Feb 27, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 
Undergraduate Catalog

Records and Registration

Student Services Center, 2nd Floor | (501) 916-3110 | ualr.edu/records | Registration Guide

Registration at UA Little Rock

The Office of Records and Registration acts as a registration resource for students and the campus community. The office provides several online services to students through their BOSS accounts, including:

  • Registration (Sign up for classes)
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Degree Verification
  • Official Transcripts (Note: Students may also print an unofficial transcript through BOSS.)

For other important services provided by Records and Registration, please refer to our website

Things to Know

The Academic Year

The academic year includes two regular semesters in the fall and spring, each with seven accelerated terms within the semester, and a summer semester with four terms. The unit of credit is the semester hour. This unit is defined as credit earned for the completion of one hour per week in class for one semester. Two hours or more of laboratory work per week for one term equals a one-semester hour of credit. UA Little Rock offers night and weekend courses, web-based courses, face-to-face, and hybrid courses on campus and at various off-campus locations.

About Online Registration 

After you have been advised, the next step toward taking courses at UA Little Rock is to view the UA Little Rock Registration Guide and Class Search web pages.

The UA Little Rock Registration Guide and Class Search web pages contain information on the web registration process and list the courses that will be offered during specific semesters by course, time, location, and instructor. At the Office of Records and Registration website, you will also find the academic calendar, the final examination schedule, and deadlines for various activities, including course drops and withdrawal, during the semester. 

Please be aware that students may not enroll for more than 18 credit hours in a regular semester (Fall or Spring) or more than 7 credit hours in a five-week Summer term without the prior permission of the person who approves his or her degree plan. 

Courses and programs are also offered through web-based delivery as well as at off-campus locations. Off-campus and online credit courses are identified by location in the UA Little Rock Registration Guide and Class Search.

During a full, 15-week semester or term, the usual three-credit-hour daytime course will meet for 50 minutes a day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or for 1 hour and 15 minutes on either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Some classes will meet on different time schedules, such as one three-hour session per week. All these options are part of UA Little Rock’s effort to offer classes in times and places that suit the needs of all students, but it also means you have to read the UA Little Rock Class Search carefully. 

Additional Things you need to know

Only credit hours earned at other institutions that have either regional or institutional accreditation as recognized by the US Department of Education will transfer and be posted on the UALR transcript. UA Little Rock will also transfer any courses from institutions with which we have a standing MOU. Grades and GPA do not transfer and are not calculated in the student’s GPA earned at UA Little Rock. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: UA Little Rock cannot accurately evaluate transfer hours, advise, release financial aid funding for which students may be eligible, or guarantee registration in degree-appropriate courses until ALL final admission credentials have been received and processed.

The Office of Records and Registration also offers online services for your convenience. You may drop or withdraw from classes by using our online form. You may submit your requests for an official transcript online as well. Please visit our website for more information about our processes and important dates/deadlines

How to Read Class Search

Examples of a typical course entry and an explanation of each part of this listing are provided below. The format of the information may vary depending on which view of the student schedule you use, but the meaning of each component will be the same.

Hist of Civilization I
CRN: 60344

Subject: HIST

Course Number: 1311

Section: 03

Available Seats: 0

Class meets: MWF

Time: 10:00 am - 10:50 am

Instructor: Anson, Edward M.

  • CRN: 60344 –The five-digit course reference number (CRN) assigned for registration. The five-digit CRN number is necessary for registration and is not the same as the course number. 
  • Subject: HIST – The department or curriculum area with its assigned four-letter code. In this case, it is “HIST” for “History.” 

  • Course Number: 1311 – The course number assigned by the department. It indicates the level and number of credit hours for the course. Note: The second number indicates the semester hours. This class is 3 semester credit hours. 

  • Section: 03 – The section number assigned by the department. 

    Title: Hist Of Civilization I – The course title. Abbreviated versions of long course titles may be used. Descriptions of all courses appear within their respective departments in numerical order by course number. 

  • Available Seats: 0 – This is the total number of students that may sign up for this class. 

  • Class meets MWF – The days the class meets, in this case, each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Other abbreviations include “MW” or Monday and Wednesday, “TR” or Tuesday and Thursday, “S” means Saturday, “U” means Sunday, and “TBA” indicates “to be announced.” “TBA” is often used for online classes. 

  • Time: 10:00 am – 10:50 am – The time the class begins and ends. The abbreviation TBA in this place means “to be announced.” The exact time for TBA courses will be provided by the department or instructor. 

  • Instructor: Anson, Edward M. – The name of the instructor assigned to this class. If the word “Staff” appears here, the teacher for the class had not yet been given at the time the schedule was prepared. 

Once you have successfully logged into your BOSS account, you’ll have two options for registering for classes. The first option is through BOSS. Choose the Student Services option from the menu, then from there, choose the Registration option from the menu. This will bring you to the registration page, which will provide you with a registration-focused menu. From this page, you will choose to Register/Search for Classes. The system will ask you to specify which term you would like to register for. Once you choose the appropriate term, you will be brought to the class search page.

Choose your subject from the list provided and click the Course Search button. A list of courses should appear at this point. You will need to click on the View Sections button next to the course that you are interested in registering for to view all of the available meeting times for that course.

As you review the meeting times for your course, you should look to the left of each class and check for the following:

A checkbox: This means that you can register for this course.

C: Closed. All available seats have been taken.

NR: No Registration. Registration is currently not available at this time.

SR: Student Restriction. You may not register for any courses until certain issues are resolved. Choose the View Registration Status option from the bottom of the page to find out the status of your account.

Nothing: You are currently registered for this course. You will need to click on the checkbox of the class (classes) that you want to take. You will then go to the bottom of the page and click on the Register button.

Some things to note:

Depending on your screen size there may be information to the right of the page that you cannot see without scrolling.

Web-based courses have a building designation of “Web” and courses offered at other locations will note the other location in the building designation and comments. Courses offered in these locations are typically last on the list of meeting times. This information is usually to the far right of your screen.

Some courses have both a lecture and a lab that must be taken during the same semester. To register for these types of courses, you will need to place a check next to both classes before you click on the Register button

If you have been given an override from your advisor or instructor to register for a course, you will not be able to register for the course utilizing the Register/Search for Classes menu in BOSS. Instead, you’ll need to go to the Student Services tab in BOSS, then follow the link to Registration. Once you are in the Registration menu, then choose the Add/Drop Classes link. Once you are at the Add/Drop Classes screen, you can enter the CRN of the course for which you’ve been provided an override in the “Add Classes Worksheet” area of this page in the boxes provided, then click “Accept Changes.”


Commencement is the ceremony that recognizes students who apply and qualify for graduation. The graduation process is the review and awarding of degrees that occurs after commencement and final grades for the graduation application term.

Graduation Process

Students must apply for fall, spring, or summer terms to be considered for graduation for that term. Refer to the Academic Calendar for more information. If students do not meet the original expected term graduation date, they must reapply.

To be included in the Fall or Spring Commencement Program, all fall or spring (summer by spring deadline) applicants must submit their application online. The graduation application is completed by going to the secure portion of BOSS.

To apply for graduation, you will log into your BOSS Account

  1. Select the “Student Services” tab
  2. Click on “Graduation Applications”
  3. Select Curriculum Term: (Please Note- This is not the graduation term, but your active major or program term)
  4. Choose the curriculum (major or program) in which you want to apply to graduate.  If the curriculum does not match exactly what you are seeking, STOP and work with your advisor on making curriculum adjustments.  Then go back into the graduation application and if the curriculum matches, continue.
  5. Select Graduation Date: If you are applying for Fall graduation, there will be no graduation term to select. The Fall application will be the only item listed, while that application is active, (August-October). When both the Spring and Summer graduation applications are available, you will need to select the term you want to apply to graduate in, from the drop-down menu option.

NOTE: if you initially apply for Spring graduation and later determine you need to apply for Summer graduation, you must contact the Office of Records and Registration. The Spring application MUST be deactivated before a Summer application can be submitted.

Continue to review and update information on the application until you can apply.

NOTE: The application will ask if you are planning on attending the ceremony. Even if you list that you will be attending the ceremony, you will still need to keep watch in your UA Little Rock (@ualr.edu) email address for any updates or additional RSVP requirements that may be sent out.

Program printing deadlines will not enable the University to include the names of students submitting applications after the deadline. Please refer to our Apply to Graduate webpage for more information.

Students pursuing multiple majors must submit a graduation application for each major they finish in that term.

Graduation Term

To be awarded a degree in the term of graduation, a student must complete all requirements and obligations no later than the date grades are due as listed in the Academic Calendar. This includes but is not limited to grades of “I” “MG” and “IP.” Students failing to meet this deadline must reapply for graduation and will be awarded their UA Little Rock degree the following term, provided all requirements have been met.


Chancellor’s and Dean’s List

Names of undergraduate students with superior academic performances are recorded on the Chancellor’s and the Dean’s Lists. This recognition is also noted on the student’s grade report and official transcripts. This status will be granted at the end of each semester in which the following qualifications have been met:

Chancellor’s List:

  • At least nine hours for credit with a grade of A, B, C, or CR
  • At least a 3.9 grade-point average for the semester
  • No D, F, I, or NC grades on the semester grade report

Dean’s List:

  • At least nine hours for credit with a grade of A, B, C, or CR
  • At least a 3.5 grade-point average for the semester
  • No D, F, I, or NC grades on the semester grade report

Departmental Honors

Several departments at UA Little Rock offer honors programs to exceptional students. Admission to an honors program is generally tied to the student’s grade point average and class standing and may require nomination by a faculty member. Such programs are distinct from graduation with honors; In addition to meeting and maintaining a certain grade-point average, qualifying students also take a special curriculum in the major. Requirements may include advanced study, seminars, or a research project and presentation. Departmental honors are posted on the student’s academic transcript at graduation. Contact individual academic departments for more information.

Graduation Honors

To qualify for graduation honors, a student must have completed a minimum of 60 hours in residence at UA Little Rock. Graduation honors are calculated on all academic work completed in UA Little Rock credit-bearing courses. For repeated courses, only the grade from the final iteration of the course will be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average for determining graduation honors. All work completed at all other institutions, whether accepted as transfer credit at UA Little Rock or not, will not be included in the final calculation of honors (except as noted below).

The bachelor’s degree with honors will be conferred upon candidates who graduate and earn a minimum cumulative grade point on all credit courses taken at UA Little Rock as follows:

  • Summa cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.90
  • Magna cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.70
  • Cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.50

Students who do not complete the minimum of 60 hours in residence at UA Little Rock may request, in writing, that all work completed at all other institutions, whether accepted as transfer credit at UA Little Rock or not, be used in the final calculation of honors. For repeated courses at other institutions, only the grade from the final iteration of the course will be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average for determining graduation honors. Some courses from institutions outside of the U.S. are calculated in the admissions process on a pass/not pass basis. For a student to be considered for honors, all credentials from institutions outside of the U.S. must be evaluated to determine an A, B, or C equivalency.

Students granted academic clemency are still eligible to qualify for graduation honors, but they must complete a minimum of 60 hours in residence at UA Little Rock, not including the hours for which clemency was granted.

The associate degree with honors will be conferred upon candidates who have completed a minimum of 30 hours in residence at UA Little Rock and at graduation have earned a minimum cumulative grade point of 3.7 on all academic work completed in UA Little Rock credit-bearing courses. The recipient must have met all requirements for graduation with an associate degree and must not have completed more than 83 credit hours. Students who are granted academic clemency are still eligible to receive an associate degree with honors, but they must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residence at UA Little Rock, not including the hours for which clemency was granted.

A student who has earned a baccalaureate degree from UA Little Rock and is pursuing a second baccalaureate degree at UA Little Rock is granted graduation honors based on the credit hours earned after the posting of the first degree. If fewer than 30 credit hours are completed at UA Little Rock after completion of the first UA Little Rock degree, the level of graduation honors can be no higher than that obtained on the first degree. If 30 or more credit hours are completed at UA Little Rock after completion of the first UA Little Rock degree, the level of graduation honors on the second degree is based on the cumulative grade point average on coursework after the first degree.

Students who graduate from another college or university and pursue a second undergraduate degree at UA Little Rock must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residence at UA Little Rock to be eligible for honors. Graduation honors on the second degree are based on the cumulative grade point average on all UA Little Rock coursework after the first degree.

University and departmental honors (but not awards) may be posted on the academic transcript.

Registering for Classes

Click on this image
for a step-by-step guide
on how to register for classes.