff
    A member of the faculty shall be free to invite outside speakers to participate in any class, conference, or institute which is a part of the University educational program.

    ​Any college, department, or other organization of the faculty or administration, any organization composed exclusively of faculty or University employees, and any other organization whose membership includes University faculty members and which exists solely for the benefit of the University or for scholarly pursuits may use University facilities to hold meetings, subject only to local regulations regarding room scheduling.
(BP 705.1, 9/14/2018; AUSP 715.1, 5/23/19)

University’s Name and Trademarks
The name of the University of Arkansas is used in a great many contexts and for a wide range of purposes. This policy governs the use of the University of Arkansas name and all other University trademarks. The term “trademark” as used in this policy includes any trademark or service mark as those terms are defined in the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051 et seq., and any logo, insignia, seal, crest, design, image, symbol, color or sound or any combination of these.

For specific guidelines and limitations, see BP 100.7, revised 3/30/2017 Off-Site Use of University Equipment

University equipment must not be taken off-site without supervisor approval. Supervisors should maintain records of authorization, off-site location, and intended off-site use of university equipment. During state audits, auditors may require that offsite equipment be produced for inspection. State law and state regulations closely control the acquisition, use, and disposal of university equipment, whether located and used on campus or off-site. Newly purchased equipment must be tagged and listed on the university inventory. When university employees wish to dispose of unworkable or outdated equipment, the department head should contact the inventory control employee in the Office of Financial Services.

(UP 405.2, 4/1/2010)

University Property

Sale of University Property
Sale of university property or equipment must be authorized by the state Office of Marketing and Redistribution after campus approvals have been secured. Details of the sale are handled through the approved redistribution process. Actual invitations for a bid for the sale of university property are issued by the Office of Procurement Services.

For information on real estate transactions, see

(UP 405.4, 7/1/2001)