Jan 25, 2025
CHEM 1402 - General Chemistry I Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory per week. Four credit hours.
The class builds upon a knowledge foundation in chemistry and offers inquiry into topics of scientific measurement, chemical nomenclature, expressing qualitative and quantitative statements about chemical reactions, qualitative atomic theory, electronic and molecular structure models, chemical periodicity, thermochemistry, gases, kinetic molecular theory, and nuclear chemistry. It meets ACTS criteria. (ACTS Course Number CHEM 1414)
Prerequisites: 1) Completion of a high school Chemistry course or its equivalent, and 2) Completion of MATH 1302 or higher level class with a minimum grade of C or a minimum ACT Math Score of 24, and 3) a minimum passing score on the Chemistry Placement Exam or a minimum ACT Science score of 24. Students who do not attain the minimum score may enroll in CHEM 1300 . Finishing CHEM 1300 does not substitute for meeting the minimum score on the placement examination.
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