Mar 31, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 
Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition, Fees, Payments, & Refunds

The following tuition and fee information was subject to approval at the time of publication. For the most accurate and comprehensive tuition and fee information, visit Tuition and fee charges for classes that are taken for audit are the same as those for credit classes.

Other fees for seminars and special courses may be charged. All fees are subject to change without notice. All tuition and fees are due at the time of the student’s registration. UA Little Rock accepts MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. 

Any student who is an Arkansas resident and has reached the age of 60 years or older by the last day of Regular registration may enroll (on a space-available basis) free of tuition. Students must provide proof of age, via a valid Arkansas Driver’s License or State Issued ID, to the Office of Student Accounts.

2024-2025 Tuition and Fees

Undergraduate Tuition by College (Per Credit Hour)

NOTE: For the most accurate and comprehensive tuition and fee information, visit

College of Business, Health, and Human Services

Programs Tuition, Resident*
(per credit hour)
(per credit hour)
Technology Fee*
(per credit hour)
• Accounting
• Business Administration
• Business Information Systems
• Economics and Finance
• Management
• Marketing and Advertising
$246.00 $665.00 $15.50
• Counseling, Human Performance, and Rehabilitation (School)
• Nursing
• Social Work (School)
• Speech Language Pathology
$227.00 $654.00 $15.50
• Criminal Justice $227.00 $654.00 $15.50

Military students pay tuition rates above plus the college tech fee only.

Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Programs Tuition, Resident*
(per credit hour)
(per credit hour)
Technology Fee*
(per credit hour)
• Computer Science
• Construction Management and Civil and Construction Engineering
• Earth Sciences
• Engineering Technology
• Information Science
• Systems Engineering
$246.00 $665.00 $15.50
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Mathematics and Statistics
• Physics and Astronomy
$227.00 $654.00 $15.50

Military students pay tuition rates above plus the college tech fee only.

College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education

Programs Tuition, Resident*
(per credit hour)
(per credit hour)
Technology Fee*
(per credit hour)
• Applied Communication
• Mass Communications
• Psychology
• Public Affairs
• Rhetoric and Writing
• Sociology and Anthropology
$227.00 $654.00 $15.50
• Art and Design
• English
• History
• Music
• Philosophy
• Theatre Arts and Dance
• World Languages
• Interdisciplinary Studies
$227.00 $654.00 $15.50
• Education (School) $227.00 $654.00 $15.50

Military students pay tuition rates above plus the college tech fee only.

Other Fees

Type Rate
General $21.50/hr.
Athletic $22.00/hr.
Health Services $5.25/hr.
Technology Infrastructure $9.00/hr.
Facilities $17.25/hr.
UA System Infrastructure $10.87/hr.
Distance Ed Technology $25.00/hr.
Speech Pathology Practicum $20.00
Art Studio Materials $25.00/hr.
Performing Arts Production $12.00/hr.

Graduate Tuition by College (Per Credit Hour)

NOTE: For the most accurate and comprehensive tuition and fee information, visit

College of Business, Health, and Human Services

Program Name Tuition, Resident*
(per credit hour)
(per credit hour)
Technology Fee*
(per credit hour)
• Accounting
• Business Administration
• Business Information Systems
• Economics and Finance
• Management
• Marketing and Advertising
$362.00 $775.00 $15.50
• Criminal Justice $335.00 $759.00 $15.50
• Counseling, Human Performance, and Rehabilitation (School)
• Nursing
• Social Work (School)
• Speech Language Pathology
$335.00 $759.00




Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Program Tuition, Resident*
(per credit hour)
(per credit hour)
Technology Fee*
(per credit hour)
• Computer Science
• Construction Management and Civil and Construction Engineering
• Earth Sciences
• Engineering Technology
• Information Science
• Systems Engineering
$362.00 $775.00 $15.50
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Mathematics and Statistics
• Physics and Astronomy
$335.50 $759.00 $15.50

College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education

Programs Tuition, Resident*
(per credit hour)
(per credit hour)
Technology Fee*
(per credit hour)
• Art and Design
• English
• History
• Music
• Philosophy
• Theatre Arts and Dance
• World Languages
• Interdisciplinary Studies
$335.00 $759.00 $15.50
• Education (School) $335.00 $759.00 $15.50
• Applied Communication
• Mass Communications
• Psychology
• Public Affairs
• Rhetoric and Writing
• Sociology and Anthropology
$335.00 $759.00 $15.50

Other Fees

Type Rate
General $21.50/hr.
Athletic $22.00/hr.
Health Services $5.25/hr.
Technology Infrastructure $9.00/hr.
Facilities $17.25/hr.
UA System Infrastructure $10.87/hr.
Distance Ed Technology $25.00/hr.
Speech Pathology Practicum $20.00
Art Studio Materials $25.00/hr.
Performing Arts Production $12.00/hr.

Special Fees (As Applicable)

Campus ID Card Replacement $15.00
Installment Payment Plan $50.00
International Student Application $40.00
International Student Service (per term) $150.00
International Student Health Insurance (Market Rate) $841.08 per semester
Late Installment Payment (per month) $50.00
Late Registration $100.00
Library Non-student User Circulation $45.00 per semester
$100.00 per year
Optional Individual Math Skills Review $150.00
Insufficient Funds Charge $30.00
Transcript (Official Copy) $8.00

Program Specific Fees

Ph.D. and Ed.D. Degree Graduation Fee $80.00
Thesis Publication Fee $45.00
Dissertation Publication Fee $55.00
Art Studio Materials $25.00
Speech Pathology Practicum $20.00
Education Field Placement $25.00
Experimental Learning Fee (per course) $25.00-$60.00
Praxis Testing (Dependent upon subject) $65.00-$90.00
Student Teacher Practicum Supervision In-state: $210.00
Out-of-state: $315.00
Machine Shop Course Fee $100.00
Anthropology Materials Fee $50.00
Media Production Fee $50.00
Private Applied Instruction half-hour lesson (1 credit hour course) $60.00
Private Applied Instruction one-hour lesson (2 and 4 credit hour courses) $100.00
Performing Arts Production $12.00 per hour
Nursing Simulation Supply Fee $15.00 per hour
Clinical Nursing $30.00 per hour
Gross Anatomy Course Fee $200.00
Social Work Placement (per semester) $60.00

Campus Living Fees

General Fees per term
Application Processing $75.00
Activity Fee $19.00
Residence Halls  
Laundry Fee $35.00
East Hall Double Bedroom $2,030.00
East Hall Private Bedroom $3,045.00
West Hall Double Bedroom $2,698.00
Four-Bedroom Apartment $2,874.00
Two-Bedroom Apartment $3,152.00
One-Bedroom Apartment $3,600.00
Summer (per term)  
Four-Bedroom Apartment $715.00
Two-Bedroom Apartment $750.00

UA Little Rock-owned Rent Houses

Depending on size, furnishings, and condition. $400.00-$800.00

Meal Plans

Residential Plans (per term) $1,166.00-$2,362.00
Commuter Plans (per term) $210.00-$420.00
All Trojan Plan - $950 Dining Dollars plus 16 meal swipes $950.00

For the most accurate and comprehensive tuition and fee information, visit the Bursar’s webpage,

Parking Fees

Every student who parks a motorized vehicle on the main UA Little Rock campus is required to register that vehicle with the Department of Public Safety and display a parking permit as instructed. Commuter Parking Permits are available at $40 per semester.

Reserved parking fees are $165.00 annually for twenty-four-hour access. Lot choices are numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and the lower level of the parking deck. Reserved parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserved parking may be arranged at the Department of Public Safety. Students are also allowed to park in the metered lots or UA Little Rock’s parking deck. The fee for parking in the meter lots is $1.00 per hour with a 2-hour time limit, and the fee for the parking deck is $1.00 per exit.


Bursar Office

The Cashier’s Office provides billing, receipting, and cashiering functions for student tuition and fees to assure accurate, timely, and effective service to students, as well as providing receipting and prepayment functions for the University departments. We also distribute payroll and accounts payable checks and request and disburse all travel advance checks. You can contact the Cashier’s Office at (501) 916-5540 or

The Student Accounts Office provides student billing, third-party sponsorship posting, tuition discounts, and collection processes. You can contact the Student Accounts Office at (501) 916-3450 or

Refunds When Withdrawing from UA Little Rock

Students voluntarily withdrawing from UA Little Rock must complete the University Withdrawal Form to officially update their educational records. Those students receiving financial aid will need an exit interview with a staff member in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The last day to officially withdraw from the University without a grade penalty is listed in the Academic Calendar. Students who fail to officially withdraw will be reported as having failed the coursework for the semester, and grades of F will appear on their official transcripts. Students who have questions about withdrawing should contact the Office of Records and Registration.


Any student who withdraws or drops before the first day of class will be refunded at 100%. Note: programs that have Board approved special refund policies will supersede this policy


  1. Non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal.
  2. An official withdrawal does not penalize or prevent a student from re-enrolling at a future date.

Students who officially withdraw from UA Little Rock (withdrawal from all classes) during a regular fall or spring semester are entitled to an adjustment of tuition and fees per the following schedule:

Semester 100%
Sixteen-week courses (Fall & Spring) First through the tenth class day
Ten to twelve-week courses First through the tenth class day
Seven to nine-week courses First through the seventh class day
Five or six-week courses First through the fifth class day
one to four-week courses  Prior to the start of classes

To avoid charges for a summer term, a registered student must officially withdraw from all classes before the first day of classes for that term. Students who reduce their course load by dropping one or more courses may or may not be entitled to a reduction in charges.

You may withdraw from the university in one of two ways:

1. Online or

2. In-person visit to the Records and Registration.

Whenever possible, students should submit the University Withdrawal Form online via our automated process. 

If you are withdrawing in person you must come by the Office of Records and Registration with a photo ID and you will be guided through the online withdrawal form.

Tuition and Fee Adjustment schedules for current terms are available at

Tax-Deductible Educational Expenses

The cost of college education expenses may be deductible on an individual’s federal income tax return if classes are taken:

  • To maintain or improve the skills required in the individual’s trade or business, or required in performing a present job
  • To meet the specific requirements of an employer or the requirements of the law for retention of present employment, salary, or status
  • Such that the criteria for the American Opportunity Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit are met

These credits can be applied to tax returns if the student meets the eligibility requirements.

This section should not be construed as tax advice. Students should consult a tax advisor or contact the local office of the Internal Revenue Service.

Acknowledgment of Financial Responsibility

Upon registering for classes, students will be required to acknowledge their financial responsibility, as follows:

  • I understand that upon my registration, I have made a contractual financial obligation to pay all tuition and fees associated with any classes in which I register, unless I drop/withdraw by the tuition and fee adjustment schedule dates listed on the Bursar’s website. “Not Attending” does not remove this obligation. 
  • I am responsible for reading and following the drop/withdrawal policy of the university, as posted on the Bursar’s website.
  • I understand I am responsible for tuition and fee charges for courses dropped outside of the Adjustment Schedule found on the Bursar’s website.
  • I authorize UA Little Rock to apply any financial aid I receive toward my account balance. If my aid is reduced or canceled, I understand that I will be fully responsible for all charges not covered by financial aid and am required to make payment arrangements. Failure to make payment arrangements will result in a hold on my account, and up to class selections being deleted.
  • UA Little Rock’s official method of correspondence with students, including billing, is via the UA Little Rock assigned email address. I accept my responsibility to access my UA Little Rock assigned email account regularly and to take any required action.
  • I understand and agree that UA Little Rock will assess financial penalties on any past-due accounts. The penalties assessed are $50 for each late payment. At semester end, I understand and agree that if I have a past due account, my account may be referred to an outside collection agency and result in additional charges that are up to 33% of the outstanding principal debt.

Please visit Collection Procedures for Student Receivables to review the collection procedures for student receivables. Further questions may be directed to the Bursar’s Office at 501-916-3450.