Feb 01, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 
Undergraduate Catalog
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MATH 1321 - Quantitative and Mathematical Reasoning

Three hours lecture. Three credit hours.

The overarching goal of Quantitative and Mathematical Reasoning is to provide students with mathematical understandings and skills to be productive workers, discerning consumers, and informed citizens. Students will solve problems using mathematical reasoning involving logic, proportions, algebra, and relations. In keeping with the tenets of student performance in a general education course, this course is designed to deliver instruction that focuses on process, conceptual understanding, communication, and problem-solving found in the following strands: (a) Personal, state and national finance (b) Statistics and probability (c) Mathematical modeling (d) Quantities and measurement. Students seeking a degree in a NonSTEM major are advised to take this course. Note: This course satisfies the state-mandated requirement for the baccalaureate degree. (ACTS Course Number MATH 1003)

Prerequisites: A grade of C or greater in Intermediate Algebra or an equivalent transfer course or a MATH ACT score of 19 or greater, or an SAT Mathematics score of 480 or greater.

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