Mar 06, 2025
CHEM 44233 - (was 4342) Environmental Chemistry Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.
Was CHEM 4342. A survey of environmental chemistry. Topics covered will include the composition of the atmosphere and behavior; energy and climate; principles of photochemistry and atmospheric chemistry; petroleum and coal chemistry and associated environmental problems; chemistries of soaps and surfactants; halo organics and pesticides, water and air pollution (tropospheric and stratospheric), and connections to climate change; elemental and molecular environmental chemistry in the geological media; water cycle and water treatment; principles of nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry; nuclear environmental chemistry; and evaluation of sustainable energy sources. Students who have completed CHEM 44233 may not enroll in CHEM 54233. Dual listed in the Graduate Catalog as CHEM 54233 (was CHEM 5342).
Prerequisites: CHEM 36053 and CHEM 21033 with a grade of C or greater.
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