Please Note: Policies are reviewed often and are subject to change.
Academic Year
The academic year includes two regular semesters in the fall and spring, each with seven accelerated terms within the semester, and a summer semester with four terms. The unit of credit is the semester hour. This unit is defined as credit earned for the completion of one hour per week in class for one semester. Two hours or more of laboratory work per week for one term equals a one-semester hour of credit. UA Little Rock offers night and weekend courses, web-based courses, and face-to-face and hybrid courses on campus and at various off-campus locations.
Baccalaureate Degree Requirements
To receive a baccalaureate degree, a student must complete 120 hours (academic majors and colleges may specify additional and/or more restrictive requirements) of which 30 hours must be in residence and 45 must be upper-level (3000 level or above). At least 15 upper-level hours must be completed in residence. A baccalaureate degree program may require more than 120 semester hours of college credit if prior approval has been granted by the Board of Trustees or if it is a requirement of an independent licensing or accrediting body. Except for majors that must adhere to standards established by national accrediting agencies, students must select at least 12 elective hours outside their program in addition to the UA Little Rock Core Curriculum.
These required hours must include:
- A minimum of a 2.0 cumulative grade point on all work attempted at the university.
- A minimum of a 2.0 cumulative grade point on all work attempted in the academic major.
- A core curriculum must include a 3-hour course in U.S. History or U.S. Government and a 3-hour course in College Algebra, College Math, or a higher-level math course. See Core Requirements for Bachelor Degrees .
- A major.
Associate Degree Requirements
Except for certain programs as specified by the program, all students receiving the associate degree (the AA or AS) must complete at least 60 hours.
Graduation with an associate degree requires a C average (2.0 cumulative grade-point average) on all work attempted at the University; completion of at least 20 hours above the freshman level unless specified otherwise in the program; and completion of at least 15 hours (excluding credit by examination) in residence. Hours earned as credit by examination are counted as hours toward graduation but are not counted as hours in residence. See “Credit by Examination.”
Courses completed for an associate degree at UA Little Rock will be counted toward the appropriate requirements for the baccalaureate degree.
Second Associate Degree
An associate degree may be conferred as a second degree when the first degree is either a baccalaureate or another associate degree, subject to these provisions:
- The second associate degree must be in a different discipline from the first degree.
- Students must complete at least 15 credit hours in residence (excluding credit by examination) beyond their first degree.
- Only credit earned at UA Little Rock after completing the first degree will normally apply toward the second degree. However, students in their final semester of studies toward the first degree may complete the course load for that semester with courses applicable to the second degree. Students must file a written statement of their intent to seek a second degree with the Office of Records and Registration at the time of registration.
- A major must be completed. Courses completed within the previous degree that satisfy requirements for the second major may be accepted as satisfying course requirements, but not as hours toward the second degree. These hours do not count as part of the 30, except as specified in Item 3 above.
- The core curriculum component in the second associate degree is not required. However, if not taken as a part of another baccalaureate degree, a course in United States History or Government (HIST 21103 , HIST 21203 , or POLS 1310 ) must be completed. See “Policy 503.3 – General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate and Associate Degrees – U.S. Traditions: United States History or Government Requirement.”
Post-Baccalaureate Students
Second Baccalaureate Degree
Post-Baccalaureate Students
All students who have received a bachelor’s degree from an institutionally or regionally accredited institution, including UA Little Rock graduates, and who wish to pursue an additional undergraduate degree or certificate at UA Little Rock are required to apply for undergraduate admission to the university by the published deadline. After all admission requirements have been met, these students will be admitted into Post-baccalaureate status. This policy also applies to International students who received an equivalent degree (as determined by UA Little Rock) from an institution outside the U.S. and who wish to pursue a 2nd undergraduate degree at UA Little Rock.
Additional baccalaureate degree(s) may be conferred subject to these provisions:
- Students must complete at least 30 credit hours in residence, including courses completed previously at UA Little Rock, but excluding transfer credit, credit-by-examination, experiential credit, and repeated courses.
- All program requirements must be completed for each additional baccalaureate degree. Courses completed within the previous degree(s) that satisfy requirements for the additional program(s) may be accepted as satisfying program requirements for the additional degree(s), subject to approval by the program faculty.
- A minor is not required for additional baccalaureate degrees.
- If not taken as a part of another baccalaureate degree, a course in United States History or Government (HIST 21103 , HIST 21203 , or POLS 1310 ) must be completed, see “Policy 503.3 General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate and Associate Degrees – U.S. Traditions: United States History or Government Requirement.” However, other general education requirements do not apply to additional baccalaureate degrees.
(Academic majors and colleges may specify additional and/or more restrictive requirements. There is no second language proficiency requirement for students seeking additional baccalaureate degrees.)
UA Little Rock recognizes several methods for earning university credit for undergraduate and graduate-level learning, including rigorous high school curricula, professional or military experience, professional licensures and certifications, and work experiences. To receive university credit, these competencies must undergo systematic evaluation against established program or course learning outcomes.*
A student may earn a maximum of 50% of program degree requirements through PLA (excluding the General Education Core), however, some academic programs may enforce a lower maximum for PLA credits. The PLA credit awarded for a specific program of study may not be recognized should the student change majors, programs, or transfer to another institution. Portfolio and licensure credit may not be applied to the General Education Core. Finally, PLA credit may not be awarded for senior theses or projects, thesis hours, dissertation hours, field research, or field professional experience hours. To be eligible for PLA, the student must be currently admitted and/or enrolled in the university and good standing. All PLA credits must be awarded before the student’s last semester before graduation. Prior learning credits will be noted on the student’s transcript as having been awarded through PLA. Credit through PLA is not recorded as grades on the student’s transcript and does not affect the student’s GPA.
*Graduate programs will specify if they will accept PLA, what forms of PLA they will accept, and the maximum percentage or number of hours they will accept.
Further restrictions on PLA credit:
- Credit through PLA cannot replace a failing grade;
- Credit may only be awarded for courses applicable to the student’s declared degree plan;
- A student may not receive credit twice for a course that has been awarded through PLA;
- PLA credits do not count toward the residency requirement for the student’s degree program;
- PLA credits do not satisfy eligibility requirements for financial aid or loan deferment.
For information on Undergraduate degree programs that consider PLA credit, please contact the following departments:
Bachelor in Applied Science: 501.916.3296 or
Computer Science and Cybersecurity: 501.916.3130
Construction Management: 501.916.3133
Criminal Justice: 501.916.3195
Information Sciences: 501.916.3951
Word Languages: 501.916.3272
For information on Graduate degree programs that consider PLA credit, please contact the Graduate School at 501.916.3206, or via email at
Test scores on the ACT, SAT, and Accuplacer serve two purposes. The first is to serve as criteria for admission, and the second is to help decide the placement of students into the appropriate courses. The most current information for course eligibility standards and developmental course options can be found on our Testing Services webpage located at
These provisions apply to baccalaureate degrees:
- Hours earned as credit by examination are counted as hours toward graduation but are not counted as hours in residence. See “Policy 503.5 – Credit by Examination.”
- A student may elect to graduate under the provisions of the UA Little Rock Undergraduate Catalog in effect during any semester in residence at UA Little Rock before qualifying for a degree. Students who interrupt their enrollment at UA Little Rock for more than five consecutive calendar years must use the catalog current at the time of readmission or later. A student transferring to UA Little Rock from institutionally or regionally accredited four-year institutions, community colleges, or junior colleges with 13 or more hours of accepted credit may graduate under the provisions of a UA Little Rock Undergraduate Catalog in effect during any semester of the previous five years in which they were enrolled at the other institution. Note: At no time may a student follow the provisions of a UA Little Rock Undergraduate Catalog that is more than five years old at the time of the student’s entry into UA Little Rock.
- A student enrolled at UA Little Rock who intends to enroll concurrently or a transient student at another institutionally or regionally accredited institution should obtain advance approval.
- A senior may participate in commencement exercises before the completion of all degree requirements if the student has:
- A cumulative 2.0 grade-point average on all work attempted at UA Little Rock.
- A cumulative 2.0 grade-point average in the academic major and the academic minor.
- No more than nine hours remaining to complete degree requirements.
- Submitted a graduation application following prescribed procedures. See “Graduation Procedure” in the UA Little Rock Undergraduate Catalog.
(Academic majors and colleges may specify more restrictive requirements that supersede these regulations and are detailed in the academic section of the catalog.)
Policy 507.1 – Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Requirements, January 5, 2015.
Commencement Participation
A senior may participate in commencement exercises before the completion of all degree requirements if the student has achieved the following:
- A cumulative 2.0 grade-point average on all work attempted at UA Little Rock.
- A cumulative 2.0 Grade point in the academic major and the academic minor.
- No more than nine hours remaining to complete degree requirements.
- Submitted a graduation application following prescribed procedures. See “Graduation.”
Academic Adjustment
In compliance with federal regulations, it is the policy of UA Little Rock to respond to student requests for course accommodation, substitution, and other adjustments because of a documented disability on an individual basis and in a manner that does not result in discrimination. Where requests are complex and not easily handled through the regular course substitution procedures, an established committee will review the case and decide.
Students who wish to request academic adjustments because of a disability should consult the academic adjustment procedures, which are printed in the UA Little Rock Student Handbook, or contact Disability Resource Center at (501) 916-3143.
The syllabus for each UA Little Rock course should include the following statement:
Students with Disabilities: Your success in this class is important to me, and it is the policy and practice of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to create inclusive learning environments consistent with federal and state law. If you have a documented disability (or need to have a disability documented) and require accommodation, please contact me privately as soon as possible, so that we can discuss with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) how to meet your specific needs and the requirements of the course. The DRC offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process among you, your instructor(s), and the DRC. Thus, if you have a disability, please contact me and/or the DRC, at 501.916.3143 (V/TTY) or 501.246.8296 (VP). For more information, go to
Academic Dishonesty
The student has the right to attend classes until the appeal is resolved. The student may not withdraw from a course while an allegation of academic dishonesty in that course is being adjudicated. If the student withdraws from a course after receiving notification of an allegation of academic dishonesty; the student will be reinstated, pending final adjudication of the allegation.
After the adjudication process:
- If academic dishonesty is found, a grade of “F” in the course is assigned, then the failing grade will be recorded and remain on the student’s transcript.
- If academic dishonesty is found, and a penalty less than a grade of “F” for the course is assigned, then the student may continue in the course or withdraw from the course at that time.
- If academic dishonesty is not found, the student may continue in the course or withdraw from the course at that time.
- If the adjudication process is not completed before the end of the semester, a temporary grade not affecting the student’s GPA will be submitted until the adjudication process is completed.
The student may retake a course in which a grade of “F” is assigned as a penalty for academic dishonesty. However, in such cases, the original grade of “F” will not be replaced but instead, be included in the calculation of the student’s cumulative GPA along with the subsequent grade received.
Academic Hours
UA Little Rock students are encouraged to spend sufficient time outside of classes to master the subject content of their courses. Academic working hours include the time spent in classes as well as the time spent outside of classes on homework. The number of academic working hours can vary widely from student to student, depending on the preparation and ability of the student, the norms of different academic disciplines, and the expectations of individual faculty members.
However, an average academic workload can be estimated from the general thumb rule that at least two hours of homework per hour of classes are necessary for an average student to master subject content with average (‘C’) grades.
Thus, the minimum number of academic working hours per week can be estimated by multiplying total credit hours by a factor of three. For example, a full-time student taking 15 credit hours should plan to spend at least 45 academic working hours per week attending classes and doing homework, e.g., reading, writing, studying, etc. Mastering the subject content of courses with above-average (‘B’) or superior (‘A’) grades may require more time and effort. Finally, since mastery of subject content is the goal, no amount of study time can guarantee academic success–course grades and course credits are awarded for mastery of subject content, not time on task.
Academic Offenses
The most common offenses subject to grade penalty and/or disciplinary action are:
- Cheating on an examination or quiz: To give or receive, to offer or solicit information on any quiz or examination including (a) copying from another student’s paper; (b) using prepared materials, notes, or texts other than those specifically permitted by the professor during an examination; (c) collaborating with another student during an examination; (d) buying, selling, stealing, soliciting, or transmitting an examination, or any material purported to be the unreleased content of an upcoming examination or the use of such material; (e) substituting for another person during an examination or allowing such substitution for oneself; (1) bribing a person to obtain examination information.
- Plagiarism: To adopt and reproduce as one’s own, to appropriate for one’s use and incorporate in one’s work without acknowledgment, the ideas of others or passages from their writings and works.
- Collusion: To obtain from another party, without specific approval in advance by the professor, assistance in the production of work offered for credit to the extent that the work reflects the ideas or skills of the party consulted rather than those of the person in whose name the work is submitted.
- Duplicity: To offer for credit previously submitted work in two or more courses, without specific advance approval of the professors involved.
The university has developed certain regulations to make possible an orderly academic environment where all members of the community have the freedom to develop to the fullest extent.
Academic dishonesty cannot be condoned or tolerated in the university community. Such behavior is considered a student conduct violation and students found responsible for committing an academic offense on the campus, or in connection with an institution-related or sponsored activity, or while representing the university or academic department, will be disciplined by the university.
Policy 501.13 – Academic Integrity and Grievance, May 17, 2021.
Academic Probation and Suspension
Students will be placed on academic probation at the end of the semester if their cumulative grade point average (GPA) drops below 2.0. Students on academic probation cannot enroll for more than 13 credit hours each semester. Students will continue on academic probation for as long as their cumulative GPA continues to remain below 2.0.
Students on probation or suspension must see their academic advisor. Additional campus services are offered to assist students in returning to good academic standing. Success Coaches and Student Support Specialists help students enhance academic skills such as note-taking, study habits, and test-taking strategies. They also help students address social/emotional/life challenges that may impact their academic success. Students should schedule a coaching or student support meeting by requesting an appointment at Student Success. Student-athletes on academic probation must report to their Academic Advisor or their coaching staff member in Athletics. Non-Degree Seeking Students are exempt from this requirement.
Suspension (From UA Little Rock)
Suspension occurs after the third successive semester of academic probation where the cumulative GPA and semester GPA is below 2.0. Students who have finished their academic suspension are required to contact the Office of Records and Registration (email: for information on how to have their suspension lifted. These returning students will be placed on academic probation with enrollment restriction which limits them to enrollment in a maximum of 13 credit hours. In addition, this status of academic probation after suspension status requires that the students achieve a semester GPA of 2.0 or greater for each term until the student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher. Failure to achieve a semester GPA of 2.0 or greater while in this probationary status will result in an academic suspension for two full semesters. Students will remain in this probationary status until their cumulative GPA rises above 2.0. Both International Freshmen and International Transfer Students on academic suspension must report to the Office of International Student Services so they can be informed of their options regarding their immigration status.
Students needing fewer than 18 credit hours to complete all academic requirements for graduation may request an exemption to the enrollment restriction from their academic advisor or department chairperson. If this request is approved, the Office of Records and Registration will need to be notified by the department so that the student’s record can be adjusted. Denial of this request may be appealed to the dean of the college and the provost.
Students admitted to the university with academic deficiencies will be limited to a maximum enrollment of 13 credit hours each semester. When such a student achieves both a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.0, the enrollment restriction will be removed. If the student fails to obtain the required semester or cumulative GPA, then the student will be placed on academic probation. Such students will not be subject to academic suspension until the end of the third semester unless they were admitted on a single-semester contract basis.
A student suspended from UA Little Rock who earns academic credit from another institutionally or regionally accredited college or university during the period of suspension may receive credit for the course at UA Little Rock when readmitted if the course is transferable.
Suspension (from an Institution Other than UA Little Rock)
A student under their first academic suspension from an institutionally or regionally accredited college or university may be admitted to UA Little Rock and allowed to enroll in a probationary status. The student may enroll for a maximum of 3 hours (Summer) or 7 hours (Spring and Fall) and must attain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Failure to attain the minimum 2.0 GPA in the first semester will result in a suspension from UA Little Rock.
Advanced Placement Program
Advanced Placement (AP) examinations are administered by selected secondary schools. Students who take AP exams should have official score reports sent directly to the Office of Testing Services for evaluation. You may also contact the College Board at (888) 225-5427 to request scores be released to UA Little Rock. the school code for UA Little Rock is 6368.
A list of AP course eligibility, exemption, or credit by score may be found on the Testing Services and Student Life Research website.
Attendance Requirements
Each faculty member has the prerogative of setting specific attendance requirements for classes. In some courses, active student participation is an integral part of the course, and the instructor may base a portion of the student’s grades on attendance and participation. In general, students are expected to attend class regularly. Students who miss class are responsible for finding out about the material covered, homework assignments, and any announcements or examinations.
On the 10th day of classes, students who have not attended class will be administratively withdrawn by the instructor. Students may be administratively withdrawn from a class by the instructor for excessive absences during the semester.
Auditing a Course
A student who may enroll in a course but not participate in the formal assignments of the class nor receive a grade or credit. Enrollment is entered on the student’s permanent record. Criteria to receive the audit grade may be set forth by the instructor of the course. Auditing is subject to the professor’s approval and the payment of the applicable fees. Auditors may not change their registration to credit after the deadline listed in the Academic Calendar, which is normally the end of the registration period.
Changes in Enrollment (Course Drop Dates)
A student can drop a course up to the 5th day of classes through the schedule change process. Dropping a course in this period will not result in a record of the drop on the student’s transcript. From the 6th day through the 41st day of classes, a student wishing to drop a class must follow the course drop process as found on the Office of Records and Registration website. Courses cannot be dropped after the 41st day of classes. The cutoff dates in this paragraph refer to the day of classes in a 15-week semester (five days equals one week). In shorter semesters the cut-off dates will be adjusted proportionately. See the Academic Calendar for course drop dates.
Any undergraduate student who has previously attended UA Little Rock or its predecessor institutions (Little Rock Junior College or Little Rock University) and whose attendance at UA Little Rock or any institution of higher education has been interrupted for at least two years may qualify to request academic clemency providing he or she meets all of the criteria specified below. Under this policy, a student may apply to have grades and credits earned at UA Little Rock previous to the separation removed from his or her grade point average. Approval of a request for clemency requires the signature of the student’s advisor and the provost.
After re‐entering UA Little Rock following a separation of at least two years from any institution of higher education, a student may request academic clemency at the Office of Records and Registration. The student shall specify the term(s) for which clemency is desired. The request will be forwarded, along with appropriate permanent record information, to the student’s advisor for approval. The advisor shall forward the request to the provost.
Clemency shall cover all credits earned during the term(s) for which clemency is requested. A student who requests and receives academic clemency remains eligible to graduate with honors under the Honors policy (501.7). The student’s complete record will remain on the transcript with the added notation of academic clemency received.
Any petition for academic clemency must be requested and granted before the awarding of a degree. Once the degree is awarded, the record is closed and the academic clemency policy cannot be invoked.
Academic clemency may be approved only once. For purposes of degree requirements, a student who receives clemency must follow the provisions of the Undergraduate Catalog in effect at the time of re-enrollment.
UA Little Rock participates in an online consortium through Acadeum that offers online courses through consortia partnerships for students to enroll in for University credit. Upon advising students to take these courses, the program faculty and the Provost’s Office will approve these courses. Acadeum courses are listed on the UA Little Rock transcript as UA Little Rock’s courses and are included in attempted hours, earned hours, and grade point averages. Once enrolled, students in courses hosted by a partner institution will be contacted directly by the host school through their UA Little Rock email address. Students are required to meet all requirements as outlined by the host school and will be required to meet all add/drop and withdrawal dates published by the host school for each Acadeum course. Tuition for Acadeum courses will be assessed based on the University tuition rates and financial policies for the term in which the student is enrolled.
Course Load and Enrollment Limits
UA Little Rock must define enrollment statuses by the mandate of the U.S. Department of Education. These definitions are used to determine eligibility for financial aid and scholarships and are used consistently throughout the campus.
- A full-time undergraduate student must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours a semester. (Note: Some scholarships may require additional hours.)
- A three-quarter-time undergraduate student must be enrolled in 9 to 11 hours a semester.
- A half-time undergraduate student must be enrolled in 6, 7, or 8 hours a semester.
Undergraduate summer semester enrollment hours include hours from all summer terms. The full-time, three-quarter, and half-time enrollments are the same as the fall or spring semesters. Course load definitions for graduate students are different and can be found in the UA Little Rock Graduate Catalog.
A student may not enroll for more than 18 credit hours in a regular semester (Fall or Spring) or more than 7 credit hours in a five-week Summer term without the prior permission of the person who approves his or her degree plan.
Please see the “Academic Hours” section for an expectation of hours spent out of the classroom.
Courses Taken at Other Colleges and Universities
Students may choose to enroll at another college or institution that is institutionally or regionally accredited as recognized by the US Department of Education while attending UA Little Rock. To ensure that the credit for coursework to be taken elsewhere meets UA Little Rock degree program requirements, students should contact the Office of Transfer Student Services if the course is to count toward core requirements and contact their major advisor and minor program coordinator if the course is to count toward major or minor requirements. This should be done before taking the coursework.
Credit by Examination
UA Little Rock offers students the opportunity to obtain credit through examinations in certain courses. There are currently six sources of examination credit:
- Departmental Examination Program (DEP)
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Excelsior College Examinations (formerly Regents College and ACT-PEP)
- Advanced Placement Program (AP)
- Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
All tests conform to these general regulations:
- Students who successfully test out of a course shall receive credit hours for that course with a credit grade (CR) but no grade points.
- The examination shall be administered at least once per semester and in such a manner as to facilitate access for the student.
- Departmental tests and CLEP subject examinations are administered at UA Little Rock. Excelsior College Examinations are computer-based tests administered at Pearson VUE Testing Centers. Any prospective, currently enrolled, or continuing student may take these tests.
Students who take CLEP, AP, DANT, ES, IB, or Excelsior College Examinations should have official score reports sent directly to the Office of Testing Services for evaluation. Credit obtained through examination is recorded as approved hours on the student’s official, permanent record without grade or grade points after the student has been enrolled at UA Little Rock for one semester. Additional information may be obtained from Testing Services by calling (501) 916-3198 or at
Developmental Courses
If a student does not meet the minimum score for eligibility in math, composition, and/or reading, that student must be enrolled in a developmental course to gain the skills necessary to be successful in those classes. The developmental courses at UA Little Rock are MATH 0321 Pre-Core Mathematics I, RHET 0310 - Writing and Reading Strategies , and RHET 0321 - Academic Literacy . The university admission policy requires that all developmental courses be completed during a student’s first 42 hours of coursework.
Students may not take any developmental course at UA Little Rock more than twice. A student is considered to have taken a developmental course if he or she receives a grade of NC or W for the course. Students who have failed to pass a particular developmental course twice should speak to their advisors or the department offering the course to explore other options for covering the material. A student is not considered to have taken a developmental course if he or she has been granted academic clemency since that time.
Developmental Courses and GPA
Grades from developmental courses will not be computed into a student’s official grade point average (GPA). Credit hours earned from developmental courses do not count towards the minimum required for the student’s degree.
Final Examinations
Final examinations must be taken at the time scheduled. Makeup examinations may be given to students who, because of unforeseeable circumstances involving illness, accident, or serious family emergency, were unable to take the regular examination. Such exams will be given only with the approval of the instructor and the department chairperson.
Grade Changes
All grade changes must be approved by the department chairperson under whose jurisdiction the course was taught. Forms for securing that approval are available in the departmental offices. Grades cannot be changed after a student graduates from UA Little Rock.
A final course grade may not be changed based on a second final examination or additional course work undertaken or completed after a student’s final course grade has been reported by the instructor to the Office of Records and Registration.
Students at UA Little Rock have the right to appeal any grade that they feel was undeserved. The formal process through which a student can appeal a decision on a final grade is described in detail in the “Grade Appeals” section of the UA Little Rock Student Handbook, which is available in the Office of Educational and Student Services, Dean of Students,
Grades and Grading System
Grade reports are made available online to each student at the end of each semester in residence by accessing BOSS. If written confirmation is needed, contact the Office of Records and Registration.
Permanent letter grades |
Point Values |
A – Superior work |
4 |
B – Good work, above average |
3 |
C – Average work |
2 |
D – Passing work, below average |
1 |
F – Failing work |
0 |
I – Incomplete |
CR – Credit |
NC – No credit |
IP – In progress (Graduate Only) |
Administrative Symbols:
AU Audit
MG Missing grade
W Withdrawal
Students may take one course each semester on a “CR/NC” basis with instructor approval arranged at the time of registration. The selection of courses is limited to electives. Courses in which a department requires “CR/NC” grading are not included in this limitation.
The designation of “I” or incomplete, is appropriate where the instructor deems that circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented the timely completion of course requirements. The designation normally is given by the instructor only after consultation with the student and after the student has been informed in writing; additionally, a copy of the written notice is filed with the department chairperson regarding the work to be completed and the completion date.
The work must be completed and the “I” converted by the instructor to the appropriate grade within 90 days for undergraduate courses and within one year for graduate courses from the time the “I” was recorded. Failure to do so will result in the “I” being administratively changed to an “F.”
A request to extend the deadline to complete an “I” must be completed by the instructor and forwarded to the Office of Records and Registration before the 90-day expiration date. The request must include a specific date by which all coursework will be completed.
Graduation Process
Students must apply for fall, spring, or summer terms to be considered for graduation for that term. Refer to the Office of Records and Registration website for exact dates. If the student does not meet the original expected term graduation date, he or she must reapply.
To be included in the Fall or Spring Commencement Program, all fall or spring applicants must submit their application online. The graduation application is completed by going to the secure portion of BOSS.
- Go to BOSS and log in.
- Once you log in select “Student Services” and select “Graduation Applications” to complete the online application.
Program printing deadlines will not enable the University to include the names of students submitting applications after the deadline. Please refer to BOSS for more information.
Students pursuing a double major must submit two graduation applications.
Graduation Term
To be awarded a degree in the term of graduation, a student must complete all requirements and obligations no later than the date grades are due as listed in the Academic Calendar. This includes but is not limited to grades of “I” “MG” and “IP.” Students failing to meet this deadline must reapply for graduation and will be awarded their UA Little Rock degree the following term, provided all requirements have been met.
Chancellor’s and Dean’s List
Names of undergraduate students whose academic performances have been superior are recorded on the Chancellor’s and the Dean’s Lists. This recognition is also noted on the student’s grade report and official transcripts. This status will be granted at the end of each semester in which the following qualifications have been met:
Chancellor’s List:
- At least nine hours for credit with a grade of A, B, C, or CR
- At least a 3.9 grade-point average for the semester
- No D, F, I, or NC grades on the semester grade report
Dean’s List:
- At least nine hours for credit with a grade of A, B, C, or CR
- At least a 3.5 grade-point average for the semester
- No D, F, I, or NC grades on the semester grade report
Departmental Honors
Several departments at UA Little Rock offer honors programs to exceptional students. Admission to an honors program is generally tied to the student’s grade point average and year standing and may require nomination by a faculty member. Such programs are distinct from graduation with honors; in addition to meeting and maintaining a certain grade-point average, qualifying students also take a special curriculum in the major. Requirements may include advanced study, seminars, or a research project and presentation. Departmental honors are posted on the student’s academic transcript at graduation. Contact individual departments for more information.
Graduation Honors
To qualify for graduation honors, a student must have completed a minimum of 60 hours in residence at UA Little Rock. Graduation honors are calculated on all academic work completed in UA Little Rock credit-bearing courses. For repeated courses, only the grade from the final iteration of the course will be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average for determining graduation honors. All work completed at all other institutions, whether accepted as transfer credit at UA Little Rock or not, will not be included in the final calculation of honors (except as noted below).
The bachelor’s degree with honors will be conferred upon candidates who graduate and earn a minimum cumulative grade point on all credit courses taken at UA Little Rock as follows:
- Summa cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.90
- Magna cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.70
- Cum laude: minimum grade point average of 3.50
Students who do not complete the minimum of 60 hours in residence at UA Little Rock may request, in writing, that all work completed at all other institutions, whether accepted as transfer credit at UA Little Rock or not, be used in the final calculation of honors. Requests can be sent to the Records office via email at For repeated courses at other institutions, only the grade from the final iteration of the course will be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average for determining graduation honors. Some courses from institutions outside of the U.S. are calculated in the admissions process on a pass/not pass basis. For a student to be considered for honors, all credentials from institutions outside of the U.S. must be evaluated to determine an A, B, or C equivalency.
Students granted academic clemency are still eligible to qualify for graduation honors, but they must complete a minimum of 60 hours in residence at UA Little Rock, not including the hours for which clemency was granted.
The associate degree with honors will be conferred upon candidates who have completed a minimum of 30 hours in residence at UA Little Rock and graduated earned a minimum cumulative grade point of 3.7 on all academic work completed in UA Little Rock credit-bearing courses. The recipient must have met all requirements for graduation with an associate degree and must not have completed more than 83 credit hours. Students who are granted academic clemency are still eligible to receive an associate degree with honors, but they must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residence at UA Little Rock, not including the hours for which clemency was granted.
A student who has earned a baccalaureate degree from UA Little Rock and is pursuing a second baccalaureate degree at UA Little Rock is granted graduation honors based on the credit hours earned after the posting of the first degree. If fewer than 30 credit hours are completed at UA Little Rock after completion of the first UA Little Rock degree, the level of graduation honors can be no higher than that obtained on the first degree. If 30 or more credit hours are completed at UA Little Rock after completion of the first UA Little Rock degree, the level of graduation honors on the second degree is based on the cumulative grade point average on coursework after the first degree.
Students who graduate from another college or university and pursue a second undergraduate degree at UA Little Rock must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residence at UA Little Rock to be eligible for honors. Graduation honors on the second degree are based on the cumulative grade point average on all UA Little Rock coursework after the first degree.
University and departmental honors (but not awards) may be posted on the academic transcript.
For more information, visit the Academic Honors Policy
Repeated Courses
If an undergraduate student repeats a course for credit, only the last grade will be computed into the cumulative grade point average. (The earlier grade will remain on the transcript with an “E” indicating exclusion from the grade point average.)
If there have been any changes in course numbers or titles, the student must first obtain the approval of the chairperson of the department offering the course to be assured it is an identical course.
Once a degree has been awarded, repeated courses will not be accepted.
Student Classifications
Freshman: a student who has satisfactorily completed fewer than 30 credit hours.
Sophomore: a student who has satisfactorily completed at least 30 credit hours and fewer than 60 credit hours.
Junior: a student who has satisfactorily completed at least 60 credit hours and fewer than 90 credit hours.
Senior: a student who has satisfactorily completed at least 90 credit hours.
Regular: a student who is admitted as a degree candidate.
Temporary: a student who is admitted as non-degree seeking. See the “Admissions ” page for additional classifications.
Transient: a student who is admitted for one semester or summer and who is in good standing at his or her primary institution.
Post-baccalaureate: a student who has already earned a baccalaureate degree and is enrolled in undergraduate work for credit.
Student Email
Student email accounts are created within 24 hours of class registration and are an official means of communication between the University and the student. Important University-related information will be sent to individual email accounts. Students are responsible for regularly reading email messages. Types of communication include but are not limited to financial aid information, inclement weather closings, e-bills and payment deadlines, registration information, and library notices. The UA Little Rock email system can be accessed through the UA Little Rock portal at
The Office of Records and Registration officially issues undergraduate and graduate University of Arkansas at Little Rock transcripts, except Bowen School of Law transcripts which are issued directly via Bowen School of Law. Please be aware that transcript requests require three days of processing regardless of how requests are submitted.
There are two ways to order and pay for a transcript:
- In-Person - Visit the Charles W. Donaldson Student Services Center 2nd floor lobby and sign in at the Information Desk for the Office of Records and Registration. You will receive a transcript order form that will require your payment of the transcript fee at the 1st-floor Cashier’s window.
- Online - Visit the Office of Records & Registration’s Transcript Request web page. If you are a current student, click on the left maroon button and log in with your Net ID and password. You will then be able to order your transcript. If you are a former student, click the button on the right, then enter a current email address and create a Parchment account. Once your account is created, you will be able to order your transcript. If you have any questions, please contact the Transcript Coordinator at 501-916-5596.
Second Language Requirement
Some degree programs require a demonstration of proficiency in a second language. Different programs have unique foreign language requirements. Check with your advisor or the Chair of the Department of World Languages at (501) 916-3272 to see if your program has a language requirement.
Options for completing program language requirements include the following:
- Completing requisite coursework at UA Little Rock in French and Spanish (offered through the Department of World Languages) and American Sign Language-English (offered by the School of Counseling, Human Performance and Rehabilitation (CHPR).
- Transferring foreign language credit from another college or university, including colleges or universities abroad.
- Testing out with the Computer Adaptive Placement Exam (CAPE) in French or Spanish, described in the Language Placement section below.
- Testing out with a score of 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement (AP) exam in a foreign language.
- Testing out with the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) in French or Spanish; contact the Department of World Languages for more information.
American Sign Language (ASL)
Options for completing program language requirements include the following:
- Completing a two-part test in American Sign Language administered by CHPR’s Interpreter Education Program (IEP). The first part of the test is a written multiple-choice exam; the second part is an interview with program faculty conducted in ASL. Contact CHPR at (501) 916-3253.
English as a Second Language
Options for completing program language requirements include the following:
Second language course waivers may be granted to students with verified disabilities after examination by a special committee. Students seeking such a waiver should contact the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at (501) 916-3204
Language Placement
If you studied a second language in high school or another college or university, or you have prior knowledge of a second language, you should take a placement exam before enrolling in a language course at UA Little Rock. The test is free, and your score is available immediately. The Computer Adaptive Placement Exam (CAPE) in Spanish and French is administered through the Office of Testing Services, located in Donaldson Student Services Center, Room 315. Scores are interpreted by the chair of the Department of World Languages. The CAPE exam is available in languages other than French and Spanish; contact World Languages at (501) 916-3204 for more information.
For placement in American Sign Language, contact the School of Counseling, Human Performance, and Rehabilitation at (501) 916-3272 for more information.